iHub White City

Key information

Date: 9 July 2019

Location: Translation & Innovation Hub (I-HUB), White City Campus, Imperial College London

Enquiries and further info: please contact Frankie Bolt (frances.bolt@imperial.ac.uk)


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a major clinical challenge that is considered to be one of the most pressing risks to global health. Technological advances, particularly within the fields of data sciences, artificial intelligence and precision prescribing offer new, exciting opportunities to address AMR and optimise antimicrobial use.

On the 9 July 2019, the NIHR Health Protection Unit in Healthcare Associated Infections and AMR and the Antimicrobial Research Collaborative (ARC) will host a summit on ‘‘Technological Solutions to support infection management and Address Antimicrobial Resistance" at Imperial College London. The conference will showcase the latest developments and applications of emerging innovative technologies, with a focus on AI, precision prescribing, sepsis and applications within lower-middle-income countries.

The role of academia, governments, research funders and industry in tackling this threat will also be explored through an interactive panel discussion chaired by Professor Dame Sally Davies (Chief Medical Office for England).

Sessions covering:

  • Precision prescribing
  • Innovation in optimising antimicrobial dosing
  • Diagnostic technologies
  • Applying data science and artificial intelligence
  • Advances and applications of biosensors
  • Application in NHS and global contexts
  • Preserving β-lactams
  • Optimising antifungal therapy
  • Sepsis management
  • Co-design, and patient and public involvement
  • Clinical Decision Support Systems

Confirmed participants

Imperial College London

  • Professor Alison Holmes
  • Professor Tony Cass
  • Dr Pantelis Georgiou
  • Professor Anthony Gordon
  • Dr Aldo Faisal
  • Dr Danny O’Hare
  • Dr Raheelah Ahmad
  • Dr Pau Herrero-Viñas 
  • Dr Tim Rawson
  • Dr Luke Moore
  • Dr Damien Ming
  • Dr Myrsini Kaforou
  • Dr Jesus Rodriguez Manzano

External participants

  • Professor Dame Sally Davies (Chief Medical Officer for England)
  • Professor Jason Roberts (University of Queensland)
  • Professor William Hope (University of Liverpool)
  • Professor Chris Dowson (Warwick University)
  • Rupa Sarkar (Editor, The Lancet Digital Health)
  • Dr Marc Bonneville (Institut Mérieux)
  • Dr Mohammed Lamorde (Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI), Makerere University, Kampala)

General enquiries

Operations Assistant
Rakhee Parmar