Future Vaccine Manufacturing Hub video playlist

A tour of the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Hub

Professor Robin Shattock, Head of Mucosal Infection and Immunity at Imperial College London gives us a tour around some of the labs at Imperial College that are part of the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub.

A tour of the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Hub

A tour of the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Hub

Professor Robin Shattock gives a tour of the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub

Professor Robin Shattock, Head of Mucosal Infection and Immunity at Imperial College London gives us a tour around some of the labs at Imperial College that are part of the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub.

Research into vaccine production

Professor Jason Hallett discusses vaccine production at WEF

Find out more about Professor Jason Hallett's research

Professor Jason Hallett discusses the research from Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub, including improving cold chain issues and vaccine production, at the World Economic Forum

Find out more about Professor Robin Shattock's research

Research into RNA-based vaccine production

Robin Shattock discusses the FVMR Hub, RNA vaccines and his research at the World Economic Forum

VMIC launch is announced

The Vaccines Manufacturing Innovation Centre is launched

Find out more about the new Vaccines Manufacturing Innovation Centre

Prof Robin Shattock and his research have contributed towards the launch of the new Vaccines Manufacturing Innovation Centre

What are synthetic vaccines?

What are synthetic vaccines?

Find out about synthetic vaccines and how they fit into the work of the Hub

Professor Robin Shattock, Head of Mucosal Infection and Immunity at Imperial College London describes synthetic vaccines as part of the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub

What are the aims of the Hub?

What are the aims of the Hub?

Find out more about what the Hub is aiming to achieve

Professor Robin Shattock, Head of Mucosal Infection and Immunity at Imperial College London outlines what the new Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub would like to achieve.

What is the most important aspect of the Hub?

What is the most important aspect of the Hub?

What is the most important aspect of the Hub?

Professor Robin Shattock, Head of Mucosal Infection and Immunity at Imperial College London discusses what he believes is the most important aspect of the new Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub.

Who does the Hub work with?

Who does the Hub work with?

Professor Robin Shattock on who we work with on the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub

Professor Robin Shattock, Head of Mucosal Infection and Immunity at Imperial College London, explains who we work with at the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub.

Why is the Hub fascinating?

Why is the Hub fascinating?

Professor Robin Shattock on why the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub is fascinating

Professor Robin Shattock, Head of Mucosal Infection and Immunity at Imperial College London explains why he thinks the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub is fascinating.

General enquiries

Dr Sarah Joseph
Operations Manager
