Regular giving

The Regular Giving team seeks philanthropic support up to £25,000 to advance the work of the College. With a principal focus on funds linked to student support, the team conducts large-scale fundraising campaigns using direct mail, telephone and email to encourage philanthropic giving from the College’s alumni and friends.

The Regular Giving programme draws a clear link between supporters of the college and student experience, generating income for scholarships, bursaries, and the Student Hardship Fund. Students collaborate with the team to provide case studies detailing the individual impact of donor support. The team has expertise in both telephone fundraising and direct marketing, with a year-round programme that engages alumni around the globe and across all four faculties.

Read about regular giving priorities

Legacy giving

Our legacy giving programme encourages alumni and supporters to consider leaving a gift to Imperial in their will. Over 400 people have pledged a gift in their will to scholarships and research at Imperial. Legacy gifts are an important source of future philanthropic income for the College – and an impactful way for people to contribute to the College’s long-term future. The support of inspiring donors gives safeguards the mission of the College and gives our wonderful staff and students the courage and confidence to achieve excellence.

Find out more about pledging a legacy gift

Regular giving and legacy giving contacts

  • Anna Wall

    Anna Wall

    Personal details

    Anna Wall Head of Regular Giving and Legacy Giving

    +44 (0)20 7594 3801


    Level 1, Faculty Building
    South Kensington Campus
    London SW7 2AZ

  • Sacha Anthony


    Personal details

    Sacha Anthony Regular Giving and Legacy Giving Manager

    +44 (0)20 7594 1263


    SALC Mezzanine
    Level 5, Sherfield Building
    South Kensington Campus
    London SW7 2AZ

  • Aimee Walton

    Aimee Walton

    Personal details

    Aimee Walton Regular Giving Officer (Acquisition and Retention)

    +44 (0)20 7594 9567


    SALC Mezzanine
    Level 5, Sherfield Building
    South Kensington Campus
    London SW7 2AZ

  • Katharine Palmer

    Personal details

    Katharine Palmer Legacy Giving Coordinator

    +44 (0)20 7594 6159


    Level 1, Faculty Building
    South Kensington Campus
    London SW7 2AZ