cohort4 grid
Alexander Mottram

Alexander Mottram
Transparent hybrid phototransistors
Kallie Heap
Kallie Heap
Conductive Polymers and Polymer Nanocomposites for Flexible Thermoelectrics - “NANOFLEXTE”
Pascal Cachelin
Pascal Cachelin
Chiral nematic liquid crystalline thin films incorporating reactive chiral dopants as sensors
Roger Jiang

Roger Jiang
Design of Cobalt Polypyridine Redox Couples for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
Thana Chotchuangchutchaval
Thana Chotchuangchutchaval
Optimisation and Functional Understanding of Self-Organized Hybrid Solar Cells
Xiaojun Liu

Xiaojun Liu
Quantum-dot sensitized solar cells