Pre-sessional English Courses Summer 2024 (on campus) 


These terms and conditions relating to your application for admission to a pre-sessional course.

As such

Course                means the pre-sessional course you applied for

Offer                   means the offer of a place on the pre-sessional course

Place                   means your place on the pre-sessional course

Tuition Fee        means the fee for the pre-sessional course 

1    Application

1.1.        If considered a suitable applicant for admissions for a Course, you will receive an offer by email and your applicant portal.  To secure your admission to the Course, you must first accept your offer, following which you will be required to pay the tuition fee applicable in accordance with Paragraph 2 below. Once Imperial College has received payment of your Tuition Fee, you will receive confirmation of your booking onto the Course via email. 

1.2.        You must have fulfilled the conditions of your Offer for the Pre-sessional Course and be in a position to enrol on the Pre-sessional Course by the start of the Course (including where applicable having obtained a visa) in order to take up your Place, notwithstanding the normal timeframes for accepting an Offer and paying the Tuition Fee. 

1.3.        If you are holding an offer for the Pre-sessional Course and your main degree programme requires an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate, you should be aware that if your ATAS application is refused prior to commencing the Pre-sessional English Course we reserve the right to also withdraw the offer to/cancel your place on the Pre-sessional Course on this basis.

2    Tuition Fees

The Tuition Fee will be payable within 14 days of the date of the invoice. If payment is not received within this period, Imperial College reserves the right to cancel its Offer and you will not be booked onto the Course.  

3    Cancellation Fees

3.1.        You have the right to cancel your Place within 14 days after the day you accepted the Offer (the “Cancellation Period”) without giving any reason; the Cancellation Period will expire after this time.  

3.2.        To exercise your right to cancel, you must inform Imperial College of your decision to cancel by emailing a clear statement or the attached Cancellation Form (but it is not obligatory to use the form) before the Cancellation Period has expired. 

3.3.        If you cancel your Place within the Cancellation Period, we will reimburse to you all Tuition Fee payments made towards the Course that we have received from you.

3.4.        If you cancel your Place as a result of:              

i.                     your degree programme application to the College being unsuccessful,

ii.                   UKVI refusing to grant you the relevant visa except where UKVI have ruled the visa application fraudulent or there being a pre-existing bar on entry clearance; or

iii.                 you having been refused an ATAS certificate

we will reimburse to you all Tuition Fee payments made towards the Course that we have received from you provided you have notified us of your cancellation before the start of the Course. 

3.5.        If you cancel your Place after the end of the Cancellation Period but more than four weeks before the Course is due to commence, we will reimburse to you all Tuition Fee payments received from you.  

3.6.        Except where clauses 3.4 or 3.7 apply, if you cancel your Place after the end of the Cancellation Period, but four weeks or less before the Course is due to commence, you will not be reimbursed any of the Tuition Fees you have made.  

3.7.       If you experience exceptional mitigating circumstances which you believe may make it necessary to withdraw from your Course, you may apply to Imperial College to withdraw giving reasons for your request. Your circumstances will then be assessed on an individual basis and Imperial College may agree to release you from the Course.   

3.7.1.     In the event that Imperial College agree to release you from the Course, any refund or partial refund will be at the sole discretion of Imperial College and considered on application on a case-by-case basis.

3.8.    If you transfer from the Course to which you were originally accepted (the “Original Course”) to a course of shorter duration (the “Replacement Course”), we will reimburse to you all payments received from you in excess of the tuition fees for the Replacement Course (providing this transfer takes place prior to your registration).  

3.8.1    However, in the event the transfer takes place 4 weeks or less before the start of the Original Course, we will reimburse you the excess tuition fees only after the start of the Replacement Course and only on condition that you don’t cancel and that you attend the Replacement Course.     

3.9.    For any refund under these Terms and Conditions, except where clause 3.8.1 applies, we will make the reimbursement without undue delay and not later than 14 days after the date on which we receive your completed Refund Request Form (which will be issued by the Tuition Fees office) and supporting evidence.

3.9.1.    The College will normally keep the refunded money on account and credit this against the balance of your main degree programme tuition fee. If you would instead like it refunded back to your account, please email; in any event, you will not incur any fees from Imperial College as a result of the reimbursement although a fee might be imposed by your bank (in which case this fee shall be borne by you).

3.10.     Imperial College reserves the right to cancel the Course up to 4 weeks before its commencement if the Course fails to meet the minimum recruitment level. If Imperial College cancels the Course, you will be informed in writing as soon as possible and we will reimburse to you all Tuition Fee payments made towards the Course received from you. 

 4    Academic Progression, Attendance and Conduct

4.1.        You must normally be in attendance from the first day of the Course. In exceptional circumstances, the Course Director(s) may grant permission for a late start but you must be in attendance from the end of day two in the first week of the Course at the latest. 

4.2.        Successful completion of the six-week Course will meet the English language condition of your Imperial College degree programme offer only. 

4.3.        If you are studying on a Student Route visa, you will be required to attend a minimum of 80% of all timetabled classes. If your attendance falls below 80%, Imperial College will report your attendance level to UK Visas and Immigration.

4.4.        Imperial College reserves the right to exclude you from the Course or take such other actions as it deems appropriate if you behave in an unacceptable manner in line with the Student Disciplinary Procedure.  In such cases, you will not be entitled to a refund of any part of your Tuition Fees once the Course has commenced. 

4.5.        Although formal teaching will end on the advertised end date of the Course, enrolment continues for an additional week to allow for resits (where required), other events, private study and continued registration within the College between this course and the substantive course of study.

5    Liability and Insurance

5.1.        Imperial College will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions that is caused by events outside Imperial College’s reasonable control. 

5.2.        You acknowledge that, in entering this agreement, you have not relied on, and shall have no remedy in respect of, any representation or warranty that is not set out in these Terms and Conditions, except in the case of fraud. 

5.3.        The liability of Imperial College will, in all circumstances, be limited (except in cases of liability for death or personal injury caused by any act or omission on the part of Imperial College, its employees, agents or subcontractors which, by law, cannot be limited) to the amount of the Tuition Fees paid by you. 

5.4.        Imperial College does not provide insurance for its students.  Consequently, Imperial College recommends that you investigate personal insurance coverage, particularly in respect of your personal possessions and medical expenses. 

6     Processing of Data

6.1.         Data that we hold about you concerning your pre-sessional course will be processed in line with applicable data protection legislation. The College’s Data Privacy Statement for students applies to the data.  Please refer to Privacy Notice for Students and Prospective Students. 

7    Variation of Terms and Conditions

7.1.        Imperial College reserves the right to vary these Terms and Conditions where such variation is necessary in order to comply with English law and regulations (or amendments to laws or regulations). 

7.2.        Imperial College reserves the right to change times, dates or contents listed in respect of the Course, as a result of non-availability of staff or facilities or changes in Imperial College’s English Language Requirements.

7.3.        Imperial College reserves the right to move to change the delivery of a course to online up to a month before the start of the course should circumstances require this. 

7.3.        Where a change is necessary to the Course, you will be informed in writing at the earliest opportunity; Imperial College will take all reasonable steps to minimise any disruption that may arise from a change to a Course. 

7.4.        If you are adversely affected by a change to a Course, you will have the option to withdraw from the Course. In the event that you withdraw from the Course as the result of a change to the Course, you will be entitled to a refund of all Tuition Fee payments made towards the Course received from you. 

8  General

8.1.        You agree to provide Imperial College with all information, documentation or other assistance it may reasonably require to comply with the requirements imposed on it by UK Visas and Immigration or any other public authority in connection with your attendance on the Course.  

8.2.        If any court or competent authority rules that any of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions are invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable to any extent, the term or condition will, to that extent only, be severed from the remaining Terms and Conditions, which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.  

8.3.        A person who is not party to these Terms and Conditions shall not have any rights under or in connection with them under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. 

9  Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England.  

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please consult our Frequently asked questions page.

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