REAL-SMART Mini-conference, Nov 28-29 2013, Imperial College London, London, UK.

Members of the EU FP7 Real-Smart project and other guests met in November 2013 for a symposium at Imperial College London. The aim was to discuss the state of the art and to disseminate recent research findings in the area of Wide Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS) with a special focus on wide area mode and damping estimation. The symposium brought together researchers, practising engineers and international experts to discuss these matters. Speakers and discussions covered the following topics:

  • Long term industry needs
  • Plans for future deployments of WAMS technology in the UK and Europe
  • Algorithms for mode and damping estimation using WAMS data and models

Attendees were invited to present their own relevant work as a poster. The symposium also included a tour on November 28th to the National Grid Control Centre in Wokingham.

Links: Meeting flyer and programmeReport of event

REAL-SMART Special Session at PowerTech 2013, June 18th 2013, ABB Grenoble, France

Real-Smart researchers presented their work in a Special Session called Power System Monitoring and Control in the IEEE PowerTech 2013 conference, Grenoble, France, 16-20 June 2013.

Link:  , Conference web site

REAL-SMART Mini-conference, Nov 16th 2012, ABB Corporate Research, Baden, Switzerland.

The objective of the miniconference is to provide a forum for people interested in wide-area monitoring and control technology and its applications to meet and discuss. Industry and university experts will share their experiences in the conference presentation session and the latest research results from the REAL-SMART project will be reported in a poster session. The poster session is also open for any participant who wants to present a poster in a relevant area. 
The speaker list includes industry specialists from power utilities as well as vendors and universities. Topics include:

  • Utility experience with WAMCP technology
  • Cybersecurity challenges in networked control and monitoring systems
  • Challenges related to power system dynamics that utilities see today and foresee for the future
  • New developments in algorithms and methodologies for monitoring and controlling power system dynamics using WAMCP.

Links: Meeting flyer and programme

The miniconference will take place in Baden-Dättwil at ABB Corporate Research, ABB Switzerland in the room von NeumannAttendance is free of charge but we do require registration latest by November 12, 2012, by email to: also indicate if you intend to present a poster during the poster session so we can make sure enough boards are available.

Accommodation: Hotels in Baden seem to be rather full on Nov 15th. Alternatives are Zurich Airport, Oerlikon, or Zurich centre all of which are a short train ride from Baden.

The Imperial College WAMS event April 12-13th 2010



Links: Meeting flyer and programme , Report of event

New emerging measurement technologies using time-synchronised wide area measurements are essential to manage the operation of power transmission grids in a complex and rapidly changing environment. For instance, the UK grid must adapt by 2020 to bring power from many new wind generation sites to industry and population centres.
A workshop was held at Imperial College London to discuss the state of the art and to disseminate recent research findings and industry practice in the area of Wide Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS). It brought researchers and practising engineers face to face with international experts in this field. 
Speakers covered the following topics:

  • Long term industry needs
  • Plans for future deployments of WAMS technology in the UK and Europe
  • New algorithms for WAMS e.g. non-linear and non stationary data analysis tool
  • Use of WAMS data:
    • to quantify participations of generators and network devices in the system dynamics
    • to identify root causes of system-wide oscillations. 
    • to monitor and analyze the system dynamics and stability

Before REAL-SMART, the EPSRCsponsored research at Imperial College London in WAMS with support from ABB and National Grid. Imperial, ABB and National Grid joined by Aalto University School of Science and Technology and Fingrid in presenting the event. Dr Bikash C. Pal, E&E Engineering, was the local organizer.

Contact us

Nina Thornhill, ABB/RAEng Professor of Process Automation
Centre for Process Systems Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6622