Prof Daryl Williams

IMSE Webinar Series

Challenges in Antimicrobial Resistance

The challenge that will be discussed in this session is:

Low Cost Polymeric Materials with Anti-Microbial Properties

Join us for this informal webinar with Professor Daryl Williams. There will be an opportunity for question and answer after the presentation. To join this webinar you must register in advance and you will be emailed the joining instructions for the webinar.


Professor Daryl Williams

Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering

Professor Willams’ current research interests focuses on the particulate materials and material surfaces and their role in product manufacture including both biological and non-biological materials. He has developed a number of novel and leading edge methods for determining a range of surface and bulk physicochemical properties of powders and particulate materials including mechanical, topographical, chromatographic and surface properties.

Recent studies have included studies of protein aggregation, protein crystallisation and freeze drying. The group has world leading expertise in gravimetric charactisation methods as well as inverse chromatographic methods, having pioneered many of these approaches. For example, the water sorption characterisation of many classes of materials, especially pharmaceuticals, biomataterials and biopharmaceutical is an area of significant interest. Current and new project areas include:

  • Protein crystallisation using nanotemplates
  • Surface energy mapping of complex organic powders
  • Micromechanics of agglomerates and cellular entities
  • Physical stability of bioformulations
  • Second virial coefficents and protein-protein aggregation behaviour
  • Freeze drying of therapeutics
  • Surfaces and Particle Engineering Laboratory
  • SMS – UK Surface Measurement Systems

If you have any questions about accessibility requirements please email Leah Adamson (IMSE Events Officer) on

More webinars in the Antimicrobial Resistance Webinar series:

For more information about IMSE involvement with surfaces to combat Antimicrobial Resistance please read our briefing paper Smart Surfaces to Tackle Infection and Anti Microbial Resistance

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