Group Photo - Jul 2024

Post-doctoral Associates

  • Sumanta Banerjee

    Personal details

    Sumanta Banerjee Research Associate (Postdoc)


    Sumanta received his PhD in Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram, (IISER-TVM) India, where he worked on "Synthesis and Reactivity of Cationic Magnesium complexes". Subsequently, he joined Prof. Robert Mulvey's lab at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, as a Research Associate. During his tenure at Strathclyde, he focused on advancing the "Chemistry of Heavy Alkali Metals in Synthesis and Catalysis", aiming to provide sustainable alternatives to transition metal catalysts. Currently, Sumanta's research interests revolve around “Olefin Polymerization Catalysis”, as a member of the Britovsek group at Imperial College London, UK.

Ph. D. Students

  • Molly Parry


    Personal details

    Molly Parry 3rd Year PhD Student


    Molly received her MChem from the University of Edinburgh, with a year abroad at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She is currently undertaking a PhD in photocatalytic polymer degradation, also supervised by Dr Maxie Roessler.

  • Jiakai Huang


    Personal details

    Jiakai Huang 3rd Year PhD Student


    Jiakai received his BSc in Chemistry in University of Sheffiled and MRes in Catalyst in Imperial College London, He is currently undertaking a Phd in developing end-functionalised polymeric material with catalytic properties.

  • Charlie Parfitt

    Personal details

    Charlie Parfitt 2nd Year PhD Student


    Charlie has a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Manchester. He obtained his MRes from Imperial College London working with Dr Mark Chadwick and Dr Maxie Roessler on the synthesis of paramagnetic chromium pincer complexes. He is now undertaking a PhD, co supervised by Prof Klaus Hellgardt, on the development of high-octane fuels from sustainable feedstocks.

  • Sana Haamidah

    Personal details

    Sana Haamidah 1st year PhD Student (CDT)


    Sana received her MChem from Southampton University where in her final year she undertook a year in industry placement at Diamond Light Source. She is currently working on 3D printed scaffolds for catalytic hydrogenation reactions in flow co-supervised by Dr Billy Wu.

  • Conor Crooks

    Personal details

    Conor Crooks 1st year PhD student (CDT)


    Conor received his MSci from Imperial College London before working on the development of novel psychedelics. He has now returned to Imperial to pursue a PhD focussing on utilising CO2 as a C1 source for industry.

  • Junxi Liu

    Personal details

    Junxi Liu 1st year PhD Student


    Junxi received his BSc. from University College London and MRes in catalysis from Imperial College London. He is currently undertaking a Phd in electrocatalytic carbon dioxide conversion to produce valuable industrial ingredients co-supervised by Prof. Anthony Kucernak.

  • Ines Perez Tabarnero

    Personal details

    Ines Perez Tabarnero 1st year PhD Student


    Ines obtained her MEng in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College London. After working at Procter and Gamble for a year, she returned to Imperial for a PhD. She received an MRes in Advanced Molecular Synthesis working with Dr. Andy Ashley and Dr. Chris Tighe on Frustrated Lewis Pair catalysed CO2 hydrogenation to methanol. She is currently undertaking a PhD, co-supervised by Dr. Chris Tighe, exploring CO2 hydrogenation and integration with current carbon capture processes.

  • Kat Ailles

    Personal details

    Kat Ailles 1st year PhD Student (CDT)


    Kat received her MChem from the University of York. She is currently undertaking a PhD in designing ethylene oligomerisation catalysts by tracking unpaired electrons and is co-supervised by Dr Mark Chadwick and Dr Maxie Roessler.

MRes Students

  • Fidaus Abubakar

    MRes student Fidaus Abubakar

    Personal details

    Fidaus Abubakar MRes in Catalysis Student


    Fidaus received her BSc. from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology before working as the Stock and Quality Control Officer at Quantum Terminals. She is currently working on the electro-catalytic fixing of carbon dioxide into polymers as her main MRes project, co-supervised by Prof. Anthony Kucernak.

  • Jiazheng Lu

    MRes student Jiazheng Lu

    Personal details

    Jiazheng Lu MRes in Catalysis Student


    Jiazheng pursed his bachelor’s degree in chemistry jointly at Dalian University of Technology in China and University of Leicester.  He is now working on new carbon-based catalysts for efficient olefin epoxidation under mild conditions utilizing atmospheric oxygen as his MRes project co-supervised by Prof. Anthony Kucernak.

MSci Students

B. Sc. Students

Past Group Members
NameResearch LevelCurrent position
Dr. Sebastian Green Postdoctoral Research Associate Hydrogen Scientist at H2Go Power
Dr. Sami Gesslbauer Postdoctoral Research Associate  
Dr. Clément Lesage Postdoctoral Research Associate CEA (French Alternaticve Energies and Atomic Energy Commission)
Dr. Atanas Tomov Postdoctoral Research Associate Chemistry Laboratories Manager, Queen Mary University of London
Dr. Tian Sang Postdoctoral Research Associate  
Dr. Panagiotis Bexis Postdoctoral Research Associate  
Dr. Charles Romain Postdoctoral Research Associate Imperial College London
Dr. James Nobbs Postdoctoral Research Associate  
Dr. Chris Conifer Postdoctoral Research Associate  
Dr. Paul Corbett Postdoctoral Research Associate  Royal Dutch Shell plc
Dr. Charles Vriamont  Postdoctoral Research Associate  ABX
Dr. Shlomi Elias Postdoctoral Research Associate  
Dr. Philip Mallender Postdoctoral Research Associate  GE Healthcare
Dr. Rafael de Rosales Postdoctoral Research Associate  King´s College London

Dr. Dom Pye

Postdoctoral Research Associate Imperial College London

Dr. Ahmad Aljaber

PhD Student SABIC
Dr. Sarah Ho Ph.D Student Polymateria Ltd.
Dr. Richard von Goetze Ph.D Student ALBA Recycling GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Dillon Tay Ph.D. Student A*Star, Singapore
Dr. Sara Sharuddin Ph.D. Student Petronas Ltd.
Dr. Craig Young Ph.D. Student  Nomura International Plc
Dr. Matthew Morton Ph.D. Student   Mathys & Squire LLP, London, UK
Dr. Maria Gragert Ph.D. Student  Meyer Burger AG, Thun, Switzerland
Dr. Michaela Grau Ph.D. Student   BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Dr. Allan Petersen Ph.D. Student  DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr. Ian German Ph.D. Student   Gnosys Global Ltd., Guildford, UK
Dr. James Nobbs Ph.D. Student  ICES (A*Star), Singapore
Dr. Chris Conifer Ph.D. Student   Shell, Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Timur Coskun Ph.D. Student  
Dr. Chris Whiteoak Ph.D. Student   Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK
Dr. Russel Taylor Ph.D. Student  Durham University, UK
Dr. Juri Ugolotti Ph.D. Student  RCPTM, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Dr. Jason England  Ph.D. Student   NTU, Singapore
Status of August 2022
Summary of the table's contents


Prof. Dr. George Britovsek FRSC

Director MRes Catalysis & Engineering

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5863


Department of Chemistry
Imperial College London
Molecular Sciences Research Hub
White City Campus
80 Wood Lane
London W12 0BZ
United Kingdom