ROAR has negotiated access to several software packages which are useful for data-centric research in the chemical sciences. 

Statistical Analysis and Design of Experiments

JMP Pro 16

JMP is a set of statistical software designed for scientists and engineers. Key capabilities include: Design of Experiments (DOE), statistical data analysis and visualisation, statistical modelling and simulation. ROAR has an academic site license for this software which allows it to be used by Imperial College students, researchers and academic staff for the purposes of education and research. Details about how to access the software are located here [college account sign in required for access]. External users may download a 30 day trial version of the software from the JMP website.

Reaction Kinetics


COPASI is free software for modelling and simulating chemical reactions using ordinary differential equations (ODEs).


Compunetics is free software developed by researchers at the University of Leeds. It provides a simple user friendly interface for kinetic fitting of chemical processes.

Reaction Monitoring and Automation

Mettler Toledo AutoChem

Mettler Toledo AutoChem software suite is a set of software for working with the Mettler Toledo instrumentation (reactors, in situ spectroscopy etc). ROAR has an academic site license for this software which allows Imperial College students, researchers and academic staff to use the software for offline (i.e. away from the instruments) processing of their data. Users can create their own account on the Mettler Toledo AutoChem Customer Community site and then download the software with a 30 day trial licence. Details about how to access the Imperial College site licence are located here [college account sign in required for access].


Contact us

Director: Prof Mimi Hii


The Molecular Sciences Research Hub
Imperial College White City Campus
82 Wood Lane
W12 0BZ London


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