Thursday 18 January, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
Zhen Su She (Peking University, China)
Title: An analytic theory of turbulent boundary layer: prediction and validation

Thursday 25 January, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
Nicolas Bernard (University of Poitiers, France)
Title: Instability manipulation in turbulent flow regime using surface plasma discharge

Thursday 1 February, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
Matteo Carpentieri (University of Surrey, UK)
Title: Stable and convective boundary layers in urban flow and dispersion

Thursday 8 February, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
Daniele Fiscaletti (University of Bristol, UK)
Title: Scale interactions in turbulent boundary-free shear flows

Thursday 22 February, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
Barath Ganapathisubramani (University of Southampton, UK)
Title: Wall bounded turbulent wakes: from single obstacle to clusters

Thursday 1 March, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
George Haller (ETH, Switzerland)
Title: Material Barriers to Diffusive and Stochastic Transport

Thursday 8 March, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
Bert Vreman (University of Eindhoven, Netherlands)
Title: Turbulence statistics of flows modified by small spheres

Thursday 22 March, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
David Dritschel (University of St Andrews, UK)
Title: Turbulence in planetary atmospheres: order out of chaos

Thursday 19 April, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
Said Elghobashi  (University of California, Irvine)
Title: How do dispersed particles modify turbulent flows?

Thursday 26 April, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
Robert Kerr (University of Warwick, UK)
Title: TBC




List of previous seminars


Thursday 26 October, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
Oliver Buxton (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: Inter-scale energy transfer in the merger of wakes of a multiscale array of rectangular prisms

Thursday 02 November, 4-5pm (SKEM 201)
Andrew P S Wheeler (University of Cambridge, UK)
Title: The effect of non-equilibrium turbulence on turbomachinery performance

Thursday 09 November, 4-5pm (SKEM 201)
Julio Soria (Monash University, Australia)
Title: A Self-similar Adverse Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layer

Thursday 16 November, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
Tommaso Astarita (University of Naples, Italy)
Title: Infrared thermography for complex fluid flows

Thursday 30 November, 4-5pm (CAGB 300)
Luminita Danaila (CORIA, France)
Title: Internal intermittency and finite Reynolds number effect for turbulent mixing of passive and active scalars

Thursday 14 December, 4-5pm (SKEM 201)
David Dritschel (University of St Andrews, UK)
Title: Turbulence in planetary atmospheres: order out of chaos



Thursday 27 April, 4­-5pm, SKEM 201
Omduth Coceal (University of Reading, UK)
Title: Dispersion in urban street networks

Thursday 18 May, 3­-4pm, RODH 266
Wouter Bos (École centrale de Lyon, France)
Title: On the universality of non­equilibrium turbulence



ALL THE SEMINARS STARTS AT 4pm, Roderick Hill Building, RODH 266

Thursday 26 January, 4-5pm
Colm-Cille Caulfield (Cambridge, UK)
Title: Making a LIST and checking it twice: Length scales of Instabilities & Stratified Turbulence

Thursday 02 February, 4-5pm
Roeland De Kat (University of Southampton, UK)
Title: Avian Turbulence and Engineering Turbulence

Thursday 16 February, 4-5pm
Alfredo Pinelli (City University London, UK)
Title: Flow control based on passive and localised fluid structure interactions

Thursday 23 February, 4-5pm
Olaf Marxen (University of Surrey, UK)
Title: Transition to turbulence in laminar separation bubbles

Wouter Bos (École centrale de Lyon, France)
Title: On the universality of non-equilibrium turbulence

Omduth Coceal (University of Reading, UK)
Title: Dispersion in urban street networks


ALL THE SEMINARS STARTS AT 4pm, Roderick Hill Building, RODH 266

Thursday 20 October
Fabien Godeferd (Ecole Centrale Lyon, France)
Title: Physical- and wave-space diagnostics for the characterization of rotating turbulence

Thursday 27 October
Gioacchino Cafiero (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: Three-dimensional organization and heat transfer of jets with fractal-generated turbulence

Thursday 03 November
Damien Biau (DynFluid, ENSAM, Paris, France)
Title: Self-similar turbulent flows

Thursday 10 November
Elisabetta De Angelis (Cardiff University, UK)
Title: Scale by scale budgets in wall bounded flows

Thursday 01 December
Chris Keylock (Sheffield University, UK)
Title: An alternative decomposition of the velocity gradient tensor for analysis of shear-driven flows

Thursday 08 December
J. Christos Vassilicos (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: Unsteady turbulence cascades and their link to entrainment and the T/NT interface


Thursday 19 May, 4­-5pm, RODH 253
Javier Jimenez (School of Aeronautics, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain)
Title: Wall-­bounded turbulence is not due to the wall

Thursday 02 June, 4­-5pm, SKEM 164
Christina Vanderwel (University of Southampton, UK)
Title: Turbulent coherent structures and their role in scalar transport

Thursday 23 June, 4-­5pm, RODH 266
Stephan Fauve (École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France)
Title: Random reversals of a large scale circulation on a turbulent background

Tuesday 05 July, 4­-5pm
Sutanu Sarkar (University of California San Diego, USA)
Title: Turbulence in stratified flows: over rough underwater topography in the 
ocean and in wakes of submersibles

Turbulence Seminars Winter Term 2016

All the seminars start at 4pm, room ROH266, Department of Aeronautics

Thursday 04 February, 4-5pm
Steve Tobias (University of Leeds, UK)
Title: Direct Statistical Simulation of wall-bounded, geophysical and astrophysical flows

Thursday 11 February, 4-5pm
Bernhard Mehlig (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Title: The effect of particle and fluid inertia on the dynamics of particle in flows

Thursday 18 February, 4-5pm
Tatsuya Yasuda (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: Dynamical systems approach to vortex dynamics in turbulence in a periodic box

Thursday 25 February, 4-5pm
Bharathram Ganapathisubramani (University of Southampton, UK)
Title: Roughness effects on wall-turbulence

Thursday 10 March, 4-5pm
Wouter Bos (École centrale de Lyon, France)
Title: Temperature fluctuations induced by turbulent dissipation

Thursday 17 March, 4-5pm
Michael Wilkinson (The Open University, UK)
Title: Understanding rainfall: the role of turbulence and large deviation theory



Friday 11 September, 2-3pm, RODH 253
Jim Brasseur (University of Colorado and Penn State University, USA)
Title:  Designing Large-Eddy Simulation of Rough-wall Turbulent Boundary Layers to Predict Law-of-the-Wall: the SFS and Wall Stress Models, the Grid and the Numerical Algorithm

 Monday 19 October, 11am-12pm, RODH 266
Detlef Lohse (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Title:  The phase space of turbulent Taylor-Couette flow

Thursday 22 October, 4pm-5pm, RODH 266
Yi Zhou (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: On the evolution of turbulence characteristics in single-square-grid-generated turbulence

Friday 23 October, 2pm-3pm, RODH 266
Franck Plouraboué (Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France)
Title: Dynamics of concentrated swarming flows : new evidence of some turbulent-like behavior

Thursday 05 November, 4pm-5pm, RODH 266
Neil Sandham (University of Southampton, UK)
Title: Compressibility Effects on Turbulent Shear Flows

Thursday 10 December, 4pm-5pm, RODH 266
Wernher Brevis (University of Sheffield, UK)
Title: On the flow characteristics of multi-scale porous bluff bodies

Thursday 17 December, 4pm-5pm, RODH 266
Carlo Barenghi (Newcastle University, UK)
Title: Atomic Bose Einstein condensates: turbulence in small clouds of ultra-cold gases

Turbulence Seminars Spring Term 2015

All the seminars start at 4pm, room ROH252, Department of Aeronautics


Thursday 14 May, 4-5pm, RODH 252
Maarten van Reeuwijk (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: Turbulent entrainment in turbulent jets and plumes

Thursday 11 June, 4-5pm, RODH 252
Joern Sesterhenn (TU Berlin, Germany)
Sound sources in compressible turbulent jets - and how they are modified by the presence of particles

Thursday 25 June, 4-5pm, RODH 252
Sylvain Lardeau (CD-ADAPCO, UK)
Title: Applied Turbulence modelling and simulation: expectation vs reality 

Turbulence Seminars Winter Term 2015

All the seminars start at 4pm, room ROH266, Department of Aeronautics 

Thursday 12 February, 4-5pm, RODH 266
Allan Mason-Jones (Cardiff University, UK)
Title: Development of Marine tidal turbine

Thursday 19 February, 4-5pm, RODH 266
Emil Hedevang (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Cheap non-Gaussian turbulence: An example of construction of random vector fields using Ambit Stochastics

Thursday 05 March, 4-5pm, RODH 266
Jason Hearst (University of Southampton, UK)
Title: Far-field evolution of non-equilibrium turbulence

Thursday 12 March, 4-5pm, RODH 266
Wolfgang Rodi (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Title: The ERCOFTAC Knowledge Base Wiki - an aid for establishing quality and trust in turbulent flow calculations

Wednesday 18 March, 4-5pm, RODH 266
Charles Doering (University of Michigan, USA)
Convection, Stability, and Turbulence

Thursday 19 March, 4-5pm, RODH 266
Peter Schmidt (Imperial College London, UK)
Analysis of fluid systems using optimisation techniques

Thursday 26 March, 4-5pm, RODH 266
Michael Leschziner (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: The physics of turbulent-drag reduction induced by spanwise oscillatory Stokes layer – insight derived from DNS

Turbulence Seminars Autunm 2014

All the seminars start at 4pm

Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London,


Thursday 23 October, 4-5pm, RODH 266
Michael Bourgoin (University of Grenoble, France)
Title: Turbulent pair dispersion as a ballistic cascade

Thursday 30 October, 4-5pm, RODH 252
Luca Brandt (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)
Laminar, turbulent and inertial shear-thickening regimes in channel of neutrally buoyant particle suspensions

Thursday 06 November, 4-5pm, RODH 266
Sotos Generalis (Aston University, UK)
Title: Sequential bifurcation approach for the transition of fluid flow to turbulence

Thursday 13 November, 4-5pm, RODH 266
Yongyun Hwang (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: The attached eddy hypothesis: the link between 'real' and 'exact' coherent structures

Thursday 27 November, 4-5pm, RODH 266
Kwing-So Choi (Nottingham University, UK)
Title: Plasma Virtual Actuators for Flow Control

Thursday 04 December, 4-5pm, RODH 266
Anurag Agarwal 
(University of Cambridge, UK)
Title: A linear model for jet noise

Thursday 11 December, 4-5pm, RODH 252
Eric Lamballais (P' Institute, Poitiers, France)
Title: High-order numerical dissipation: why and how?


Turbulence Seminars Spring 2014


Thursday 15 May, 4-5pm, Room 252, Roderick Building, Department of Aeronautics
Philip Hall (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: Freestream coherent structures in boundary layers and vortex dominated flows

Thursday 12 June, 4-5pm, Room 266, Roderick Building, Department of Aeronautics
Claude Cambon (Lyon University, France)
Title: Dynamics of the turbulent mixing layer induced by Rayleigh-Taylor instability: from stable to unstable density-stratification

Tuesday 17 June, 4-5pm, Room 266, Roderick Building, Department of Aeronautics
Marcelo Chamecki (Pennsylvania State University)
Title: Plant Reconfiguration and Non-Gaussian Turbulence within and above a Vegetation Canopy

Monday 23 June, 11am-12pm, Room 252, Roderick Building, Department of Aeronautics
Guillermo Araya (Texas Tech University, USA)
Title: Spatially-Developing Turbulent Momentum/Thermal Boundary Layers with Adverse Streamwise Pressure Gradients via DNS

Thursday 26 June, 4-5pm, Room 252, Roderick Building, Department of Aeronautics
Thibault Dairay (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: Direct and Large Eddy simulations of an impinging jet on a heated plate

Turbulence Seminars Winter 2014

The seminars will take place in lecture room RODH253 in the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London


Thursday 30 January, 4-5pm
Stephano Discetti (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain)
Title: Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry: recent developments and applications to turbulent flow measurements

Thursday 06 February, 4-5pm
Martin Obligado (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: Sweep-stick mechanisms of inertial particles in turbulence: A comparison of Voronoi analysis in DNS and experiments

Thursday 13 February, 4-5pm
Jean-Marc Foucaut (Lille University, France)
Title: Analysis and optimization of an asymmetric heat exchanger applied to concentrated solar power plant

Claude Cambon (Lyon University, France)
Title: Dynamics of the turbulent mixing layer induced by Rayleigh-Taylor instability: from stable to unstable density-stratification

Thursday 27 February, 4-5pm
Ricardo Garcia-Mayoral (University of Cambridge, UK)
Title: Limiting dynamics of turbulent drag reduction in flows over riblets and superhydrophobic surfaces

Thursday 06 March, 4-5pm
Gerrit E. Elsinga (TU Delft, Netherlands)
Title: Turbulent motions in the local eigenframe of strain

Thursday 13 March, 4-5pm
Mike Reeks (Newcastle University, UK)
Title: Transport, mixing and agglomeration of particles in turbulent flows

Thursday 03 April, 4-5pm
Norbert Peters (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Title: Streamline segments in turbulent flows and their statistics

Turbulence Seminars October - December 2013

The seminars will take place in lecture room RODH253 in the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London

Thursday 10 October, 4-5pm
Nadeem Malik (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia)
Title: Turbulent Particle Pair Diffusion: locality versus non-locality

Thursday 24 October, 4-5pm
Robert Kerr (Warwick University, UK)
Title: The role of higher-order vorticity moments on the regularity and statistics of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations

Thursday 07 November, 4-5pm
Ati Sharma (Southampton University, UK)
Title: Simple model for structure in wall turbulence

Thursday 14 November, 4-5pm
Jean-Philippe Laval (Lille University, France)
Title: Coherent structures and modelling of wall turbulence

Thursday 28 November, 4-5pm
Julian Domaradzki (University of Southern California, USA)
Title: Numerical Simulations of Separated Flows at Moderate Reynolds Numbers Appropriate for Turbine Blades and Unmanned Aero Vehicles

Thursday 05 December, 4-5pm
Carlos da Silva (Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Title: Structure of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface layer in free shear flows

Thursday 12 December, 4-5pm
Luminita Danaila (Rouen University, France)
Title: Dynamical effect of the coherent motion on small-scale statistics in a wake

Turbulence Seminars May 2013

The seminars will take place in lecture room RODH253 in the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London.


Thursday 9 May, 4-5pm 
Michel Stanislas (Ecole Centrale de Lille, France)
Title: Some progress in near wall turbulence

Thursday 16 May, 4-5pm
Josef Schroettle (Institute for Atmospheric Physics (DLR), Germany)
Title: Large-Eddy Simulations of Coherent Structures induced by Fractal Obstacles in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Turbulence Seminars January - March 2013

The seminars will take place in lecture room RODH253 in the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London.

Thursday 31 January, 4-5pm
Sergei Chernyshenko (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: Applying linearized Navier-Stokes equations to developed turbulence: organised structures and drag reduction

Thursday 7 February, 4-5pm
Pierre Sagaut (Paris 6, France)
Title: Revisiting isotropic turbulence decay: do theories agree with available data?

Monday 18 February, 4-5pm
Frederic Moisy (Paris-Sud, France)
Title: Anisotropic energy transfers in rotating turbulence

Thursday 28 February, 4-5pm !!CANCELLED!!
Michel Stanislas (Ecole Centrale de Lille, France)
Title: Some progress in near wall turbulence

Monday 04 March, 4-5pm
Genta Kawahara (Osaka, Japan)
Title: The onset Reynolds number of transient turbulence in minimal plane Couette flow

Thursday 07 March, 4-5pm
Laurent Mydlarski (McGill, Montreal, Canada)
Title: Effect of background turbulence on the evolution of an axisymmetric jet

Thursday 14 March, 4-5pm
Neil Sandham (Southampton, UK)
Title: Wall turbulence: from surface roughness to surface slip

Thursday 21 March, 4-5pm
Andrew Baggaley (Glasgow, UK)
Title: Vortex-Density Fluctuations, Energy Spectra, and Vortical Regions in Superfluid Turbulence

Turbulence Seminars May - June 2012

The seminars will take place in lecture room RODH266 in the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London.


Tuesday 29 May, 4-5pm
Stavros Tavoularis (Mech Eng and Physics, Ottawa, Canada)
Title: Experiments in Uniformly Sheared Turbulence


Turbulence Seminars February - March 2012

The seminars will take place in lecture room RODH266 in the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London.


Thursday 2 February, 4-5pm
Jerry Westerweel (Delft, Holland)
Title: Long transients in transition to turbulence in pipe flow

Thursday 9 February, 4-5pm
Paolo Orlandi (Rome, Italy)
Title: Finite time singularity in Euler and Navier-Stokes

Thursday 16 February, 4-5pm
Darryl Holm (Imperial, UK)
Title: Mathematics of LF Richardson's big whirls, little whirls, etc.

Thursday 23 February, 4-5pm
Gary Coleman (Southampton, UK)
Title: Turbulent boundary layers and wakes: the case for universality

Thursday 1 March, 4-5pm
Charles Doering (Michigan, USA)
Title: Ultimate state of two-dimensional Rayleigh-Benard convection

Thursday 8 March, 4-5pm
Maarten van Reeuwijk (Imperial, UK)
Title: Direct Simulation of localised turbulent entrainment

Thursday 15 March, 4-5pm
George Papadakis(Imperial, UK)
Title: Linearised analysis of forced cylinder wakes and application ofthe developed methodologies for flow control

Thursday 22 March, 4-5pm
Marcus Hultmark (Princeton University, USA) 
Title: Turbulent Pipe at extreme Reynolds numbers

Turbulence Seminars Autumn Term 2011

The first two seminars will take place in lecture room RODH252 (October 6 and 13) and the remaining five seminars will take place in lecture room RODH253. Both these lecture rooms are in the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London.


Thursday 6 October , 4-5pm
Kouji Nagata (Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan)
Title: Turbulence and mixing in fractal-generated turbulence

Thursday 13 October, 4-5pm
Juan Marcos Garcia De La Cruz Lopez (Imperial College London)
Experimental Study of Free Surface Mixing in Vortical and Chaotic Flows

Thursday 20 October, 4-5pm
Berend van Wachem (Imperial College London)
Title: Modelling of gas-solid turbulent flows with non-spherical particles

Thursday 3 November, 4-5pm
Takahiro Tsukahara (Tokyo University of Science , Japan)
Title: Transitional structure in plane Poiseuille/Couette flow

Thursday 10 November, 4-5pm
Robert Kerr (University of Warwick)
Title: Navier-Stokes Turbulence from Anti-parallel Reconnection

Thursday 1 December, 4-5pm
Bharath Ganapathisubramani (University of Southampton)
Title: Fine scale features in turbulent shear flows

Thursday 8 December, 4-5pm
Andrzej Nowakowski (University of Sheffield)
Title: Characteristics of unsteady flows in a chamber with an obstaclecreating flow separation 

Friday 2 September 2.30pm
Professor Koji Fukagata (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University, Japan)
Title: Turbulent friction drag reduction by predetermined control schemes



 The seminars will take place from 4pm to 5pm in lecture room RODH252 on May 19th and June 16h and lecture room RODH254 on May 26th and June 23d, both in the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London.


Thursday 19 May
Robert Niven (University of New South Wales at ADFA, Australia)
Title: Maximum Entropy Analysis Applied to Turbulent Fluid Mechanics

Thursday 26 May
Paul Linden (University of Cambridge, UK)
Title: Gravity currents and intrusions in stratified fluids

Thursday 16 June
Boris Galperin (University of South Florida, USA)
Title: An analytical theory of the Kolmogorov-buoyancy subrange transition in stably stratified turbulent flows

Thursday 23 June
Dominic von Terzi (Imperial College London, UK)
Title: Large Coherent Structures in Turbulent Flows: Why do they matter in turbomachinery?



 All these seminars will take place at 4pm in lecture room RODH 252

of the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London.


Thursday 27 January
Marc Parlange (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Title: Land-atmosphere interaction over complex terrain

Thursday 17 February
Jose Cardesa-Duenas (University of Cambridge, UK)
Title: Grid turbulence close to the grid

Thursday 24 February
Chris Keylock (University of Sheffield, UK)
Title: Gradual wavelet reconstruction of turbulence: applications to DES inlet conditions and the properties of velocity increments inturbulence time series

Thursday 3 March
Phil Hancock (University of Surrey, UK)
Title: The near wall layer beneath turbulent separated flows: some pieces of the jigsaw

Thursday 24 March
Demos Kivotides (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Title: Spreading of superfluid vorticity clouds in normal-fluid turbulence

Thursday 7 April
Peter Bartello (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
Title: Balanced atmospheric dynamics from a turbulence perspective

Turbulence Seminars Autumn Term 2010

All the seminars start at 16.00 

 IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG


Thursday 21 October
Paul Walmsley (University of Manchester, UK)
Superfluid turbulence in the zero temperature limit

Thursday 28 October
Alfredo Soldati (University of Udine, Italy)
Turbulent particle transport and deposition in boundary layers

Thursday 11 November
Koji Ohkitani (University of Sheffield, UK)
Study of the 3D Euler equations by Clebsch potentials

Thursday 25 November
Bernhard Mehlig (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Clustering, caustics and collisions in turbulent aerosols

Thursday 2 December
Phil Hancock (University of Surrey, UK)
The near wall layer beneath turbulent separated flows: some pieces of the jigsaw

Thursday 9 December
Eric Lamballais (University of Poitiers, France)
Direct Numerical Simulation of separated flows: geometry and rotation effects

Thursday 16 December
Eberhard Bodenschatz (University of Goettingen, Germany)
Title: Manipulating the anisotropy of turbulence


Turbulence Seminars SRING Term 2010

All the seminars start at 16.00 

 IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG


Thursday 20st May
Bernd Noack (Institute Pprime, Poitiers, France)
Title: Towards a mathematical theory for turbulence control

Thursday 27st May
Marc Brachet (ENS, Paris, France)
Simulations of finite-temperature superfluids using the truncated Gross-Pitaevskii equation

Thursday 3rd June
Glynn Jones (Consultant, Stirling Dynamics Ltd., United Kingdom)
Mathematical methods applicable to the prediction of aircraft loads in severe turbulence: non-Gaussian distributions, wavelets, multi-fractals, Laplace asymptotic approximation, information entropy, stochastic resonance, ..

Thursday 24st June
Bill George (Lille, France and Imperial College London)
Title: Some new insights into the troublesome adverse pressure gradient boundary layers

Thursday 8st July
Michel Stanislas (Lille, France)
Title: Can PIV bring some insight in wall turbulence physics?


Turbulence Seminars Winter Term 2010 

All the seminars start at 16.00 

 IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG


Thursday 11st February
Charles Doering (Departments of Mathematics and Physics, and Center for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)
Title: Comparison of Turbulent Thermal Convection between Conditions of constant Temperature and Constant Flux

Thursday 18st February
Ian Eames (Mechanical Engineering, University College London, London, United Kingdom)
Title: Flow through and around localised groups of bodies

Thursday 11st March
Franck Nicolleau (Sheffield Fluid Mechanics Group, United Kingdom)
Title: Pipe flows forced through a fractal shape orifice: experiments and Detached Eddy Simulation

Thursday 25st March
Dr Ryo Onishir (Earth Simulator Centre, Japan)
Title: High performance simulations for multiphase phenomena in cloud turbulence

Turbulence Seminars Autumn Term 2009

Dr Nikolay Nikitin
(Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University)
Title: Flow in a plane channel: from 1D to 4D
Thursday 8th October, 16.00 IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG

Prof. Henrik Jensen
(Department of Mathematics ,Imperial College London) 
Title: A phenomenological discussion of vortex pairs and their unbinding
Thursday 29th October, 16.00 
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG

Dr. James Robinson
(Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick)
Title: Numerical verification of regularity for solutions of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations.
Thursday 26th November, 16.00 IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG

Dr. Colm Connaughton,
(Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick)
Title: Dynamical Scaling in Wave Turbulence
Thursday 10th December, 16.00 IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG

Dr. Robert B. Scott,          CANCELLED
(National Oceanography Centre Southampton)
Title: Review of geostrophic turbulence in the real ocean: A tribute to the work of Jule Charney
Thursday 17th December, 16.00 IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG


                                                      May, 2009

         Complementary lectures to the lecture series 2007, 2008

                                                    by A. Tsinober

Professor and Marie Curie Chair in Fundamental and Conceptual Aspects of Turbulent Flows
May 19 (Tuesday) and 21 (Thursday) Inertial range in turbulence. Is it a well defined
concept? What can be expected at any large Reynolds numbers and in the limit

May 28 (Thursday) Partly turbulent flows entrainment, turbulence in the
proximity of interfaces.

TIME: 16-00-18-00.
PLACE: Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG.

Turbulence Seminars Winter Term 2009

Thursday 5th February, 16.00
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Peter Bartello, IMS & McGill University
Waves and vortices in rotating stratified turbulence.

Thursday 19th February, 16.00
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Michael Markl (Freiburg)
Analysis of 3D blood flow in the human circulatory system by Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Thursday 26th February, 16.00
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Steve Tobias (leeds)
The role of coherent structures in turbulent dynamos.

Thursday 30th April, 15.00
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Julian hunt (UCL, ASU, Cambridge, TuDelph)
Thin shear layers. The key to turbulence structure?

Turbulence Seminars Winter Term 2008

Thursday 24th  January, 16.00pm
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Yi Li (Sheffield)
Material deformation and Lagrangian evolution of non-Gaussian statistics in turbulent flows and scalar transport 

Thursday 21st February, 16.00pm
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Peter Davidson (Cambridge)
How columnar vortices form in rotating turbulence

Thursday 28th  February, 16.00pm
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Tom Mullin (Manchester)
Transition to Turbulence in a Pipe

Thursday 6th March, 16.00pm
Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Lecture Room 252
I Castro (Southampton)
Rough-wall boundary layers: unresolved issues

Thursday 20th March, 16.00pm, (to be confirmed)
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Chuong Van Tran (St Andrews)
On scalar diffusion in three-dimensional flows having bounded velocity gradients

Turbulence Seminars Spring Term 2008

Thursday 22nd May, 16.00
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Joachim Peinke (Oldenburg)
Turbulence and stochastic time series modeling

Thursday 29th May, 16.00
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Joachim Peinke (Oldenburg)
Turbulence and stochastic time series modeling

Thursday 5th June, 16.00pm
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Chuong Van Tran (St Andrews) 
Local transfer and spectra of a diffusive field advected by large-scale incompressible flows

Thursday 12th June, 16.00pm
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Dhrubaditya Mitra (Queen Mary College, London)
Dissipation reduction in homogeneous isotropic turbulence with polymer additives

Thursday 19th June, 16.00pm
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Jonathan F. Morrison (Aeronautics)
What is wall turbulence: how can we control it

Turbulence Seminars Autumn Term 2008

Thursday 9th October, 16.00
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
David McComb (Edinburgh)

Thursday 23th October, 16.00
Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Lecture Room 252
Andreas M Kempf (Mechanical Engineering, IC London)
Flame Tomography

Thursday 30th October, 16.00pm
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Shigeo Kida (Kyoto) 
A driving mechanism of a turbulent puff in pipe flow

Thursday 13th November, 16.00pm
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
James Riley (University of Washington)
Stratified turbulence: a possible interpretation of some geophysical data

Thursday 20th November, 16.00pm
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Koji Ohkitani (Sheffield)

Thursday 4th December, 16.00pm
IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
Anthony Leonard (Caltech)
The Deformation of Lines and Surfaces in Turbulence

Turbulence Seminars Autumn Term 2007

  • Thursday 4 th  October, 16.00pm
    IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
    Carl Gibson (San Diego)
    What is turbulence and which way does it cascade?
  • Thursday 11th  October, 16.00pm
    Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Lecture Room 252
    Peter Carpenter (Warwick)
    The near-wall turbulence cycle and the generation of  skin friction.
  • Thursday 18th  October, 16.00pm
    IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
    Norbert Peters (Aachen)
    Dissipation Elements-A new Approach to fine scale Turbulence
  • Thursday 25th  October, 16.00pm (to be confirmed)
    IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
    Anvar Shukurov (Newcastle, UK)
    Magnetic structures produced by the fluctuation dynamo
  • Thursday 1st November, 16.00pm
    IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
    Jose Redondo (Barcelona) 
    Accelerated turbulent instabilities Mixing;  Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov Fronts.
  • Thursday 8th November, 16.00pm
    Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Lecture Room 252
    I Castro (Southampton) 
    Rough-wall boundary layers: unresolved issues
  • Thursday 22th  November, 16.00pm
    IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
    Jean-Régis Angilella (Nancy-Universités)
    Chaotic particle sedimentation in the vicinity of a vertical upward streamline
  • Thursday 29thth November, 16.00pm
    IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
    Richard  Kerswell  (Bristol)
    Pipe Flow Transition

Turbulence Seminars SPRING Term 2007

  • Thursday 26th April, 16.00
    IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College
    London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
    Laurent Chevillard (Johns Hopkins University, US)
    Lagrangian dynamics and statistical geometric structure of turbulence
  • Thursday 3rd May, 16.00
    Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Lecture Room 252
    Joachim Peinke (Oldendurg, Germany)
    New insights into turbulence
  • Thursday 10th May, 16.00
    IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College
    London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
    Yuri Sergeev (Newcastle, UK)
    Particle dynamics in turbulent superfluid helium
  • Thursday 17th May, 16.00
    Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Lecture Room 252
    Bharathram Ganapathisubramani (Aeronautics, IC)
    Investigation of three-dimensional structure of fine-scales in a turbulent jet
  • Thursday 24th May, 16.00
    IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College
    London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
    Alban Pothérat (Ilmenau, Germany)
    Attractor dimension and DNS in Low-Rm MHD turbulence
  • Thursday 31st May, 16.00 (CANCELLED)
    Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Lecture Room 252
    Anvar Shukurov (Newcastle, UK)
    Magnetic structures produced by the fluctuation dynamo
  • Thursday 7th June, 16.00
    IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College
    London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
    Darryl Holm (Imperial College London)
    Introduction to Lagrangian averaging in turbulence modelling
  • Thursday 14th June, 16.00
    Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Lecture Room 252
    Andrei Golov (Manchester, UK)
    Turbulence in superfluid helium in T=0 limit
  • Thursday 21th June, 16.00
    IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College
    London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
    Luca Morriconi (Brazil)
    Small and Large Scale Intermittency in Turbulent Flows: Functional Formalism and Phenomenological Considerations
    Dmitry Gendler-Fishman (Israel)
    Is it possible to study Euler (or inviscid/purely inertial) evolution in low Reynolds number flows?
  • Thursday 5th July, 16.00
    IMS Seminar Room, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Imperial College
    London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2PG
    J.G. Brasseur (Penn State, USA)
    A fundamental explanation for the over-prediction of mean shear in large-eddy simulation of shear-dominated surface layers
  • Thursday 12th July, 16.00
    Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Lecture Room 252
    Julian Hunt (University College london and ASU (visiting 2007), UK)
    Studies of extreme inhomogeneity and interscale interactions in turbulence

    Turbulence Seminars Winter Term 2007

    • Thursday 25 January, 16.00, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, IMS Seminar Room,
      Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road.
      Inertial-range scaling laws in turbulent convection and magnetohydrodynamics.
      Francois Rincon (DAMTP, Cambridge)
    • Thursday 1 February, 16.00, Departments of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
      Compact schemes for the DNS of incompressible flows: In what context is the quasi-spectral accuracy really useful?
      Sylvain Laizet (Aero. Dept., Imperial College)
    • Thursday 15 February, 16.00, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, IMS Seminar Room,
      Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road.
      Inverse Energy Cascade, The Rhines Scale, Rossby-Haurwitz Waves, and Large-Scale Circulations on Giant Planets and in the terrestrial Oceans.
      Boris Galperin (University of South florida)
    • Thursday 22 February, 16.00, Departments of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
      Streaks in near-wall turbulence.
      Sergei Chernyshenko (Southampton)
    • Thursday 26 February, 16.00, Departments of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
      Twist and Shout: Maximal Enstrophy Production in the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations.
      Charles R. Doering (Michigan, Ann Ar bor)
    • Thursday 1 March, 16.00, Departments of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
      Direct Simulations of Turbulent Flows in Straight Ducts.
      Nikolay Nikitin (Moscow University)
    • Thursday 15 March, 16.00, Departments of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Build ing, Room 252.
      Three-dimensional coherent structures of interfacial turbulence.
      Seraphim Kalliadasis (Chem. Dept., Imperial College)
    • Thursday 22 March, 16.00, Departments of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
      Quantum Turbulence: the Simpler Turbulence in a Non-Navier-Stokes Liquid.
      George Pickett (Lancaster)

Turbulence Seminars Autumn Term 2006

  • Thursday 31 August, 16.00, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, IMS Seminar Room,
    Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road.
    Unstable periodic motion in turbulence.
    Prof S. Kida (Kyoto, Japan)
  • Thursday 14 September, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Dynamic sound scattering: an experimental tool for the direct probing of the statistical properties of turbulence in the Fourier domain.
    Prof C. Baudet (Grenoble, France)
  • Thursday 21 September, 16.00, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, IMS Seminar Room,
    Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road.
    MHD Turbulence: An overview of theoretical uncertainties.
    Dr Schekochihin (DAMTP, Cambridge)
  • Thursday November, 16.00,Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    New effects in turbulent transport of heat and particles.
    Prof I. Rogachevski (Beer Sheva, Israel)
  • Thursday 19 October, 16.00, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, IMS Seminar Room,
    Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road.
    Statistical hydrodynamics in thin 3-D layers.
    Sergei Kuksin (Edinburgh, UK)
  • Thursday 26 October, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    On the concept of continuous modelling of turbulence.
    Professor Y Hussaini (Florida, USA)
  • Thursday 2 November, 16.00, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, IMS Seminar Room,
    Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road.
    Analyses of polymer-turbulence interactions in homogeneous shear from direct numerical simulation with the FENE-P model.
    Professor James Brasseur (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
  • Thursday 9 November, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Leith-type model of 2-D turbulence and its predictions.
    Professor S Nazarenko (Warwick, UK)
  • Thursday 30 November, 16.00, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, IMS Seminar Room,
    Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road.
    Hydromagnetic flows driven by topological discontinuity.
    Professor Konrad Bajer (Warsaw, Poland)
  • Thursday 14 December, 16.00, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, IMS Seminar Room,
    Imperial College London, 53 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road.
    Divergent Series, Borel Summation and Existence Theory for Navier-Stokes Equation.
    Professor Saleh Tanveer (Ohio, USA)

Turbulence Seminars Spring Term 2006

  • Thursday 4 May, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Boundary layers - signs of structure?
    Dr Tim Nickels (Engineering, Cambridge)
  • Thursday 11 May, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Nonlinear stability of mixing layers.
    Dr Xuesong Wu (Mathematics, ICL)
  • Thursday 18 May, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Turbulence energy dissipation and vortex tracking in stirred processes.
    Prof Michael Yianneskis (King's College, London)
  • Thursday 25 May, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Clustering of Floaters by surface waves.
    Dr Sergei Lubaschuk (Mathematics, Hull)
  • Thursday 22 June, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Light scattering of turbulence: numerical simulations and instrumentation to measure geophysical turbulence.
    Prof Julian Andrzej Domaradzki(USC, California, USA)
  • Thursday 29 June, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Is the physics of vortex stretching well understood?
    Prof Arkady Tsinober (Tel Aviv, Israel and ICL, London)

Turbulence Seminars Winter Term 2006

  • Thursday 19 January, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    The motion of bubbles in turbulent flows.
    Dr Peter Spelt (Chem Eng, ICL)
  • Thursday 2 February, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Clustering by Mixing Flows.
    Prof Michael Wilkinson (Open University)
  • Thursday 9 February, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Experimental measurements of vorticity by ultrasonic scattering in turbulent flows
    Dr Nicolas Mazellier (INPG, Grenoble)
  • Wednesday 22 February, 16.30, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    The search for finite-time singularities of the Euler equations for incompressible fluids.
    Prof Yves Pomeau (ENS, Paris)
  • Thursday 9 March, 16.00, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Measures of topological complexity.
    Prof Mitchell Berger (Mathematics, UCL)

Turbulence Seminars Autumn Term 2005

  • Thursday 20 October, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    The air-water interface: turbulence and scalar exchange.
    Prof Sanjoy Banerjee (University of California, Santa Barbara)
  • Thursday 3 November, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Responsive and regularized turbulence.
    Prof Bernard Geurts (University of Twente, Holland)
  • Thursday 10 November, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Braided Rivers and Hydrodynamic Instability Theory.
    Prof Phil Hall (Mathematics, Imperial)
  • Tuesday 15 November, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    POD, LOD, LSE tools for turbulent flow analysis and prediction.
    Prof J. Delville (Poitiers, France)
    (45 minutes starting 4.00pm) followed by 20 minutes tea break and then
    Control of turbulent flow at LEA.
    Prof J.P. Bonnet (Poitiers, France)
    (45 minutes starting 5.05pm)
  • Thursday 17 November, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation of Stably Stratified Flows.
    Dr Tom Lund (Northwest Research Associates, Colorado)
  • Thursday 1 December, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Some recent trends in superfluid turbulence.
    Dr Andrei Golov (University of Manchester)
  • Monday 12 December, 3.00pm-5.30pm, (30 minutes tea break at 4.00pm) and
    Tuesday 13 December, 3.00pm-4.00pm (followed by tea)
    Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Some novel ideas in turbulence studies. PDF
    Prof Grisha Falkovich (Weizmann Institute, Israel)

Turbulence Seminars Spring Term 2005

  • Thursday 28 April, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Including the effects of small-scale mixing of reacting pollutants in urban air polution calculations.
    Dr E. Mastorakos (Engineering, Cambridge)
  • Thursday 5 May, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Pressure projection methods for inhomogenous Leray filtering.
    Dr C. J. Cotter (Earth Sciences and Engineering, Imperial)
  • Thursday 12 May, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Electromagnetically controlled multiple-scale flow.
    Dr L. Rossi (Aeronautics, Imperial)
  • Thursday 19 May, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Statistics of particle pair dispersion.
    Dr Y. Hardalupas & Mr E. Chronopoulos (Mechanical Engineering, Imperial)

Turbulence Seminars Winter Term 2005

  • Thursday 20 January, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Turbulence freed from the shackles of Fourier space.
    Dr Peter Davidson (Cambridge)
  • Thursday 27 January, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Stochastic differential equation models of vortex merging and reconnection.
    Dr Nicholas Kevlahan (McMaster, Canada)
  • Thursday 3 February, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Anomalous probability of strong waves in wave turbulence.
    Dr Sergei Nazarenko (Warwick)
  • Thursday 17 February, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Some effects of surface roughness on turbulent flows.
    Professor Per-Age Krogstad (Trondheim, Norway)
  • Thursday 10 March, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Lagrangian aspects to multiphase flows.
    Dr Ian Eames (University College London)
  • Thursday 17 March, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Anisotropic Reynolds stress invariants within the urban roughness sublayer: comparison between experiment and DNS.
    Dr Rob Smalley (Leeds)
  • Wednesday 23 March, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Fundamentals of polymer-turbulence interactions from DNS of homogeneous turbulence.
    Professor James Brasseur (Penn State)

Turbulence Seminars Autumn Term 2004

  • Thursday 30 September, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Control of wall turbulent flows: a survey of strategies explored at Politecnico di Milano.
    Prof. Maurizio Quadrio (Politecnico di Milano)
  • Thursday 7 October, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Mixed nonlinear LES for complicated boundaries.
    Prof. Robert M. Kerr (Warwick)
  • Thursday 11 November, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Numerical study of perturbed turbulent boundary layers.
    Dr Gary Coleman (Southampton)
  • Thursday 25 November, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Simulation of atmospheric flows over complex terrain relevant to wind energy.
    Prof. Jose Laginha Palma (University of Porto)
  • Thursday 2 December, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Kinematic Simulation for stratified and/or rotating turbulence: the locality-in-scale hypothesis.
    Dr Frank Nicolleau (Sheffield)
  • Thursday 9 December, 4.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Computational issues arising in the simulation of inertial particles.
    Prof. Andrew Stuart (Warwick)

Turbulence Seminars Spring Term 2004

  • Thursday 29 April, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Rapid beat generation of large scale zonal flows by drift and Rossby waves.
    Dr. Chris Lashmore-Davies (UKAEA, Culham Science Center, UK)
  • Thursday 6 May, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Predicting extreme values in turbulent dispersion: LES, experiment and EVT.
    Prof. Peter Voke (University of Surrey)
  • Thursday 13 May, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Two-dimensional turbulence in shallow fluid flows.
    Dr. H. J. H. Clercx (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • Monday 5 July, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Fine structure of the velocity and passive scalar fiels in turbulent flows.
    Prof. Z. Warhaft (Cornell University, USA)
  • Tuesday 27 July, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    A theory of drag reduction by dilute solution of flexible polymers.
    Prof. V. L'vov (Weizmann Institute, Israel)

Turbulence Seminars Winter Term 2004

  • Wednesday 21 January, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    The prediction of turbulent flows in industrial applications--a look into the future.
    Prof. Anthony Hutton (QinetiQ)
  • Thursday 5 february, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 254.
    Anisotropic turbulence and zonal flows on beta-plane, rotating sphere, giant planets and Earth's Ocean.
    Prof. Boris Galperin (University of South Florida)
  • Thursday 26 february, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 254.
    High Rayleigh number convection in a fluid saturated porous layer.
    Prof. Charlie Doering (Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
  • Thursday 4 March, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Three-dimensional global modes in spatially varying Rayleigh-Benard-Poiseuille convection.
    Dr. Denis Martinand (Aeronautics, ICL)
  • Wednesday 17 Mars, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Rayleigh-Taylor instability: growth, turbulence and mixing.
    Dr. Stuart Dalziel (DAMTP, Cambridge)
  • Thursday 1 April, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    How rain starts.
    Prof. G. Falkovich (Weizmann Institute, Israel)

Turbulence Seminars Autumn Term 2003

  • Wednesday 1 October, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Velocity and temperature derivatives in the atmospheric surface layer.
    Prof. Arkady Tsinober (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
  • Thursday 9 October, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 254.
    Modulated Turbulence
    Prof. Willem van der Water (Technical University of Eindhoven, Holland)
  • Thursday 6 November, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 254.
    Numerical Approach to wave-turbulence: new results for rapidly rotating, 3D, unbounded flow
    Prof. Claude Cambon
  • Thursday 20 November, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 254.
    Prof. Vladimir Vladimirov (University of Hull)
  • Wednesday 26 November, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    High Reynolds number turbulent pipe flow
    Dr. Beverley McKeon (Aeronautics, IC)

Turbulence Seminars Spring Term 2003

  • Wednesday 7 May, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Strong turbulence at a free surface.
    Prof. Howell Peregrine (School of Mathematics, Bristol)
  • Thursday 22 May, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 254.
    Streaks and vortices in near-wall turbulence.
    Prof. Sergei Chernyshenko (Southampton)
  • Thursday 12 June, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 254.
    An introduction to the Lagrangian-averaged Navier-Stokes-alpha (LANS-alpha) closure model for turbulence.
    Prof. Darryl Holm (Imperial Colage, London & Los Alamos)
  • Thursday 19 June, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Stretching of material lines and surfaces in turbulence.
    Dr. Susumu Goto (Kyoto, Japan)
  • Wednesday 2 July, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Chaotic advection by viscous dephasing and molecular diffusion dependence of the decay rate of a passive scalar
    Dr. Erwan Hascoet (Marburg, Germany)

Turbulence Seminars Winter Term 2003

  • Thursday 9 January, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Transient vortex events in the initial value problem for turbulence.
    Prof. Robert Kerr (Centre for Scientific Computing, Warwick)
  • Thursday 23 January, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    The Lagrangian view of energy transfer.
    Prof. Alain Pumir (INLN, France)
  • Thursday 13 February, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Electromagnetic Flow Control.
    Dr. Lionel Rossi (Imperial College, London)
  • Wednesday 19 February, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Regularization modeling of turbulent flow.
    Prof. Bernard Geurts (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
  • Thursday 27 February, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Theoretical and computational issues in mesoscale plasma turbulence.
    Dr. A. Thyagaraja (EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association, Culham)
  • Wednesday 12 March, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Turbulence modelling and turbulence simulation - A battle for supremacy or an opportunity for partnership?
    Prof. Michael Leschziner (Aeronautics, IC)

Turbulence Seminars Autumn Term 2002

  • Wednesday 30 October, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Boundary effects in 2D turbulence.
    Prof. GertJan van Heijst (Eindhoven, Holland)
  • Thursday 28 November, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Scaling and self-similarity in turbulence.
    Dr Bruce Pearson (Mech. Eng., Nottingham)
  • Wednesday 12 December, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Singularity formation in stretched solutions of the 3D Euler Equations.
    Prof. John Gibbon (Maths, IC)

Turbulence Seminars Spring Term 2002

  • Wednesday 8 May, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Galactic Turbulent Dynamos.
    Prof. Steve Cowley (Physics, IC)
  • Thursday 13 June, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    General introduction to self-organised criticality.
    Dr Kim Christiansen (Physics, IC)
  • Wednesday 19 June, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Title to be arranged.
    Professor Stephen Wiggins (Bristol)

Turbulence Seminars Winter Term 2002

  • Wednesday 16 January, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Chaos in fluid flows.
    Prof. Tom Mullin (UMIST)
  • Tuesday 22 January, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Effects of anisotropy on energy transfer in near-wall turbulence.
    Dr David Dunn (Aeronautics, Imperial College)
  • Wednesday 6 March, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    Aeroacoustics of wall-bounded turbulence.
    Prof. Neil Sandham (Southampton)
  • Thursday 7th March, 2.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    The Velocity and Vorticity Field of a Single Steam Shear Layer.
    Prof. John F. Foss (Michigan State University)
  • Tuesday 19 March, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    A variational approach to fluid turbulence.
    Dr Richard Kerswell (Bristol)
  • Tuesday 26 March, 3.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Equilibrium similarity: a new paradigm for turbulence?
    Dr Prof. William K. George (Chalmers, Sweden)

Turbulence Seminars Autumn Term 2001

  • Thursday 4th December, 11.30am, Department of Physics, Huxley Building, Room 728.
    From stationarity to self-similarity and back: some variations on the Lamperti transformation.
    Prof. Patrick Flandrin (Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon)
  • Wednesday 28th December, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Room 266.
    Lagrangian measurement in fully developed turbulence.
    Prof. J.-F. Pinton (Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon)
  • Wednesday 14th November, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Room 266.
    Mixed space-scale statistics in turbulent channel flow using orthogonal wavelets.
    Dr D.C. Dunn, (Aeronautics, Imperial College)
  • Wednesday 17th October, 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Room 266.
    An exponentially small massacre of BLT and DNS.
    Dr S.J. Cowley, (DAMTP, Cambridge)

Turbulence Seminars Summer Term 2001

  • Tuesday 22 May, 11.30am, Department of Physics, Huxley Building, Room 728.
    Diffusivity dependence of ozone depletion over the mid-northern latitudes.
    Mr A. Wonhas (Cambridge)
  • Wednesday 16 May , 2.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Room 266.
    Particle interactions with turbulent structures and their influence on particle dispersion.
    Prof. M. Reeks (Bristol)
  • Friday 11 May , 4.15pm, Department of Mathematics, Huxley Building, Room 140.
    Conditional mode elimination and scale-invariance in isotropic turbulence.
    Prof. D. McComb (Edinburgh)
  • Wednesday 9 May , 3.30pm, Department of Aeronautics, Room 266.
    Distorted turbulence near rigid boundaries.
    P. Carlotti (Cambridge)
  • Wednesday 9 May , 2.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Room 266.
    Spectral modelling of inhomogeneous turbulence.
    Prof. J.-P. Bertoglio (Ecole Centrale Lyon)
  • Wednesday 2 May , 2.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Room 266.
    Was Loitsyansky correct?
    Dr P.A. Davidson (Cambridge)
  • Monday 23 April , 2.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Room 266.
    Turbulent Convection.
    Prof. K.R. Sreenivasan (Yale, USA)

Turbulence Seminars Winter Term 2001

  • Tuesday 13 March, 11.30am, Department of Physics, Huxley Building, Room 728.
    The fine-scale structure of rotating, stably stratified turbulence.
    Prof. D.G. Dritschel (St Andrews)
  • Friday 9 March, 4.15pm, Department of Mathematics, Huxley Building, Room 140.
    Mixing in vortical, chaotic and turbulent flows.
    Dr J.C. Vassilicos (Aeronautics, Imperial College)
  • Wednesday 28 February, 2.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    Tangled vortex filaments.
    Prof. C.F. Barenghi (Newcastle)
  • Wednesday 7 February, 2.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 266.
    From super bolts to the Kolmogorov constant --awakening from pipe dreams?
    Dr J.F. Morrison (Aeronautics, Imperial College)
  • Friday 2 February, 2.00pm, Department of Aeronautics, Roderic Hill Building, Room 252.
    The turbulent boundary layer at very high Reynolds number; the beginning, top, bottom and end.
    Prof. J.C.R. Hunt (University College London)

Recent Papers

Cafiero G. & Vassilicos J.C., Non-equilibrium turbulence scalings and self-similarity in turbulent planar jets, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 475, 20190038 --> PDFWeb Link

Alves Portela F., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., Turbulence dissipation and the role of coherent structures in the near wake of a square prismPhys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 124609 --> PDFWeb Link

Başbuğ S., Papadakis G. & Vassilicos J.C., Reduced mixing time in stirred vessels by means of irregular impellersPhys. Rev. Fluids3,  084502 --> PDFWeb Link

Yasuda T. & Vassilicos J.C., Spatio-temporal intermittency of the turbulent energy cascadeJ. Fluid Mechanics, 853, 235--252  --> PDFWeb Link

Zheng S., Bruce P.J.K., Graham J.M.R. & Vassilicos J.C., Weakly sheared turbulent flows generated by multiscale inhomogeneous gridsJ. Fluid Mechanics848, 788--820 --> PDFWeb Link