Contribute to the event

Submit your interest to present

We invite proposals for contributions around this year’s theme of Science education for humanity: Pathways to sustainable impact. Contributors may opt for one of two formats, as follows:

These are 30-minute slots with a talk on an area of your work related to one or more of the conference sub-themes for each day, comprising of a 20-minute presentation, followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. 

Ignite talk
This is a dynamic and speedy method to deliver your presentation, where you present 20 slides within 5 minutes, with each slide displayed for 15 seconds at a time. To maintain the pace and to keep the audience engaged, sessions will be grouped in sets of two or three, followed by a short Q&A segment. If your submission is accepted, you will be sent a timed PowerPoint template to prepare your presentation.

Proposals of no more than 200 words should outline:

  • Your preferred format (presentation or ignite talk)
  • How your proposal aligns with one or more of the conference sub-themes for each day.

Please submit your proposal by 10.00 on 5 February 2025.


Submit a research poster

We also invite posters on any aspect of educational research, student partnership projects, educational theory, or learning design related to the broad conference theme. Posters may present a finished project or research, or a snapshot of work in progress. The aim of the posters is to showcase the variety of educational work happening across Imperial. Therefore, it is fine if your work is only loosely linked to the theme of the event.

How to submit your poster

Poster submissions should consist of two files:

  • A single-page Word document containing the following details:
  • Title of your poster;
  • Names and affiliations of poster authors/contributors;
  • Short biographical information about each poster author/contributor (max. 80 words each);
  • A short abstract providing a description and overview of the poster (max. 150 words).
  • Your poster submitted as a full-size (A1) PDF file.

Submission deadline

To be considered for inclusion, please submit your poster by midnight on by 9 March 2025.

Further information

Please aim for a landscape orientation, where possible.

Useful guidance about academic poster design can be found via the following links:

We look forward to exploring and sharing your interesting and valuable work during our Festival of Learning and Teaching!