The Department works closely with industry to ensure it delivers the education that industry needs. We have a number of close links with industry, many of whom directly feed into our core activities of research and teaching. Some of these, in brief, are described below:

Guest Lecturing

We have significant input to core and elective modules in the form of lectures and case studies provided by industrial colleagues. These are important elements of both our undergraduate and postgraduate courses. 

Industrial Projects (UG/MSc)

A number of our Undergraduate and Postgraduate taught modules have direct industry input, typically in the form of project supervision. If you are interested in supervising a project at Undergraduate level, please contact:

The Constructionarium 

The Constructionarium is undertaken by our second year undergraduates at the end of their final term (June). We have permanent industry partners who sponsor and deliver the module itself, but we also have additional input from industry in the form of Industrial Graduate Teaching Assistants. This role is typically filled by early career graduates who need some site experience for career progression or chartership. By attending the constructionarium (funded by their employer) they gain valuable professional development. Companies and individuals interested in Industrial Graduate Teaching Assistant opportunities at Constructionarium should contact Rebecca Naessens

Volunteer Activities

A number of students past and present have wanted to use their civil engineering knowledge to make a difference; to raise the standard of living in impoverished communities and those afflicted by natural disaster. If you have a volunteering opportunity you would like us to advertise, please contact Rebecca Naessens

Prizes (UG)

A number of prizes are gifted to the Department which we award to the student who best fits the award criterion each year. If you would like to donate a prize to the Department, please get in touch with our Prizes coordinator, Dr Lorenzo Macorini

Giving a talk/seminar 

Throughout the year a number of talks are organised where industry have the opportunity to address an audience of staff and students. If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact Rebecca Naessens, +44(0)207 594 5990.

Contact the Department

Civil and Environmental Engineering
Skempton Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London, SW7 2AZ

+44 (0)20 7594 5929 / 5932 / 5931

We are located in the Skempton Building (building number 27 on the South Kensington Campus Map). How to find us