Prof Leroy Gardner


The Steel Structures Research Group is led by Professor Leroy Gardner. Leroy is Professor of Structural Engineering and Head of the Structural Engineering Section in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of both the Institutions of Civil (FICE) and Structural (FIStructE) Engineers. He is engaged in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, specialist advisory work and leading an active steel structures research group.

Steel Structures Group 2021
Steel Structures Research Group December 2021





Dr Pinelopi Kyvelou  


Dr Pinelopi Kyvelou is Lecturer in Structural Engineering. Her research expertise lies in the areas of testing, numerical modelling and development of design guidance for steel structures. She is engaged in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, industry consultancy and research supervision.



Dr Xi Guo
Started 2023
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Dr Cheng Huang
Started Dec 2022
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Dr Xin Meng
Started 2020
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Dr Ruizhi Zhang
Started Aug 2022
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Research Associates and Fellows
Research Associates



Hou Un Chan
Started Jun 2021
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Ruikai Dai
Started Dec 2022
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Lahiru Dissanayake
Started Oct 2023
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Wenxuan Hong
Started Dec 2022
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Tong Hu
Started Mar 2023
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Zeqi Liang
Started Oct 2022
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Ansuman Panda
Started Oct 2023
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Efrain Quispe Choquemamani
Started Oct 2023
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Zexu Shao
Started 2022
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Harry Slack
Started Oct 2019
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Athina Spinasa
Started Sept 2022
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Ben Weber
Started Dec 2020
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Jiachi Yang
Started Feb 2022
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Zichang Yang
Started Oct 2020
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Minze Zhang
Started Jan 2022
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Xiaobo Zhu
Started Sept 2022
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Current PhD Researchers
Current PhD ResearchersMiss Peny Kyvelou
Alumni Current Position
Dr Mahmud Ashraf

Completed 2006
Associate Professor, Deaken University

Dr Kee Ng

Completed 2007
CEO Assistant, Mahkota Sentosa Utama, Indonesia

Dr Rachel Cruise

Completed 2007
Senior Lecturer, Loughborough University

Dr Tak-Ming Chan

Completed 2007
Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr Alan Nip

Completed 2008
Project Manager, Hong Kong Government

Dr Ada Law

Completed 2010
Teaching Fellow, The University of Hong Kong

Dr Waleed Salih

Completed 2010
University of Khartoum

Dr Marios Theofanous

Completed 2010
Lecturer, University of Birmingham

Dr Facheng Wang

Completed 2011
Assistant Professor, Tsinghua University

Dr Finian McCann

Completed 2012
Senior Lecturer, London Southbank University

Dr Ade Osofero

Completed 2012
Lecturer, University of Aberdeen

Dr Najib Saliba

Completed 2012
Associate Professor, University of Balamand 

Dr Sheida Afshan

Completed 2013
Lecturer, University of Southampton

Dr Andrew Liew

Completed 2014
Lecturer, Sheffield University

Dr Chi Hui

Completed 2014
Structural Engineer, WSP

Dr Andrew Foster

Completed 2014
Lecturer, University of Manchester

Dr May Su

Completed 2014
Lecturer, University of Manchester

Dr Jonathan Gosaye

Completed 2015
Structural Engineer, WSP

Dr Merih Kucukler

Completed 2015
Lecturer, University of Warwick

Dr Ou Zhao

Completed 2015
Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University

Dr Elizabeth Liu

Completed 2016
Global Pricing Strategy Analyst, Farfetch

Dr Jie Wang

Completed 2016
Lecturer, University of Bath

Dr Wei Qiu

Completed 2017
Senior Manager, China Construction Engineering

Dr Craig Buchanan

Completed 2017
Lecturer, Imperial College London

Dr Pinelopi Kyvelou

Completed 2017
Lecturer, Imperial College London

Dr Yidu Bu

Completed 2018
Lecturer, University of Surrey

Dr Xiang Yun

Completed 2018
Lecturer, University of Sheffield

Dr Gabriel Santos

Completed 2019

Senior Lecturer, University of Hertfordshire

Dr Nicolas Hadjipantelis

Completed 2019
Lecturer, University of Cyprus

Dr Andreas Fieber

Completed 2019
Consultant/Structural Engineer, COWI

Dr Nadiah Saari

Completed 2020
Academic, University Technology MARA, Malaysia

Dr Fiona Walport

Completed 2020

Lecturer, University College London

Dr Xin Meng

Completed 2020

Research Associate, Imperial College London

Dr Kaidong Wu

Completed 2020
Associate Professor, Hohai University

Dr Zhe Xing

Completed 2020
Associate Professor, Hohai University

Dr Constantinos Kyprianou

Completed 2021
Principal Engineer, The Steel Construction Institute

Dr Chunyan Quan

Completed 2021
Research Associate, University of Warwick

Dr Behnam Behzadi Sofiani

Completed 2021
Structural Engineer, Atkins

Dr Ruizhi Zhang

Completed 2022
Research Associate, Imperial College London

Dr Cheng Huang

Completed 2022
Research Associate, Imperial College London

Dr Luke Lapira

Completed 2022
Lecturer, University College London

Dr Yufei Zhu

Completed 2023
Dr Xi Guo

Completed 2023
Research Associate, Imperial College London

Dr Nathan Vella

Completed 2023
Dr Aya Ahmed

Completed 2023
Former PhD Researchers in the Steel Structures Group (Last updated 2/01/24)
Summary of the table's contents


Within the general area of steel structures, there are numerous ongoing research projects and opportunities for collaboration. Applications are welcome at any time of year.

Enquiries may be made to