As one of the world's leading universities, we work collaboratively with organisations across the globe to deliver high-quality accredited programmes, as well as closer to home with our community to provide innovative spaces that enable development of new and emerging technologies.

Commercial development

  • Vicky Kilcoyne

    Vicky Kilcoyne

    Personal details

    Vicky Kilcoyne Associate Director, Commercial Development


    Level 3 Faculty Building
    South Kensington Campus
    SW7 2AZ


    Vicky joined Imperial Consultants in 1999 and transferred to Imperial in 2014. She is a Chartered Company Secretary and holds an MSc in Corporate Governance and a BSc in Environmental Chemistry. She previously worked at AEA Technology and at Royal Holloway, University of London.

  • Anshu Bansal

     Anshu Bansal

    Personal details

    Anshu Bansal Commercial Development Project Manager


    Level 3, Faculty Building
    South Kensington Campus
    SW7 2AZ

Incubation services

  • Graham Hewson

    Graham Hewson

    Personal details

    Graham Hewson Head of Incubation and Prototyping Services


    Ground Floor, Translation & Innovation Hub Building
    White City Campus
    W12 0BZ

  • Smita Chauhan

    Headshot of Smita Chauhan - Laboratory Manager (Incubator and Prototyping Spaces)

    Personal details

    Smita Chauhan Laboratory Manager (Incubator and Prototyping Spaces)


    Translation & Innovation Hub Building,
    White City Campus
    W12 7TA

  • Liz McCready

     Liz McCready

    Personal details

    Liz McCready Administrator (Incubation and Prototyping Services)


    White City Incubator
    Imperial College London
    Ground floor, Translation & Innovation Hub
    White City Campus
    W12 0BZ

  • Vasilios Koltsos

    Imperial Blue I on a white background

    Personal details

    Vasilios Koltsos Community Support and Administration Assistant


    Translation & Innovation Hub Building,
    White City Campus
    W12 7TA

Advanced Hackspace

  • Dr Jake Durrant

    Headshot of Jake Durrant- Hackspace Skills Development Manager

    Personal details

    Dr Jake Durrant Hackspace Skills Development Manager


    Faculty Building,
    South Kensington Campus
    SW7 2AZ

  • Dr David Miller

    Headshot of David Miller - Advanced Hackspace Fellow

    Personal details

    Dr David Miller Advanced Hackspace Fellow


    Ground Floor
    Translation & Innovation Hub Building
    White City Campus

  • Eifion Nightingale

    Headshot of Eifon Nightingale - Advanced Hackspace Fellow

    Personal details

    Eifion Nightingale Advanced Hackspace Fellow


    Ground Floor
    Translation & Innovation Hub Building
    White City Campus

  • Fred Holdsworth

    Headshot of Fred Holdsworth - Advanced Hackspace Fellow

    Personal details

    Fred Holdsworth Advanced Hackspace Fellow


    Ground Floor
    Translation & Innovation Hub Building
    White City Campus

  • Dr David Pitcher

    Headshot of David Pitcher - Advanced Hackspace Fellow

    Personal details

    Dr David Pitcher Advanced Hackspace Fellow


    Ground Floor
    Translation & Innovation Hub Building
    White City Campus

  • Dr Mohammad Mehdi Nasr Esfahani

    Headshot of Mohammad Mehdi Nasr Esfahani - Imperial College Advanced Hackspace Fellow

    Personal details

    Dr Mohammad Mehdi Nasr Esfahani Imperial College Advanced Hackspace Fellow


    Ground Floor
    Translation & Innovation Hub Building
    White City Campus