September 20, 2024

Today our Chem Eng MSc students presented their fantastic posters on a range of our group’s research themes. Very well done for all your super hard work over the summer and wishing you all the very best in your careers! 

L to R: Adilah Hassen, Mischelle Thomas, Puru Goel and Hasna Sobari Ati - very proud of you all!


September 8-13, 2024

Well done Kloy, Derek and George for first attending the 38th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry and then the Electrochem2024 Conference, both in Manchester. At Electrochem2024, Kloy talked about 'Electrochemical oxidation of glycerol on platinum electrodes', Derek presented progress with 'Carbon nanotube production from molten Li2CO3 via high temperature electrolysis' and George reported the results from 'Outdoor testing of an up-scaled photoelectrochemical water splitting reactor in South Africa​'.


September 10-11, 2024

It was an honour to present our research on Solar2H2 at the FlowPhotoChem workshop in Kampala, Uganda. Thank you Dr Pau Farras and Prof Justus Masa for hosting me!


March - May, 2024

Finally we finished designing a brand new photoelectrochemical reactor and took it to Stellenbosch in South Africa for field tests! This was an immense collaborative effort between the teams of Prof McGreggor at Stellenbosch, Prof Alex Cowan and Dr Jon Major at Liverpool, Dr Andreas Kafizas and ourselves from Imperial. An epic adventure in many ways. More photos can be viewed in the Gallery.

Photoelectrochemical reactor operation at the Department of Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering rooftop at Stellenbosch University


March 15, 2024

Whoooop! Huge congratulations to Dr Jatupon (Nahmkang) Chaiwasu for passing your PhD viva today!!! Thank you so much to Prof Katherine Holt (UCL) and Dr Qilei Song for being wondeful examiners. Some photos from the online viva here. And, YES, the helmet is actually real :-)



February 5, 2024

Check out the recording of this webinar on Revolutionizing Renewable Energy: The Promise of Water Splitting (with Anna as one of the participants) hosted by the Institute of Physics. Watch HERE.


December 4-5, 2023

John, George and Anna presented research on photoelectrochemical reactor engineering at the nanoGe Symposium on Catalyst Design Strategies for Photo- and Electrochemical Fuel Synthesis (ECAT) in Keele, UK. We were super well looked after and had a wonderful time. And it marked a start of an exciting new collaboration from the University of Liverpool.


November 27, 2023

It was a really special experience to represent Imperial at the Geological Society Business Forum & Critical Minerals Association (UK) Conference together with Dr Jacqueline Edge and Pete Ford from Imperial Policy Forum.  A once-in-a-lifetime treat was breakfast in the House of Commons!

View onto the river Thames from Terrace Pavillion at The House of Commons


November 21, 2023

Huge congratulations to Kloy and Hanzhi for passing your Early Stage PhD assessments (ESAs) today! You both developed highly commended research updates and we are delighted to celebrate with you :-) :-) :-)







November 16, 2023

We loved every moment of displaying and talking about our collaborative work with the research group of Dr Andreas Kafizas in this stall at the Energy Futures Lab 2023 Research Showcase!


November 2, 2023

Very well done Derek for delivering a lunchtime seminar with the Energy Futures Lab on 'Carbon nanotube production from CO2 via high temperature electrolysis'! The recording can be accessed HERE.





October 16-20, 2023

We had a brilliant time at the MATSUS Fall 2023 (nanoGe) conference in Torremolinos, Spain. We delivered a lot of talks and posters from our group:

  • Invited talk by Anna on 'Re-examination of several important topics in photoelectrochemistry'
  • Talk by George on 'Materials and reactor development for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production'
  • Talk by Mengya on the 'Interplay between collective and localized effects of point defects on photoelectrochemical performance of TiO2 photoanodes for oxygen evolution'
  • Poster by Kloy on 'Glycerol electro-oxidation at Pt and Pt-Cu catalysts on carbon fibres prepared by potentiostatic electrodeposition'
  • Poster by Hanzhi on 'Biomass waste valorisation: Co-production of hydrogen and value-added chemicals via glycerol electrolysis'
  • Poster by John on 'Water splitting by photoelectrocatalysis using WO3/BiVO4/co-catalyst photoanodes'

It was a wondeful event, where we were all able to network as a community and share our research without any unpleasant competitivensss. Great conference!

Fresh seafood luch. Attending members of our group included Kloy, George, John, Mangya and Anna. We enjoyed meeting and getting know the other delegates :-)


September 18-22, 2023

John Rodriguez Acosta and George Creasey took part in the Solar2Chem Summer Conference at ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain, presenting their work on solar hydrogen production.




September 10-12, 2023

Mengya, Derek and George showcased their research at the Electrochem 2023 conference in Bristol, United Kingdon.

George delivered a talk on 'Materials and reactor development for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production', Derek presented a talk on 'Carbon nanotube production from CO2 via high temperature electrolysis' and Mengya exhibited a poster on 'Interplay between collective and localized effects of point defects on photoelectrochemical performance of TiO2 photoanodes for oxygen evolution'. Thank you very much for the wonderful conference :-)

L to R: Derek, Mengya and Goerge at the conferece recepetion on the SS Great Britain, the world’s first great ocean liner.


September 3-10, 2023

George participated in the International Summer School on Photovoltaics and new Concepts of Quantum Solar Energy Conversion in Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria. George repported: "I’ve had a great week at the #Quantsol2023 summer school in Austria networking and learning lots about all things solar energy in lectures and practical simulations!"


August 29, 2023

Congratulations to George Creasey for passing the Early Stage Assessment and sussessfully transferring into second year of PhD studies! 


June 26-29, 2023

We had a very productive time at the 13th European Symposium on Electrochemical Engineering in Toulouse, France. We delivered an invited talk by Anna (Up-scaling solar to fuel devices: important considerations), a talk by Xiaochu (Electrochemical separation and recovery of valuable materials from end-of-life lithium-ion batteries) and posters by Derek (Carbon nanotube production from CO2 via high temperature electrolysis) and George (Materials and reactor development for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production). Thank you very much to Prof Theo Tzedakis and team for inviting us. We also thoroughly enjoyed the cultural outing to Cite de l'espace! Photos from this trip can be found in the Gallery.

The city of Tolouse, France.


April 19, 2023

Congratulations to Xiaochu Wei, who won the Best Poster Award at the Postdoc Symposium in our Department today!!!! 





March 17, 2023

George and Derek attended the UK-HyRES Regional Roadshow in Westminster, London, and contrubuted to discussions about the challenges and opportunities of the hydrogen energy industry in the UK.


February 22-24, 2023

Our George Creasey attended the Solar2Chem Valencia Winter School to do some learning about Materials and Methods for Solar Chemical Production and productive  networking with the solar fuels community :-) George reported that "It was a great experience to learn from some leading researchers in the field and making connections with early career researchers from around the world during the Solar2Chem winter school in Valencia. I also really enjoyed sharing results from the first few months of my PhD in the poster presentation... and of course some winter sun!"


February 6-10, 2023

It was absolutely amazing to finally go aboard after many years of not leaving the UK - not least because the destination was Jamaica!!! 

The main purpose was the Commonwealth Science Conference of the Caribbean and UK, co-hosted by the University of the West Indies with the Royal Society. More about this highly stimulating and thought-provoking event here. This was preceded by a little personal break in Long Bay (North East coast), which was incredible. Some photos are in the Gallery.


November 25, 2022

Jatupon (aka Nahmkang) Chaiwasu (formerly Jatuporn Banjong) presented his PhD research at the Electrochemical Society (ECS) Imperial student-led chapter seminar, on the topic of ‘Synthesis of Ni and NiMo electrodes for alkaline water electrolysis via electrodeposition’. It was a lovely event and hopefully there will be more like it in future!




October 7, 2022

It was really nice to be awarded this by the Chem Eng Department for 10+ years of service to the College :-)  Its a great place to be!!!





September 23, 2022

Well done Nahmkang Chaiwasu (formerly Banjong) for winning a prize from Dr Rob Leah of Ceres Power for his poster on 'Making Ni-based electrodes for alkaline H2O electrolysis via electrodeposition' in the category of 'Engineering & Devices' at the Imperial Electrochemistry Network Industry Day! Read more about this event here.


August 18, 2022

Massive congratulations to Dr Xiaochu Wei, who successfully defended her PhD thesis today - with outstanding feedback!

Huge thanks go to Professor Emma Kendrick of the University of Birmingham and Professor Magda Titirici from Imperial Chem Eng for doing the examination! Thesis title: ‘Recovering materials from end-of-life lithium-ion batteries’.







August 17, 2022

Today Inyoung Jang delived a brilliant presentation on 'Structural effects on performances of solid oxide electrochemical reactors with 3D printed Ni(O)-YSZ pillared negative electrodes' at the International Society of Electrochmistry (ISE) Regional Meeting in Prague. Abstract here.


August 1, 2022

Mengya Yang successfully passes her Early Stage Assessment and enters second year of PhD studies. Congratulations Mengya!


July 18, 2022

Zhixu (Derek) Zhu successfully passes his Early Stage Assessment and enters second year of PhD studies. Congratulations Derek!


July 7-8, 2022

I was a great pleasure to participate in the one-of-a-kind 2022 EPSRC Fundamental Electrochemistry Workshop in Gregynog Hall in Wales. Here we discussed the current status and future outlook of electrochemistry research in the UK.


July 4, 2022

We are super excited to welcome Haiyi Wang (Dept of Chemistry) and Bohui (aka Robert) Tang (Chem Eng) for their Summer UROP projects! :-) 


June 18-19, 2022

Our campus was buzzing with excitemet this weekend as Imperial College London & collaborators hosted the Great Exhibition Road Festival (GERF). Our group teamed up with the Eslava reseach group to host a stall on Solar Hydrogen. Nahmkang and I also supported Science Communitaor Dan Plane in delivering four science shows! Check out some photos from this trip in the Gallery.


June 8-9, 2022

We had a wonderful trip to St Andrews for the H2SUPERGEN conference. Well done Nahmnkang for presenting your poster on 'Making Ni-based electrodes for alkaline H2O electrolysis via electrodeposition'. Check out some photos from this trip in the Gallery.


December 21, 2021

Its a joy and an honour to have received the Frontiers in Chemical Engineering 2021 Outstanding Associate Editors Award. Thank you Frontiers!!!


December 13, 2021

Its great to have been featured in the Innovations for Sustainable Energy e-Book this month for our work on Photoelectrochemical Reactor Development. Check it out!


December 10, 2021

We are delighted to welcome Mengya Yang to our group!!!! Mengya is starting a PhD on 'Synthesis and scale-up of photoelectrode materials for solar water splitting' jointly with the Applied Energy Materials research group of Dr Salvador Eslava :-) Its great to have you on the team!!


November 26, 2021

Huge congratulations to Dr Samara Sadeek, who successfully defended her PhD thesis today - with outstanding feedback! Unreserved thanks go to Gareth Hinds of the National Physical Laboratory and Paul Luckham from Imperial Chem Eng for doing the examination! Thesis title: ‘Electrochemical behaviour of carbon steel in aqueous amine solvents for post combustion carbon capture’.









November 11, 2021

Really enjoyed giving a talk at the Functional Materials Development Center (CDMF), based in Brazil, as part of the 'Mat & Sci' e-meeting. Thank you so much for the very kind invitation and the thoughtful questions!






October 4, 2021

We are delighted to welcome Zhixu (Derek) Zhu to our group!!!! Derek is starting a PhD on 'CO2 utilisation in carbon nanotube production'. Its great to have you on the team :-)


September 2, 2021

It was an honour to give an invited talk at the 72nd Annual International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) Meeting - Symposium 21 on Electrochemical Solar Energy Conversion and Storage: from Fundamentals to Applications. The talk was on the topic of 'Combined model of light & dark currents at semiconductor liquid interfaces' (extended version now available on YouTube  - in the inset on the left). 



July 28, 2021

Delighted to be awarded the Research Enablement Grant by the Royal Society of Chemistry to support the advancement of a PhD project on ‘Material recovery from end-of-life lithium batteries’.


July 7, 2021

Many thanks to my Department for highlighting my research on photoelectrode characterisation via an article called 'Study of photoelectrode characterisation could improve solar fuel production', posted today on the Departmental website. Many thanks to Lily Shepherd (author) and Sara West for this publication!


July 5, 2021

Delighted to welcome Heather Page and Elton Lam, both Undegraduate students from the Department of Chemical Engineering, for their Undergraduate Research Opportunities (UROP) placements in the Electrochemical Systems Laboratory!


June 28, 2021

We welcome Sharwari Dixit, an Undegraduate student from the Department of Chemical Engineering, for her 6 week Undergraduate Research Opportunities (UROP) placement in the Electrochemical Systems Laboratory!!! 


June 23, 2021

It is International Women in Engineering Day (INWED)! It was very nice to have been featured in the departmental highlights via a video (below), posts on Twitter and some photos on Instagram!


May 15, 2021

Delighted to have been invited to give a talk at the Centre for Innovation on New Energies (CINE), based in Brazil, as part of a workshop on Dense Energy Carriers (DEC) & Advanced Energy Storage (AES). The talk was on the topic of 'Photoelectrochemical reactor design' (click to access the recording, which starts at approx. 59 mins into the video). Thank you very much for the very kind invitation!




March 10, 2021

Thrilled to receive the 'keys' to the newly refurbished Electrochemical Systems Laboratory. Its empty now, but soon it will full of useful equipment and will be buzzing with research activities. :-) 







May 6, 2020

Jatuporn (Nahmkang) Banjong successfully passes his Early Stage Assessment and enters his second year of PhD studies. Congratulations Nahmkang!


April 1, 2020

Dr Anna Hankin joins the Department of Chemical Engineering as a Lecturer/Assistant Professor. The Electrochemical Systems Laboratory group is established.