Interscale interactions in fluid mechanics and beyond: 11-15 July 2016

This Summer School is an attempt at cross-fertilisation and will include a number of topics where dynamics at disparate scales and their interactions are involved: moving contact lines, derivation of hydrodynamic from kinetic theory equations, large-eddy simulations of turbulent flows, order-disorder transitions in incompressible active fluids, and collective dynamics of large numbers of motile organisms, from bacteria to birds.

Postgraduate students and Post Docs are welcome to attend.  Register here for free before Friday 24 June.

Invited speakers include:

  • S.H. Davis (Northwestern University)
  • P.A.A. Degond (Imperial College London)
  • A.N. Gorban (University of Leicester)
  • E. Lamballais (University of Poitiers)
  • U. Piomelli (Queen's University)
  • J. Toner (University of Oregon)

A different theme will be discussed each day, with our guest speakers featuring in the morning session and researchers in similar fields giving talks in the afternoon.  Download (pdf) the full programme.

The EPSRC CDT in Fluid Dynamics across Scales gratefully acknowledges support from the EPSRC Platform Grant: Multiscale Analysis of Complex Interfacial Phenomena (MACIPh): Coarse graining, Molecular modelling, stochasticity, and experimentation.

Daily themes

Monday 11

Derivation of hydrodynamic equations from kinetic theory

Invited speaker: Professor Alexander Gorban, University of Leicester

Lecture title: 'Hydrodynamic manifolds for kinetic equations'

This lecture is based on Professor Gorban's review paper, Hilbert's 6th Problem: exact and approximate hydrodynamic manifolds for kinetic equations, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 51(2), 2014, 186-246.

Tuesday 12

Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent flows

Invited speakers: Professor Ugo Piomelli, Queen's University and Professor Eric Lamballais, University of Poitiers

Lecture titles (Lamballais):  'Basics of LES'  and 'Implicit LES and regularization'

Lecture titles (Piomelli):  'Subfilter-scale modelling'  and 'Applications of LES'


Wednesday 13

Moving contact lines

Invited speaker: Professor Stephen Davis, Northwestern University

Lecture title:  'Elements of moving contact lines, I and II’

Thursday 14

Order-disorder transitions in incompressible active fluids

Invited speaker: Professor John Toner, University of Oregon

Lecture title:  'Birds, magnets, soap, and sandblasting: surprising connections in the theory of incompressible flocks'

Friday 15

Collective dynamics

Invited speaker: Professor Pierre Degond, Imperial College London

Lecture title:  'Modelling collective dynamics with fluid equations'


Contact us

CDT Administrator
Miss Clodagh Li



The CDT is unfortunately no longer recruiting students to the programme