You are expected to submit an Exam Entry Form at least four months before you would like to submit your thesis.

To enter for examination, candidates should refer to the Examination Entry milestone visible in the Postgraduate Research Milestones tile in My Imperial, where you will be asked to provide details relating to your research topic, thesis title and expected date of submission. 

Your main supervisor will be asked to nominate examiners for your thesis, in accordance with the College's Procedure for Appointment of Examiners for Research Degrees.

The examination entry details and the examiner nominations will then be considered by the Director of Postgraduate Studies. Upon their approval, the examination entry will be processed by the Registry Assessment Records Team and you will receive written notification via email once your entry to examination is confirmed. 

Please note that candidates must submit their thesis by the given deadline displayed via My Imperial, regardless of the status of the examination entry paperwork. 

Step-by-step guidance for using My Imperial Postgraduate Research Milestones is availabe from the PGR Milestones Manual - Students.

The following video provides an overview of the Examination Entry process. You will need to login using your Imperial username and password in order to play it. 

Exam Entry Form

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25 Exhibition Road
South Kensington
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7594 8888

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