About Anglian Water

Anglian Water is the largest water and water recycling company in England and Wales by geographic area. They supply water and water recycling services to more than six million domestic and business customers, supplying and transporting water across an area of 27,500 km2 and maintaining 112,833 km of water and sewer pipes.

The Anglian region is also one of the driest regions in the country, with just 600 mm of rain each year, on average a third less than the rest of England. In order to address water scarcity and other issues, Anglian Water embraces open innovation to find the best possible solutions.

Embracing Open Innovation

Companies are no longer able to sustain large R&D departments in order to stay ahead of the game. Information moves more freely today and is widely distributed, giving the advantage to organisations that bring in expertise from all areas. Utilising this Anglian Water promptly embraced the principle of open innovation early on, bringing innovative external ideas into the business. This is reflected in their close ties to Imperial College and other organisations.

Anglian Water understands that the key to meeting the future challenges of the water industry in the UK and globally, is to drive innovation through collaboration with the supply chain. Therefore, Anglian Water established the Water Innovation Network (WIN), a dynamic initiative to bring together the water supply chain and industry, in order to find the solutions to transform today's water industry.

Anglian Water