HPC computer room


Katerina Michalickova


Course description

Today, HPC forms part of the essential research infrastructure at the Imperial College. The computational infrastructure consists of a hierarchy of hardware systems where each level can run larger simulations or more sophisticated models than the one below.

Institutional HPC services play a key role in bridging the gap between research group workstations at the bottom and national/international facilities at the top.

The course will provide participants with a hands-on introduction to the HPC systems at the College. After an introductory part, participants will log into the cx1 system for guided exercises.


  • computer cluster and HPC in a nutshell
  • systems at Imperial
  • queue system
  • job parameters
  • job scripts
  • file management on the clusters
  • serial jobs
  • multiple serial jobs
  • OpenMP jobs
  • MPI jobs
  • write your own job script

Contact us

Email cmhub@imperial.ac.uk.