
Join us for an exciting evening of conversation about space mining and possible futures of Earth. We will hear from Kathryn Hadler, a space mining researcher at Imperial College London, about her work to enable oxygen mining on the moon. We will then experience transmissions intercepted from possible futures. We will understand what space scientists think the future might look like and discuss what kind of futures we want.

WHAT // UNEARTHING FUTURES: Science and Stories of Lunar Mining

WHEN // May 27th 18:00 GMT+1

WHERE // Zoom Video conferencing platform. A link will be emailed to registered attendees ahead of the event. Please download the app for free from

BACKGROUND // This conversation is an experimental format that seeks to understand how public visions of the future can be meaningfully incorporated into the directions of scientific research. It is part of a master’s research project by Finn Strivens, a design student at Imperial College.

IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION** // Numbers for this event are limited to 100 participants. Attendees must be registered to attend, and will be emailed a link to the zoom event closer to the time. The first 100 attendees will be admitted to the event.

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