Nanopipettes/nanowells and Nanocages for High Throughput Protein Recognition

Rebecca Early diagnosis has become essential due to advances in drug discovery and medicine. The possibility of detecting cancer pre-tumour could greatly minimise its impact. Therefore detection has moved towards single molecule biosensors on the nanoscale. Protein nanocages are currently of particular interest in this area. The inherent protein self-assembly creates nanostructures of high uniformity and order which are not possible using synthetic methods. The uniformity, ease in engineering and biocompatibility make ferritins a perfect target.

This research aims to create a biosensor with a highly specific protein readout through engineered ferritin nanocages. This novel biosensor has the potential to replace the traditional ELISA assay whilst enabling the robust, fast and inexpensive detection of proteins. The engineered bacterioferritin nanocage provides specific biological recognition, which can be used for cancer cell detection.


  • MRes in Chemical Biology (2015), Imperial College London
  • MChem in Chemistry, with Biological and Medicinal Chemistry with a year in industry (2010-2014), University of Yorki
  • Industrial Placement Student (2013-2014), Analytical & Bioanalytical Development, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Moreton. Conducted a project based on an RSM which is highly polar without a UV chromophore, therefore requiring the use of HILIC, RI detector, CAD detector and Mass Spectrometry. Regularly used GMP and GLP
  • Non Clinical Development Operations Assistant (July-Sept 2012), Shire Pharmaceuticals, Employed to assist the NCD Operations team, involved in stability data tabulation and QC checks.
  • Winner of the Emerging Analytical Professionals (EAP) Bright Spark Oral Presentation Award sponsored by Waters Corporation, at the 2014 conference in Penrith. The talk was entitled: The Separation and Detection of a Polar non-UV chromophore molecule. It discussed work undertaken as my part of my final year project for the University of York at Bristol-Myers Squibb.




Professor Joshua B. Edel
Department of Chemistry
South Kensington Campus
SW7 2AZ London

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 0754

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