
Our research expertise covers a wide breadth of technologies and their application in areas of healthcare which together encompass almost the entire spectrum of disease burden afflicting modern society.  With over 100 biomedical engineering research groups across Imperial’s departments and faculties, our academic leaders combine the benefits of subject excellence within their host department with the opportunity for multidisciplinary collaboration, centred around clinical application themes from their association with the IBME’s Networks and Research Centres.

The IBME draws upon strong foundations in enabling technologies across the engineering disciplines, such as biomechanics, bionics, biomaterials, tissue engineering, biomedical imaging, bio-nanotechnology, bioinformatics, molecular bioengineering and medical robotics, which are then applied to particular clinical application areas.  In this way a truly multidisciplinary approach brings profound new perspectives to understanding disease leading to fundamentally new clinical solutions.


The IBME runs a range of networks to stimulate new interdisciplinary collaboration by bringing together Imperial’s engineers, scientists and clinicians in particular application or technology areas of biomedical engineering.  Individuals from other organisations can also join the networks. Our networks allow members to contact researchers in a particular application or technology field to facilitate the dissemination of news, promotion of events and funding opportunities.  We also organise seminars, conferences and events to bring together network members and stimulate new interactions. 

To join one of our networks, please click on the relevant link below.  If you have an idea for a new network, please contact Dr Kalypso Charalambous, Research Development Manager.

Our Networks and Centres

Musculoskeletal TechnologyOverview

The centrepiece of Imperial’s research at the interface of engineering and musculoskeletal disorders is the Imperial Centre of Exellence in  Musculoskeletal Medical Engineering.  The MSk MEC brings together researchers from across Imperial College London focussed on the discovery and application of new technologies to improve the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, such as osteoarthritis.  Core research themes include:

  • Musculoskeletal Dynamics
  • Implant Design and Testing
  • Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
  • Surgical Technology
  • Rehabilitation, Sports and Human Performance

Key academics include Anthony Bull, Andrew Amis, Jonathan Jeffers, Justin Cobb, Molly Stevens, Guang-Zhong Yang, Angela Kedgley, Ferdinando Rodriguez Y Baena, Ravi Vaidyanathan, Niamh Nowlan.  

Musculoskeletal Technology Network

The Musculoskeletal Technology Network brings together researchers focussed on the application of technology to enhance the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and understanding of musculoskeletal disorders.  This network is associated with the Imperial Centre of Excellence in Musculoskeletal Medical Engineering (MSk MEC) which hosts a series of seminars and events. To join please visit the network membership page.

Associated Centres
Msk MECMusculoskeletal Medical Engineering Centre

For more information, please contact Dr Gifty Tetteh, Research Development Manager.

The Centre for Injury Studies brings together multiple aspects of work at Imperial College London and is recognised as an Imperial Centre of Excellence. Injuries are a significant public health problem and there is a need to better understand how injuries happen and how they affect us in the long term. The Centre has three pillars, each focusing on different aspects of Injury. These pillars incorporate the study of injuries caused by violence, sport, road traffic accidents, falls, and other daily activities. Underpinning each of these pillars are the Centre’s Clinical Priorities and Cross-Cutting Themes.

The Institute for Biomedical Engineering is driving a new cross disciplinary research initiative in “Organ-on-Chip” technologies that aim to engineer in vitro model systems that replicate the physiology of living tissues and organs. This emerging research field holds considerable promise for societal benefit by developing new tools and technologies to improve our understanding of health and disease.

The Imperial Organ-on-Chip Network of Excellence aims to develop and translate platform technologies for biomedical research and clinical application. The scope of the Network is to unite Imperial expertise in engineering, biology and medicine to drive excellence in organ-on-chip research, translation and commercialization towards societal benefit. The Network defines “organ-on-chip” broadly to include any biological, clinical or engineering approach to control, probe or measure living cells or tissues within an engineered microenvironment.

The network is led by Professor Darryl Overby and supported by Professor Clare Lloyd, Dr Beata Wojciak-Stothard, Professor Joshua Edel and Dr Yuval Elani.

Neuroscience TechnologyOverview

Brain-related illnesses (e.g. Alzheimer’s, stroke and Parkinson’s) affect more than two billion people worldwide and the prevalence is growing, with an increasing impact on healthcare resources. The challenge now is to find ways to reduce this burden on society. The emerging field of neurotechnology seeks to exploit advances in engineering (e.g. computing, electronics, robotics, and imaging) to revolutionise the understanding, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of brain-related disorders. This diverse field encompasses a range of different technology research themes and potential areas of application: Computational modeling & data analysis, Microelectronics, devices & biosensors, Optical & genetic neurotechnology, Neuroprosthetics, and Robotics & human-machine interfaces. 

The centrepiece of Imperial’s research at the interface of engineering and neurological disorders is the Centre for Neurotechnology.

Key academics includeSimon Schultz, Paul Matthews, Bill Wisden, Dario Farina, Paul Chadderton, Adam Hampshire, Claudia Clopath, Dan Goodman, Mauricio Barahona, Martyn Boutelle, Stephen Brickley, Tim Constandinou, Aldo Faisal, Rob Leech, Mark Neil, Richard Reynolds, David Sharp, Richard Syms, Ravi Vaidyanathan.

Associated Centres

Centre for Neurotechnology
Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology

Neuroscience Technology Network

The Neuroscience Technology Network unites researchers across the faculties of engineering, medicine and natural sciences focussed on new technologies for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and understanding of neurological disorders and enable new research in the neuroscience field. This network is associated with the Centre for Neurotechnology which hosts a series of seminars and events.

To join please visit the network membership page

For more information, please contact Dr Kalypso Charalambous, Research Development Manager.

Cardiovascular TechnologyOverview

The tools and approaches from engineering have long been established as essential to improve the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of disorders of the cardiovascular system as well as to enhance our understanding of the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disorders.  Well known examples include medical devices such as pacemakers and stents, which have saved many thousands of lives across the World.  Imperial’s activities in the field bring together researchers in relevant engineering subjects, such as fluidics, mechanobiology, bioelectronics, systems biology, imaging, biomaterials and computing, with cellular and molecular biologists and clinicians from across the faculties of natural sciences and medicine, to enhance understanding and forge ground-breaking new approaches that transform future clinical practice.

Key academics include Rob Krams, Colin Caro, Gianni Angelini, Mauricio Barahona, Nick Cheshire, Paul Evans,  David Firmin, Sian Harding, David Klug, Kim Parker, Dudley Pennell, John Pepper, Nicholas Peters, Nadia Rosenthal, Michael Schneider, Dorian Haskard, Molly Stevens, Spencer Sherwin, Peter Weinberg, Yun Xu.

Associated Centres

BHF Centre of Research Excellence

Cardiovascular Technology Network

The Cardiovascular Technology Network brings together over 200 members from many disciplines across college focussed on the development and integration of modelling, imaging and biological science to improve our understanding and the present and future clinical practice related to cardiovascular disease.

This network is associated with the British Heart Foundation Centre for Research Excellence which hosts a range of workshops and symposia.

To join please visit the network membership page

For more information, please contact Dr Kalypso Charalambous, Research Development Manager.


The IBME is driving an expansion in Cancer Technology by exploiting the College’s combined strengths in engineering and physical sciences and cancer research. There is a wealth of existing expertise across the IBME in cancer engineering & technologies reflected in the Imperial Network of Excellence in Cancer Technology consisting of five thematic areas of strength: diagnostics, imaging, drug delivery, surgical robotics and mechanisms of metastasis.

Underpinning the themes are core engineering technologies such as sensors / sensing, imaging technologies, computing and artificial intelligence, tissue engineering, biomechanics, nanotechnology, mathematical modelling, robotics, and devices.

Using core engineering technologies, it stands to deliver impact across the spectrum of clinical need from improved early diagnosis, to enhanced local therapy, patient profiling and stratification.

Imperial Network of Excellence in Cancer Technology

The Imperial Network of Excellence in Cancer Technology brings together biomedical scientists/clinicians and physical scientists/engineers to forge new approaches to cancer research. The network, built from a joint initiative between the Faculty of Engineering and the Imperial Cancer Research UK Centre, aims to foster cross-disciplinary research projects and work with funding bodies to promote this exciting new field with the goal of establishing a cross-faculty research centre for expanded research activity.

Thematic Areas and Leads

Cancer Research UK ImperialOur links

For further information, please contact Dr Kalypso Charalambous Research Development Manager, Institute of Biomedical Engineering.

Regenerative MedicineOverview

Imperial Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Network (ISRMN) is an affiliated network of the IBME.  ISCRM unites over 200 researchers across the faculties of medicine, life sciences and engineering, who are working in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine.  Breakthroughs in biomedical engineering technology themes, such as biomaterials, imaging, robotic surgery and computational modelling, will be central to the challenge of translating the promise of regenerative medicine into meaningful therapies for patients.

To join ISCRM please contact Constandina Pospori ( 


The Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME) coordinates Imperial College’s research in the field of biomedical engineering. The IBME is driving a new cross disciplinary research initiative in the emerging field of Neuromuscular Rehabilitation focussing on prosthesis, neuromuscular, interfacing and plasticity to improve the life of patients with neurological disabilities or disease.

This diverse field encompasses a range of different technology research themes and potential areas of application: Computational modelling & data analysis, Microelectronics, devices & biosensors, Neuroprosthetics, Robotics & human-machine interfaces

Imperial Network of Excellence in Rehabilitation Technologies

The Imperial Network of Excellence in Neuromuscular Rehabilitation Technology Network brings together biomedical scientists/clinicians and physical scientists/engineers to forge new collaborative ventures. The purpose of the network is to harness the strengths of Imperial expertise in convergent research across the departments and faculties through multidisciplinary and collaborative initiatives, delivering medical technology innovation that impacts fields of unmet healthcare need. 

The network is jointly led by Prof Dario Farina (Left) and Dr Paul Bentley (Right).








 Thematics areas of strengths and expertise 



 Key academics include: Prof Dario Farina, Dr Paul Bentley, Prof Anthony Bull, Dr Tim Constandinou,  Prof Ferdinando Rodriguez Y Baena, Prof Manos  Drakakis,  Prof Adolfo Bronstein, Dr Paul Strutton, Dr Ravi Vaidyanathan,  Dr Spyros Masouros, Prof Etienne Burdet, Dr Aldo Faisal, Dr Tobias Reichenbach,  Dr Angela  Kedgley, Prof Alison McGregor , Prof Danilo Mandic, Dr Claudia Clopath,  Prof Paul Matthews, Prof  Holger Krapp, Prof Esther Rodriguez Villegas,  Dr Adam Hampshire,  Prof Richard Wise, Prof Paul Sharp, Dr Robert Leech. Prof Andrew Rice, Donna Kennedy

If you have any queries regarding the network or wish to collaborate please contact Dr Kalypso Charalambous, Research Development Manager, IBME.


The IBME is driving an expansion in Wound Healing and Regeneration to enable and facilitate cross disciplinary research. The research programme involves a strong combination of multidisciplinary researchers from across Imperial College as well as collaboration with partner institutions and industry, working together to combine advanced engineering technologies and clinical expertise to allow scar free healing of wounds and to understand the underpinning biology of scar formation.

The Imperial Network of Excellence in Wound Healing and Regeneration is led by Professor Molly Stevens and includes over 20 multi-disciplinary research groups. Thematic areas of strength and associated theme leaders are listed below.


The research strategy of the Imperial Network of Excellence in Wound Healing and Regeneration is driven by clinical priorities underpinned by scientific themes with the ultimate aim of clinical translation. Theme leaders are cross disciplinary in their collective expertise.

Key academics include: Maggie Dallman, Anthony Bull, Claire Higgins, Martyn Boutelle, Marc Masen, Shehan Hettiaratchy, Ben Almquist,  Jacques Behmoaras, Greg Williams, RuthAnn Fanstone, Jorge-Leon Villapalos, Reiko Tanaka, Masahiro Ono, Anil Bharath, Julian Marchesi, Jonathan Cooke, Zoltan Takats, Istvan Nagy, Pierre Degond, Donna Kennedy,  Marcela Vizcaychipi, Jimmy Moore, Graham Lawton, Adam Celiz

Inaugural Network Meeting

To join the network, please contact Kalypso Charalambous, Research Development Manager.

Inaugural Network Meeting
Left to right: (Backrow) Anthony Bull, Julian Marchesi, Ben Almquist, Martyn Boutelle, Greg Williams, Jacques Behmoaras, RuthAnn Fanstone (Front Row) Shehan Hettiaratchy, Molly Stevens, Maggie Dallman, Reiko Tanaka, Masahiro Ono, Phyllis Quinn, Claire Higgins

For further information, please contact Dr Kalypso Charalambous, Research Development Manager, Institute of Biomedical Engineering.

Imperial MedTech Links

The IBME hosts a corporate partnership programme that promotes and supports interactions between companies in the medical technology sector and Imperial College scientists, engineers and clinicians in the biomedical engineering field.
