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Journal articleGupta D, Earley MJ, Haywood GA, et al., 2007,
Can atrial fibrillation with a coarse electrocardiographic appearance be treated with catheter ablation of the tricuspid valve-inferior vena cava isthmus? Results of a multicentre randomised controlled trial
, HEART, Vol: 93, Pages: 688-693, ISSN: 1355-6037- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 3
Conference paperDhillon P, Shipolini A, Tsang V, et al., 2007,
A study of the relation between gap junction expression, conductance and conduction velocity in intact myocardium
, Annual Scientific Conference of the British-Cardiovascular-Society, Publisher: B M J PUBLISHING GROUP, Pages: A1-A1, ISSN: 1355-6037 -
Conference paperKoa-Wing M, Kanagaratnam P, Wallace D, et al., 2007,
Initial experience of catheter ablation using a novel remotely steerable catheter sheath system
, Annual Scientific Conference of the British-Cardiovascular-Society, Publisher: B M J PUBLISHING GROUP, Pages: A60-A61, ISSN: 1355-6037 -
Conference paperJarman J, Wong T, Spohr H, et al., 2007,
Novel observation of regions of highly organised activation and stable frequency during chronic atrial fibrillation in the human left atrium: Do they represent fixed drivers?
, Annual Scientific Conference of the British-Cardiovascular-Society, Publisher: B M J PUBLISHING GROUP, Pages: A3-A3, ISSN: 1355-6037 -
Conference paperKirubakaran S, Hall M, Peters N, et al., 2007,
Relative contribution of electrical and nonelectrical (structural) remodelling on the atrial fibrillation circuit size in the chronic goat model of atrial fibrillation
, Annual Scientific Conference of the British-Cardiovascular-Society, Publisher: B M J PUBLISHING GROUP, Pages: A56-A56, ISSN: 1355-6037 -
Journal articleSegal OR, Chow AWC, Markides V, et al., 2007,
Characterization of the effects of single ventricular extrastimuli on endocardial activation in human infarct-related ventricular tachycardia
, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, Vol: 49, Pages: 1315-1323, ISSN: 0735-1097- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 6
Journal articleKojodjojo P, Peters NS, Davies DW, et al., 2007,
Characterization of the electroanatomical substrate in human atrial fibrillation: The relationship between changes in atrial volume, refractoriness, wavefront propagation velocities, and AF burden
, JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY, Vol: 18, Pages: 269-275, ISSN: 1045-3873- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 44
Journal articleSegal OR, Wong T, Chow AWC, et al., 2007,
Intra-coronary guidewire mapping - A novel technique to guide ablation of human ventricular tachycardia
- Cite
- Citations: 18
Journal articleSegal OR, Chow AWC, Wong T, et al., 2007,
A novel algorithm for determining endocardial VT exit site from 12-lead surface ECG characteristics in human, infarct-related ventricular tachycardia
, JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY, Vol: 18, Pages: 161-168, ISSN: 1045-3873- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 31
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