Department of Physics
We are proud to be one of the largest physics departments in the UK with an outstanding reputation for excellence in research, undergraduate education and postgraduate training.
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Physics is the science of matter, motion and energy, from neutrinos and subatomic particles through to the furthest galaxies. Explore fundamental forces and the origins of the universe by studying on one of our physics courses.
We offer undergraduate degree programmes, master level programmes, and PhD opportunities set across our thriving research communities. We have a vibrant and internationally leading research programme that provides a broad-based coverage of fundamental and applied physics, strongly supporting multidisciplinary collaborations and actively fostering the development of new fields. We are committed to providing a positive environment that supports everyone in reaching their potential.

I was drawn by the course structure. It is really flexible in terms of module choice, so you can really tailor the course to suit your interests. With a flexible course structure, the StudentShapers programme, combined with all the outreach activities hosted by the Department of Physics, I knew that Imperial was for me. Rebekah Christie Undergraduate studentMeet our undergraduate community

Public engagement
We are committed to sensitising the general public to scientific topics and issues by organising a wide range of outreach activities, such as events for the public and schools, and work experiences. Watch videos and other media of our pioneering staff talking about their research.
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