PhD and EngD Thesis

Add and introduction here and then add links to spiral in the text (or we could do an accordion for this)

PHD accordion

Supervised by J.P.Dear and C.M.Davies

Link to Spiral

Supervised by J.P.Dear, C.M.Davies and P.Hooper

Link to Spiral

Supervised by K.M.Nikbin and C.M.Davies

Link to Spiral

Supervised by K.M.Nikbin and C.M.Davies

Link to Spiral

Supervised by J.P.Dear and C.M.Davies 

Link to Spiral

Supervised by K.M.Nikbin and C.M.Davies 

Link to Spiral

Supervised by C.M.Davies and J.Lin

link to spiral

Supervised by J.P.Dear and D.M.Davies

Link to Spiral

Supervised by C.M.Davies and K.M.Nikbin

Link to Spiral

Supervised by M.Aurisicchio, P.Childs and C.M.Davies

Link to Spiral

Supervised by C.M.Davies and S.Garwood

Link to spiral

Supervised by C.M.Davies and J.P.Dear

Link to Spiral

Supervised by C.M.Davies and K.M.Nikbin

Link to Spiral

Supervised by K.M.Nikbin and C.M.Davies

Link to Spiral

Supervised by C.M.Davies and K.M.Nikbin

Link to Spiral

Supervised by K.M.Nikbin and C.M.Davies

Link to Spiral

Supervised by K.M.Nikbin and C.M.Davies

Link to Spiral

Supervised by C.M.Davies and J.Lin

Link to Spiral

Supervised by M.Wenman and C.M.Davies

Link to Spiral

Supervised by J.Lin and C.M.Davies

Link to Spiral

Supervied by J.P.Dear, C.M.Davies and P.Hooper

link to spiral

Supervised by K.M.Nikbin, M.Kocak, C.M.Davies and S.Garwood

Link to Spiral

PMAS- 2020


Structural Integrity Course (formerly SICLA)

New registration date will be nnounced later

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