Instrumentation within facility

Three state-of-the-art spectrometers are associated with the Department of Life Sciences, including one 800MHz and one 600MHz ultrashielded NMR spectrometers equipped with cryoprobes for solution applications, and one 600MHz spectrometer devoted to biosolids applications.

The roles of the facility

The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) facility is available for screening of biological macromolecule and for research collaborations on the elucidation of detailed structural, dynamic and conformational properties of biological complexes.

  • Providing support for new and existing collaborative projects within molecular sciences
  • Assisting in the co-ordination of strategic developments in molecular sciences
  • Providing access to world class NMR facilities for students and researchers
  • Providing NMR training and teaching for students and researchers


Centre for Structural Biology Open Day

Join us for our Open Day on 16 May 2024 - find out more!