Life on Earth operates within an increasingly humanmodified chemical environment: in the UK alone over 350,000 chemicals enter the environment each year. We still know very little about the impacts of most chemical pollutants on complex natural ecosystems and even less about how these relationships might be altered by climate change.

The predictive science and policy needed to deal with emerging chemical threats are being developed via various initiatives at Imperial, including the “Transition to Zero Pollution”, and we are advancing new ways of monitoring, modeling and mitigating pollution.

Key Academics

Prof. Guy Woodward and Prof. Nick Voulvoulis, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Prof. Mary Ryan, Faculty of Engineering
Prof. Frank Kelly and Dr Leon Barron, Faculty of Medicine

GCEE Report 2013-2018 [PDF, 1MB]GCEE Report 2019 [PDF]GCEE Report 2020 [PDF]GMC Annual Report 2021 [PDF]GMC Annual Report 2022 GMC Annual Report 2023

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