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  • Journal article
    Yu X, Nguyen T, Wu T, Ghajari Met al., 2022,

    Non-lethal blasts can generate cavitation in cerebrospinal fluid while severe helmeted impacts cannot: a novel mechanism for blast brain injury

    , Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Vol: 10, ISSN: 2296-4185

    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cavitation is a likely physical mechanism for producing traumatic brain injury (TBI) under mechanical loading. In this study, we investigated CSF cavitation under blasts and helmeted impacts which represented loadings in battlefield and road traffic/sports collisions. We first predicted the human head response under the blasts and impacts using computational modelling and found that the blasts can produce much lower negative pressure at the contrecoup CSF region than the impacts. Further analysis showed that the pressure waves transmitting through the skull and soft tissue are responsible for producing the negative pressure at the contrecoup region. Based on this mechanism, we hypothesised that blast, and not impact, can produce CSF cavitation. To test this hypothesis, we developed a one-dimensional simplified surrogate model of the head and exposed it to both blasts and impacts. The test results confirmed the hypothesis and computational modelling of the tests validated the proposed mechanism. These findings have important implications for prevention and diagnosis of blast TBI.

  • Journal article
    Singh RL, White S, Charlwood M, Keenan FP, Hyland C, Bailie D, Audet T, Sarri G, Rose SJ, Morton J, Baird C, Spindloe C, Riley Det al., 2022,

    L-shell X-Ray conversion yields for laser-irradiated tin and silver foils

    , Laser and Particle Beams, Vol: 2022, Pages: 1-10, ISSN: 0263-0346

    We have employed the VULCAN laser facility to generate a laser plasma X-ray source for use in photoionization experiments. A nanosecond laser pulse with an intensity of order 1015 Wcm−2 was used to irradiate thin Ag or Sn foil targets coated onto a parylene substrate, and the L-shell emission in the 3.3–4.4 keV range was recorded for both the laser-irradiated and nonirradiated sides. Both the experimental and simulation results show higher laser to X-ray conversion yields for Ag compared with Sn, with our simulations indicating yields approximately a factor of two higher than those found in the experiments. Although detailed angular data were not available experimentally, the simulations indicate that the emission is quite isotropic on the laser-irradiated side but shows close to a cosine variation on the nonirradiated side of the target as seen experimentally in the previous work.

  • Journal article
    Maler D, Efimov S, Liverts M, Theocharous S, Strucka J, Yao Y, Proud W, Rack A, Lukic B, Bland SN, Krasik YEet al., 2022,

    Peculiarities of planar shockwave interaction with air-water interface and solid target

    , PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol: 29, ISSN: 1070-664X
  • Journal article
    Halliday JWD, Crilly A, Chittenden J, Mancini RC, Merlini S, Rose S, Russell DR, Suttle LG, Valenzuela-Villaseca V, Bland SN, Lebedev SVet al., 2022,

    Investigating radiatively driven, magnetized plasmas with a university scale pulsed-power generator

    , Physics of Plasmas, Vol: 29, Pages: 1-13, ISSN: 1070-664X

    We present first results from a novel experimental platform which is able toaccess physics relevant to topics including indirect-drive magnetised ICF;laser energy deposition; various topics in atomic physics; and laboratoryastrophysics (for example the penetration of B-fields into HED plasmas). Thisplatform uses the X-Rays from a wire array Z-Pinch to irradiate a silicontarget, producing an outflow of ablated plasma. The ablated plasma expands intoambient, dynamically significant B-fields (~5 T) which are supported by thecurrent flowing through the Z-Pinch. The outflows have a well-defined(quasi-1D) morphology, enabling the study of fundamental processes typicallyonly available in more complex, integrated schemes. Experiments were fielded onthe MAGPIE pulsed-power generator (1.4 MA, 240 ns rise time). On this machine awire array Z-Pinch produces an X-Ray pulse carrying a total energy of ~15 kJover ~30 ns. This equates to an average brightness temperature of around 10 eVon-target.

  • Journal article
    McLean KW, Rose SJ, 2022,

    Multi-group radiation diffusion convergence in low-density foam experiments

    , Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol: 280, Pages: 1-13, ISSN: 0022-4073

    We present an in-depth analysis of a Marshak radiation wave moving through an iron-oxide (Fe2O3) foamusing a 1D multigroup diffusive radiation transport model, MDART (Multigroup Diffusion Algorithm forRadiation Transport). We consider the consequences of under-resolving the group structure and addresshow this could lead to incorrect conclusions in the analysis of general supersonic radiation wave experiments. We also provide an analysis of the types of experimental outcome one may incorrectly link tophysical effects but are in fact due to poor simulation practice.

  • Conference paper
    Tsukada H, Nguyen TTN, Breeze J, Masouros SDet al., 2022,

    Fragment penetration into the heart: initial findings

    , IRCOBI 2021, Pages: 789-790

    Explosive devices have been a significant cause of injury in terrorist attacks and in conflict. The mainmechanism of the resulting injury is due to fragments energised by the blast wave; these fragments have beenfound across different regions of the human body [1]. Injuries with high severity to the torso have been recordedin suicide bombings against civilians [2-3], whereas this body region is largely protected in military personnel.Predicting the probability of severe penetrating injuries is essential for improving emergency response,medical services, and the design of large infrastructure in order to minimise the number of casualties and improvetheir treatment alike. One way of predicting the penetrating injuries is to use human tissue surrogates. Currently,tissue surrogates such as ballistic gelatine at 10% and 20% concentration are widely used to replicate penetratinginjuries to soft tissues. These have been shown to replicate penetrating injuries in porcine muscle [4]. There areno tissue surrogates, however, which have been shown to allow for quantifying the probability of penetratinginjuries to the vital organs of the torso. This study aims to quantify the risk of severe injury to cardiac tissue anddetermine a biofidelic tissue surrogate for it.

  • Journal article
    Nguyen TT, Breeze J, Masouros S, 2022,

    Penetration of Energised Metal Fragments to Porcine Thoracic Tissues

    , Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, ISSN: 0148-0731

    Energised fragments from explosive devices have been the most common mechanism of injury to both military personnel and civilians in recent conflicts and terrorist attacks. Fragments that penetrate into the thoracic cavity are strongly associated with death due to the inherent vulnerability of the underlying structures. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of fragment-simulating projectiles (FSPs) to tissues of the thorax in order to identify the thresholds of impact velocity for perforation through these tissues and the resultant residual velocity of the FSPs. A gas-gun system was used to launch 0.78-g cylindrical and 1.13-g spherical FSPs at intact porcine thoracic tissues from different impact locations. The sternum and rib bones were the most resistant to perforation, followed by the scapula and intercostal muscle. For both FSPs, residual velocity following perforation was linearly proportional to impact velocity. These findings can be used in the development of numerical tools for predicting the medical outcome of explosive events, which in turn can inform the design of public infrastructure, of personal protection, and of medical emergency response.

  • Conference paper
    Strucka J, Yanuka D, Theocharous S, Rososhek A, Maler D, Yao Y, Lukic B, Olbinado M, Rack A, Krasik YE, Chittenden J, Bland SNet al., 2022,

    Direct Observation of Multimode Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability Seeded by Electrothermal Instability in Dielectrically Tamped Exploding Wires

    , ISSN: 0730-9244

    We report on results from an experiment conducted at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Microtomography Beamline investigating the use of conductors submerged underwater and vaporised by high current densities ∼1012 A/m2 to seed plasma instabilities.

  • Journal article
    Strucka J, Halliday JWD, Gheorghiu T, Horton H, Krawczyk B, Moloney P, Parker S, Rowland G, Schwartz N, Stanislaus S, Theocharous S, Wilson C, Zhao Z, Shelkovenko TA, Pikuz SA, Bland SNet al., 2022,

    A portable X-pinch design for x-ray diagnostics of warm dense matter

    , Matter and Radiation at Extremes, Vol: 7, Pages: 1-11, ISSN: 2468-080X

    We describe the design and x-ray emission properties (temporal, spatial, and spectral) of Dry Pinch I, a portable X-pinch driver developed at Imperial College London. Dry Pinch I is a direct capacitor discharge device, 300 × 300 × 700 mm3 in size and ∼50 kg in mass, that can be used as an external driver for x-ray diagnostics in high-energy-density physics experiments. Among key findings, the device is shown to reliably produce 1.1 ± 0.3 ns long x-ray bursts that couple ∼50 mJ of energy into photon energies from 1 to 10 keV. The average shot-to-shot jitter of these bursts is found to be 10 ± 4.6 ns using a combination of x-ray and current diagnostics. The spatial extent of the x-ray hot spot from which the radiation emanates agrees with previously published results for X-pinches—suggesting a spot size of 10 ± 6 µm in the soft energy region (1–10 keV) and 190 ± 100 µm in the hard energy region (>10 keV). These characteristics mean that Dry Pinch I is ideally suited for use as a probe in experiments driven in the laboratory or at external facilities when more conventional sources of probing radiation are not available. At the same time, this is also the first detailed investigation of an X-pinch operating reliably at current rise rates of less than 1 kA/ns.

  • Conference paper
    Bott-Suzuki S, Banasek JT, Cordaro S, Bland SN, Yan J, Parker S, Chittenden Jet al., 2022,

    Developments in Long-Risetime Pulsed Power Research at UC San Diego

    , ISSN: 0730-9244

    We present construction and initial plasma experiments on a newly developed pulsed power generator at UC San Diego. The generator comprises 6 × 3.4uF capacitors in parallel which are individually switched into a simple radial feed and vacuum section. A charge voltage of 50kV means operation of the entire device can take place in air at atmospheric pressure, simplifying both construction and operation. 4-channel trigatron-style switches are triggered using a novel spiralswound transformer developed at Imperial College London. PSpice circuit models project peak currents of ∼750kA in a 1.2ms risetime, and comparisons to short circuit and load data will be presented.

  • Conference paper
    Bland SN, Theocharous S, Chittenden J, Strucka J, Yao Y, Rososhek A, Efimov S, Krasik YE, Maler D, Lukic B, Rack Aet al., 2022,

    Target Compression from Shock Waves Driven in Insulators by Wire Explosion

    , ISSN: 0730-9244

    We explore the production of highly uniform, initially planar shockwaves in water and other insulators by the pulsed power driven explosion of wire arrays. The shockwaves are then either directly interacted with small, low density spherical targets or focused via shaped reflectors onto these targets to increase the drive pressures.

  • Conference paper
    Halliday JWD, Crilly A, Chittenden J, Merlini S, Rose S, Russell D, Suttle LG, Mancini RC, Valenzuela-Villaseca V, Bland SN, Lebedev SVet al., 2022,

    An Experimental Study of Magnetic Flux Penetration in Radiatively Driven Plasma Flows

    , ISSN: 0730-9244

    In this talk we present measurements from a novel platform in which the X-Rays from a wire-array Z-Pinch irradiate a silicon target, producing an outflow of ablated silicon plasma. This ablated plasma expands into ambient, dynamically significant magnetic fields (B ∼ 5 T) which are supported by the current flowing through the Z-Pinch.

  • Conference paper
    Fox MFJ, Bland S, Mangles SPD, McGinty Jet al., 2022,

    Expectations of how student views on experimental physics develop during an undergraduate degree

    , Physics Education Research Conference (PERC), Publisher: AMER ASSOC PHYSICS TEACHERS, Pages: 182-187, ISSN: 2377-2379
  • Journal article
    Halliday JWD, Bland SN, Hare JD, Parker S, Suttle LG, Russell DR, Lebedev SVet al., 2021,

    A time-resolved imaging system for the diagnosis of x-ray self-emission in high energy density physics experiments

    , Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol: 92, Pages: 123507-123507, ISSN: 0034-6748

    A diagnostic capable of recording spatially and temporally resolved x-ray self-emission data was developed to characterize experiments on the MAGPIE pulsed-power generator. The diagnostic used two separate imaging systems: a pinhole imaging system with two-dimensional spatial resolution and a slit imaging system with one-dimensional spatial resolution. The two-dimensional imaging system imaged light onto the image plate. The one-dimensional imaging system imaged light onto the same piece of image plate and a linear array of silicon photodiodes. This design allowed the cross-comparison of different images, allowing a picture of the spatial and temporal distribution of x-ray self-emission to be established. The design was tested in a series of pulsed-power-driven magnetic-reconnection experiments.

  • Journal article
    Tilikin IN, Shelkovenko TA, Pikuz SA, Bland SNet al., 2021,

    Multiframe point-projection radiography imaging based on hybrid X-pinch

    , Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol: 92, Pages: 1-5, ISSN: 0034-6748

    This paper demonstrates the possibility of using a new configuration of the hybrid X-pinch to produce a set of spatially and temporarily separate x-ray bursts that could be used for the radiography of dynamic events. To achieve this, a longer than normal wire is placed between the conical electrodes of the hybrid X-pinch, and a set of small spacers (fishing weights) is placed along the wire. Each subsection of the wire then acts as a unique X-pinch, producing its own radiation burst from a small (∼3 µm) spot. The timing between bursts is 20–50 ns, and each is <2 ns in duration. For comparison, if a longer wire is simply employed without spacers, hotspots of radiation occur in random positions and the time between any two bursts does not exceed 20 ns. Examples of two and three frame point-projection radiography of solid-state and plasma test objects are given.

  • Journal article
    Kettle B, Hollatz D, Gerstmayr E, Samarin GM, Alejo A, Astbury S, Baird C, Bohlen S, Campbell M, Colgan C, Dannheim D, Gregory C, Harsh H, Hatfield P, Hinojosa J, Katzir Y, Morton J, Murphy CD, Nurnberg A, Osterhoff J, Perez-Callejo G, Poder K, Rajeev PP, Roedel C, Roeder F, Salgado FC, Sarri G, Seidel A, Spannagel S, Spindloe C, Steinke S, Streeter MJ, Thomas AGR, Underwood C, Watt R, Zepf M, Rose SJ, Mangles SPDet al., 2021,

    A laser-plasma platform for photon-photon physics: the two photon Breit-Wheeler process

    , New Journal of Physics, Vol: 23, ISSN: 1367-2630

    We describe a laser–plasma platform for photon–photon collision experiments to measure fundamental quantum electrodynamic processes. As an example we describe using this platform to attempt to observe the linear Breit–Wheeler process. The platform has been developed using the Gemini laser facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. A laser Wakefield accelerator and a bremsstrahlung convertor are used to generate a collimated beam of photons with energies of hundreds of MeV, that collide with keV x-ray photons generated by a laser heated plasma target. To detect the pairs generated by the photon–photon collisions, a magnetic transport system has been developed which directs the pairs onto scintillation-based and hybrid silicon pixel single particle detectors (SPDs). We present commissioning results from an experimental campaign using this laser–plasma platform for photon–photon physics, demonstrating successful generation of both photon sources, characterisation of the magnetic transport system and calibration of the SPDs, and discuss the feasibility of this platform for the observation of the Breit–Wheeler process. The design of the platform will also serve as the basis for the investigation of strong-field quantum electrodynamic processes such as the nonlinear Breit–Wheeler and the Trident process, or eventually, photon–photon scattering.

  • Conference paper
    Baggott RA, Rose SJ, Mangles SPD, 2021,

    Temperature Equilibration Due to Charge State Fluctuations in Dense Plasmas

    , ISSN: 0730-9244

    The charge states of ions in dense plasmas fluctuate due to collisional ionization and recombination. In this work we show how, by modifying the ion interaction potential, these fluctuations can mediate energy exchange between the plasma electrons and ions. We also develop a theoretical framework for this novel electron-ion energy transfer mechanism.

  • Journal article
    Yan J, Parker S, Bland S, 2021,

    An investigation into high-voltage spiral generators utilizing thyristor input switches

    , IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol: 36, Pages: 10005-10019, ISSN: 0885-8993

    High-voltage nanosecond pulses are widely used in scientific research, but their wider adoption in industry requires compact, cost-effective, and easy to use generators to be developed. This article presents the modeling and experimental investigations into one method of producing such pulses-a spiral generator with a solid-state-thyristor-based input switch. It includes how the pulses are formed within the spiral, why a high-speed input switch is required, and how the geometry of the spiral dictates its output characteristics and the effects of different loads. Using thyristors, often connected in series to increase the operating voltage of the spiral, enables the spiral generators to have low jitter, high repetition rate, and long lifetime. Modeling of the circuit used a combination of telegraph equations to account for the wave propagation along the spiral and a lumped circuit exchanging charge between the spiral and the input switch and load. The model is verified by the detailed experimental results with the relative error being <; 10% in most cases. The output voltage pulse was often observed to have an initial peak of much lower magnitude than the subsequent peak(s)-which can only be fully explained by considering wave propagation effects. Lower input switch inductance, shorter switching time, larger mean diameter of the spiral, and increasing the width of the copper tape that makes up the spiral can all increase the voltage multiplication efficiency. Although increasing the number of turns that makes up the spiral can increase the output voltage, it can also lower the multiplication efficiency. By understanding the effects of different geometries, the spiral can be optimized to drive different loads-three applications of such spiral generators are then presented-pulses with 10 kV amplitude and 10 kHz repetition rate for driving dielectric barrier discharge plasma, pulses with amplitude of 10 kV and 10 kV/ns rising rate for triggering of advanced solid-sta

  • Journal article
    Rose SJ, Hatfield PW, 2021,

    Astronomy Domine: advancing science with a burning plasma

    , Contemporary Physics, Vol: 62, Pages: 14-23, ISSN: 0010-7514

    Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) is a subject that has been studied for decades, because of its potential for clean energy generation. Although thermonuclear fusion has been achieved, the energy out has always been considerably less than the energy in, so high energy gain with a burning thermonuclear plasma is still some way off. A multitude of new science has come from the ICF programme that is relevant outside the field (typically in astrophysics). What we look at in this text is what new science can come from the much more extreme conditions that would be created in the laboratory if a burning ICF plasma could be created -- in terms of energy density the most extreme macroscopic environment ever created. We show that this could impact science from particle physics through astrophysics and on to cosmology. We also believe that the experiments that we propose here are only a small part of the science that will be opened up when a burning thermonuclear plasma is created in the laboratory.

  • Journal article
    Baggott RA, Rose S, Mangles SPD, 2021,

    Temperature equilibration due to charge state fluctuations in dense plasmas

    , Physical Review Letters, Vol: 27, ISSN: 0031-9007

    The charge states of ions in dense plasmas fluctuate due to collisionalionization and recombination. Here we show how, by modifying the ioninteraction potential, these fluctuations can mediate energy exchange betweenthe plasma electrons and ions. Moreover, we develop a theory for this novelelectron-ion energy transfer mechanism. Calculations using a random walkapproach for the fluctuations suggest that the energy exchange rate from chargestate fluctuations could be comparable to direct electron-ion collisions. Thismechanism is, however, predicted to exhibit a complex dependence on thetemperature and ionization state of the plasma, which could contribute to ourunderstanding of significant variation in experimental measurements ofequilibration times.

  • Journal article
    Spencer Kelly R, Hart LJF, Rose SJ, 2021,

    An investigation of efficient muon production for use in muon catalyzed fusion

    , Journal of Physics: Energy, Vol: 3, Pages: 1-7, ISSN: 2515-7655

    We model the energy cost of producing muons for use in muon catalyzed fusion and show that by careful design the cost can be reduced by a factor of 2.5 below current values. This is done by recapturing the kinetic energy of waste particles and generating heat through tritium breeding. When put together with the modeling of muon catalyzed fusion we estimate that electrical output/electrical input of 14% can be achieved currently.

  • Journal article
    Maler D, Efimov S, Rososhek A, Bland SN, Krasik YEet al., 2021,

    Generation of supersonic jets from underwater electrical explosions of wire arrays

    , PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol: 28, ISSN: 1070-664X
  • Journal article
    Hatfield PW, Gaffney JA, Anderson GJ, Ali S, Antonelli L, Başeğmez du Pree S, Citrin J, Fajardo M, Knapp P, Kettle B, Kustowski B, MacDonald MJ, Mariscal D, Martin ME, Nagayama T, Palmer CAJ, Peterson JL, Rose S, Ruby JJ, Shneider C, Streeter MJV, Trickey W, Williams Bet al., 2021,

    The data-driven future of high-energy-density physics

    , Nature, Vol: 593, Pages: 351-361, ISSN: 0028-0836

    High-energy-density physics is the field of physics concerned with studying matter at extremely high temperatures and densities. Such conditions produce highly nonlinear plasmas, in which several phenomena that can normally be treated independently of one another become strongly coupled. The study of these plasmas is important for our understanding of astrophysics, nuclear fusion and fundamental physics—however, the nonlinearities and strong couplings present in these extreme physical systems makes them very difficult to understand theoretically or to optimize experimentally. Here we argue that machine learning models and data-driven methods are in the process of reshaping our exploration of these extreme systems that have hitherto proved far too nonlinear for human researchers. From a fundamental perspective, our understanding can be improved by the way in which machine learning models can rapidly discover complex interactions in large datasets. From a practical point of view, the newest generation of extreme physics facilities can perform experiments multiple times a second (as opposed to approximately daily), thus moving away from human-based control towards automatic control based on real-time interpretation of diagnostic data and updates of the physics model. To make the most of these emerging opportunities, we suggest proposals for the community in terms of research design, training, best practice and support for synthetic diagnostics and data analysis.

  • Journal article
    Rankin I, Nguyen T, McMenemy L, Clasper J, Masouros Set al., 2021,

    The injury mechanism of traumatic amputation

    , Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Vol: 9, ISSN: 2296-4185

    Traumatic amputation has been one of the most defining injuries associated with explosive devices. An understanding of the mechanism of injury is essential in order to reduce its incidence and devastating consequences to the individual and their support network. In this study, traumatic amputation is reproduced using high-velocity environmental debris in an animal cadaveric model. The study findings are combined with previous work to describe fully the mechanism of injury as follows. The shock wave impacts with the casualty, followed by energised projectiles (environmental debris or fragmentation) carried by the blast. These cause skin and soft tissue injury, followed by skeletal trauma which compounds to produce segmental and multifragmental fractures. A critical injury point is reached, whereby the underlying integrity of both skeletal and soft tissues of the limb has been compromised. The blast wind that follows these energised projectiles completes the amputation at the level of the disruption, and traumatic amputation occurs. These findings produce a shift in the understanding of traumatic amputation due to blast from a mechanism predominately thought mediated by primary and tertiary blast, to now include secondary blast mechanisms, and inform change for mitigative strategies.

  • Journal article
    Yan J, Parker S, Gheorghiu T, Schwartz N, Theocharous S, Bland SNet al., 2021,

    Miniature solid-state switched spiral generator for the cost effective, programmable triggering of large scale pulsed power accelerators

    , Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, Vol: 24, Pages: 1-10, ISSN: 2469-9888

    This paper presents the design and testing of several different configurations of spiral generator, designed to trigger high current switches in the next generation of pulsed power devices. In particular, it details the development of spiral generators that utilize new ultrafast thyristor technology as an input switch, along with a polarity dependent output gap to improve the efficiency of the spiral generator design. The generator produced 50 kV from a 3.6 kV charging voltage, with a rise time of only 50 ns and a jitter of 1.3 ns—directly comparable, if not better than, a generator employing a triggered spark gap as the input switch. The output gap was constructed in house from commonly available components and a 3D printed case, and showed remarkable repeatability and stability—simple alterations to the output gap could further reduce the rise time. The entire spiral generator, along with control and charging electronics, fitted into a case only 210×145×33  mm.

  • Journal article
    Perez-Callejo G, Marley E, Liedahl DA, Jarrott LC, Kemp GE, Heeter RF, Emig JA, Foord ME, Schneider MB, Rose SJ, Wark JSet al., 2021,

    Demonstration of geometric effects and resonant scattering in the X-Ray spectra of high-energy-density plasmas

    , Physical Review Letters, Vol: 126, Pages: 1-7, ISSN: 0031-9007

    In a plasma of sufficient size and density, photons emitted within the system have a probability of being reabsorbed and reemitted multiple times—a phenomenon known in astrophysics as resonant scattering. This effect alters the ratio of optically thick to optically thin lines, depending on the plasma geometry and viewing angle, and has significant implications for the spectra observed in a number of astrophysical scenarios, but has not previously been studied in a controlled laboratory plasma. We demonstrate the effect in the x-ray spectra emitted by cylindrical plasmas generated by high power laser irradiation, and the results confirm the geometrical interpretation of resonant scattering.

  • Journal article
    Rankin IA, Thuy-Tien N, Carpanen D, Darwood A, Clasper JC, Masouros SDet al., 2021,

    Pelvic protection limiting lower limb flail reduces mortality

    , Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol: 143, ISSN: 0148-0731

    Pelvic blast injury is one of the most severe patterns of injury to be sustained by casualties of explosions. We have previously identified the mechanism of injury in a shock tube-mediated murine model, linking outward flail of the lower limbs to unstable pelvic fractures and vascular injury. As current military pelvic protection does not protect against lower limb flail, in this study we have utilized the same murine model to investigate the potential of novel pelvic protection to reduce injury severity. Fifty cadaveric mice underwent shock-tube blast testing and subsequent injury analysis. Pelvic protection limiting lower limb flail resulted in a reduction of pelvic fracture incidence from both front-on (relative risk (RR) 0.5, 95% confidence intervals (CIs) 0.3–0.9, p < 0.01) and under-body (RR 0.3, 95% CI 0.1–0.8 p < 0.01) blast, with elimination of vascular injury in both groups (p < 0.001). In contrast, pelvic protection, which did not limit flail, had no effect on fracture incidence compared to the control group and was only associated with a minimal reduction in vascular injury (RR 0.6, 95% CI 0.4–1.0, p < 0.05). This study has utilized a novel strategy to provide proof of concept for the use of pelvic protection, which limits limb flail to mitigate the effects of pelvic blast injury.

  • Journal article
    Cumming AS, Proud WG, 2020,

    <i>In Memoriam</i> Professor John E. Field, FRS, OBE 1936 to 2020

    , PROPELLANTS EXPLOSIVES PYROTECHNICS, Vol: 45, Pages: 1829-1829, ISSN: 0721-3115
  • Journal article
    Rose S, Hatfield P, Scott R, 2020,

    Modelling burning thermonuclear plasma

    , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol: 378, Pages: 1-8, ISSN: 1364-503X

    Considerable progress towards the achievement ofthermonuclear burn using inertial confinement fusion has beenachieved at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in the USA inthe last few years. Other drivers, such as the Z-machine atSandia, are also making progress towards this goal. A burningthermonuclear plasma would provide a unique and extremeplasma environment; in this paper we discuss a) differenttheoretical challenges involved in modelling burning plasmasnot currently considered, b) the use of novel machine learningbased methods that might help large facilities reach ignition,and c) the connections that a burning plasma might have tofundamental physics, including QED studies, and the replicationand exploration of conditions that last occurred in the first fewminutes after the Big Bang.

  • Journal article
    Pérez-Callejo G, Jarrott LC, Liedahl DA, Schneider MB, Wark JS, Rose SJet al., 2020,

    Measuring the oscillator strength of intercombination lines of helium-like V ions in a laser-produced-plasma

    , Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol: 256, ISSN: 0022-4073

    We present results of measurements of the oscillator strength of intercombination lines of He-like Vanadium ions in high energy density (HED) laser-produced-plasmas and compare them with the simulations from commonly used codes and data from the NIST database. Whilst not yet sufficiently accurate to constrain different trusted atomic-physics models for the particular system studied, our results are in agreement with the available data within experimental error bars, yet differ from cruder approximations of the oscillator strength used in certain atomic-kinetics packages, suggesting that this general method could be further extended to be used as a measurement of the oscillator strength of additional atomic transitions under the extreme conditions that are achieved in HED experiments.

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