2017 CPSE Seminar Series Programme

SpeakerTitle and Abstracts Seminar Date

Professor Ignacio E. Grossmann (Carnegie Mellon University)

Abstract - Professor Ignacio E. Grossmann
New developments in flexibility analysis and global optimization

24 February 2017

Dr Jie Li (The University of Manchester)

Abstract - Dr Jie Li‌                                                                                      Data-Driven Mathematical Modeling and Global Optimization Framework for Integrated Petroleum and Petrochemical Planning Operations 8 March 2017

Dr. Xiaoxia “Nina” Lin (University of Michigan -Ann Arbor)

Abstract - Dr Xiaoxia “Nina” Lin
Elucidating and Engineering Microbial Communities: Systems and Synthetic Biology Approaches
5 April 2017
Professor Vassily Hatzimanikatis
(Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) -Laboratory of Computational Systems Biotechnology
Abstract - Professor Vassily Hatzimanikatis
Concepts and Methods from Chemical Reaction Engineering and Process Sys-tems Engineering for Exploring and Managing Metabolic Complexity
26 April 2017

Professor Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos (Texas A&M)

Abstract - Professor Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos‌                                          
Towards the grand unification of model-based design, control and scheduling

17 May 2017

Professor Costas D. Maranas(The Pennsylvania State of University) Abstract - Professor Costas D. Maranas
Using systems engineering tools to elucidate and redesign biological networks 
7 June 2017


2017 CPSE Ad Hoc Seminars

SpeakerTitle and Abstracts Seminar Date
Professor Venkat Venkatasubramanian (Columbia University) Abstract -Professor Venkat Venkatasubramanian
How Much Income Inequality is Fair? Surprising insights from Statistical Thermodynamics and Game Theory
23 November 2017
Professor G.V. Rex Reklaitis     (Purdue University) Abstract - Professor G.V. Rex Reklaitis
Contributions & Challenges for Process Systems Engineering in Healthcare
20 November 2017
Professor Yaroslav Sergeyev (University of Calabria) Absract - Professor Yaroslav Sergeyev
Lipschitz global optimization 
22 February 2017
Dr Yousef Alshammari (University of Vienna) Abstract - Dr Yousef Alshammari
Achieving deep cuts in CO2 emissions in oil producing countries: the Case of Saudi Arabia 
13 January 2017
Professor Chrysanthos E. Gounaris (Carnegie Mellon University) Abstract - Professor Chrysanthos E. Gounaris                                     Mathematical optimization for process operations and materials design  21 November 2017


CPSE Seminar

SpeakerTitle and Abstracts Video Casts

Dr. Yousef Alshammari (University of Vienna)

13th January 2017, 3:30pm

Abstract - Dr Yousef Alshammari

Achieving deep cuts in CO2 emissions in oil producing countries: the Case of Saudi Arabia 

Video Cast - Dr. Yousef Alshammari

(Will be available soon)

Professor Chrysanthos E. Gounaris (Carnegie Mellon University)

21 November, 11am 

Abstract - Professor Chrysanthos E. Gounaris

Mathematical Optimization for Process Operations and Materials Design 

Video Cast - Professor Chrysanthos E. Gounaris

(Will be available soon)

Professor Professor Brent R. Young (The University of Auckland)

24 June 2016, 11am

Abstract - Professor Professor Brent R. Young

Process systems engineering in a land of milk and Manuka–dairy real-time quality research in New Zealand

Video Cast - Professor Professor Brent R. Young

(Will be available soon)

2016 CPSE Seminar Series

SpeakerTitle and Abstracts Video Casts

Dr. Thomas Vetter (The University of Manchester)  

 10 February 2016, 4pm     

Abstract - Dr. Thomas Vetter

Tuning the particle size distribution of pharmaceutical crystals using a process systems engineering approach

Video Cast - Dr. Thomas Vetter

(Will be available soon)

Dr. Claudia D’Ambrosio (LIX École Polytechnique)

24 February 2016, 4pm 

Abstract - Dr. Claudia D’Ambrosio

On the standard pooling problem and strong valid inequalities‌ 

Video Cast - Dr. Claudia D’Ambrosio

(Will be available soon)

Dr. Pietro Belotti (FICO) 

9 March 2016, 4pm

‌ Abstract - Dr. Pietro Belotti

‌Optimal selection of fixed-size populations: an application to tree breeding

Video Cast -Dr. Pietro Belotti 

(Will be available soon)

Dr. Carl Laird (Purdue University)

27 April 2016, 4pm                            

Abstract - Dr. Carl Laird

Parallel Algorithms and Applications in Structured, Large-scale Optimization

Video Cast Dr. Carl Laird

(Will be available soon)

Dr. André Bardow (RWTH Aachen)

4 May 2016, 4pm                                    

Abstract - Dr. André Bardow

The next generation of methods and tools for Computer-Aided Molecular Design

Video Cast Dr. André Bardow

(Will be available soon)

Dr. Mariano Martín (Universidad de Salamanca)

11 May 2016, 4pm

Abstract - Dr. Mariano Martín

Sustainable process design of renewable based power and fuels

Video Cast - Dr. Mariano Martín

(Will be available soon)


2015 CPSE Seminar Series 

SpeakerSeminar Video RecordingsSeminar Date
Professor Kim Chuan Toh, National University of Singapore Coming soon... September 2015
Dr. Robert Bixby, Gurobi Coming soon... May 2015
Professor Leo Liberti, École Polytechnique Paris

A bilevel programming problem occurring in smart grids

May 2015
Professor Ana Barbosa-Povoa, University of Lisbon

Supply Chain Optimization – from strategic to operational decision levels

March 2015
Professor Philippe Toint, Université de Namur

Worst-case complexity of nonlinear optimization: where do we stand?

February 2015
Professor Alexander Mitsos, RWTH Aachen

McCormick Relaxations: Convergence Rate and Extension to Multivariate Outer Functions

February 2015
Professor Ignacio Grossmann, Carnegie Mellon University Optimization Models for Optimal Investment, Drilling and Water Management in Shale Gas Supply Chain April 2014
Professor Julio R. Banga, IIM-CSIC Reverse Engineering in Computational Systems Biology July 2014
Professor B. Erik Ydstie, Carnegie Mellon University

(Video recording is not availble)

"From Sand to Silicon Wafers: A Process Systems view of Solar Cell Production"

September 2014

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