Imperial News

Donors gather for the third Annual Fund lecture

Professor Stephen Curry

The third Annual Fund donor reception and lecture was held at the South Kensington Campus on Monday 5 October 2009.

The third Annual Fund donor reception and lecture, which provides an opportunity for the College to thank those who have given to the Annual Fund in the past fiscal year, was held at the South Kensington Campus on Monday.

Open to all alumni, staff and friends of the College who have donated to the Annual Fund in the past year, the Annual Fund donor reception recognises the generosity of these donors and gives them the opportunity to meet other supporters of the fund.

In his introductory address, Sir Roy Anderson, Rector of Imperial College London, thanked attendees for their gifts which, despite the current financial climate, were remarkable. The past year has seen over £550,000 raised from around 1,500 donors, an incredible achievement in such a harsh fiscal climate. These gifts are eligible for the UK government’s matched funding scheme, meaning that for every £3 contributed to the Annual Fund, the government will provide an additional £1 of public funding.

The Rector took this opportunity to introduce donors to the latest project being supported by the Annual Fund. The Sport Imperial Fund will support sporting achievement at Imperial by providing charitable support for clubs and societies and helping to fund the Developing Excellence Scheme, which provides scholarships for elite athletes at the College.  For more information, visit the Sport Imperial Fund webpage.

The lecture, entiltled “Wrestling with an invisible enemy, atom by atom”  was delivered by Professor Stephen Curry of the Department of Life Sciences. Primarily focusing on his work on foot and mouth disease, Professor Curry successfully simplified some very complex ideas, communicating these concepts in an engaging and witty manner to an audience with varying familiarity with the subject matter.

Following the lecture, the guests had the opportunity to mingle with the Rector and Professor Curry at an exclusive drinks reception in the Senior Common Room, where wine and canapés were provided.