Key Information
Tutor: Dr Paul Seldon
Course Level: Level 2
Course Credit: 1 credit
Mode of Delivery: Face-to-Face
Maximum Course Capacity: 20
There are no further sessions taking place this academic year. Course dates for 2024-25 will be available to book from late September.
You possess many unique, natural talents which represent the very best of you and so your greatest opportunities for success in the Doctorate, your career and your personal life. This session will allow you to take the Clifton Strengths Finder and find out your top five talent themes and how to develop and apply these to maximise performance.
Course Information
This blended course has pre-course activities to complete in your own time and course activities to engage with during the live course: you will receive the credit by participating in all pre-course and course activities.
Pre-course activities (duration about 85 mins) will prepare you for the live session. Live sessions are available on different dates as online interaction or as a face-to-face workshop (both 3 hrs).
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course you will be able to:
- Interpret the basis of strengths test, research background, and validity.
- Recognise the benefits of working from your strengths.
- Name – Identify your set of top strengths.
- Claim – distinguish characteristics of your strengths.
- Aim – Leverage and develop your strengths.
How to Book
Please select a date and book on via Inkpath using your Imperial Single-Sign-On. Bookings will close two weeks before each live session.