BibTex format
author = {Pettit, JR and Walker, AE and Lowe, MJS},
doi = {10.1109/TUFFC.2015.007140},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control},
pages = {1797--1808},
title = {Improved Detection of Rough Defects for Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation Inspections Based on Finite Element Modeling of Elastic Wave Scattering},
url = {},
volume = {62},
year = {2015}
RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)
AB - Defects which possess rough surfaces greatly affectultrasonic wave scattering behaviour, usually reducing the magnitudeof reflected signals. Understanding and accurately predictingthe influence of roughness on signal amplitudes is crucial,especially in Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) for the inspectionof safety-critical components. An extension of Kirchhoff theoryhas formed the basis for many practical applications; however, itis widely recognised that these predictions are pessimistic owingto analytical approximations. A numerical full field modellingapproach does not fall victim to such limitations. Here, a FiniteElement (FE) modelling approach is used to develop a realisticmethodology for the prediction of expected back-scattering fromrough defects. The ultrasonic backscatter from multiple roughsurfaces defined by the same statistical class is calculated fornormal and oblique incidence. Results from FE models arecompared with Kirchhoff theory predictions and experimentalmeasurements in order to establish confidence in the newapproach. At lower levels of roughness excellent agreement isobserved between Kirchhoff theory, FE and experimental data,whilst at higher values the pessimism of Kirchhoff theory isconfirmed. An important distinction is made between the total,coherent and diffuse signals and it is observed, significantly, thatthe total signal amplitude is representative of the informationobtained during an inspection. This analysis provides a robustbasis for a less sensitive, yet safe, threshold for inspection ofrough defects.
AU - Pettit,JR
AU - Walker,AE
AU - Lowe,MJS
DO - 10.1109/TUFFC.2015.007140
EP - 1808
PY - 2015///
SN - 0885-3010
SP - 1797
TI - Improved Detection of Rough Defects for Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation Inspections Based on Finite Element Modeling of Elastic Wave Scattering
T2 - IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control
UR -
VL - 62
ER -