Abstract: The nilpotent adjoint orbits of a Lie algebra play a central role in modern representation theory notably cropping up in the Springer correspondence and the Langlands program via the fundamental lemma. Their behaviour when the base field is algebraically closed is well understood, however the p-adic case which arises in the Langlands program is considerably more subtle. An ‘affine Bala-Carter’ theory was developed by Barbasch and Moy (1997), and later refined by DeBacker (2011) to settle the classification in the p-adic case using Bruhat-Tits buildings and the finite field case. In this talk we combine this work with work by Sommers and McNinch to provide a parameterisation of nilpotent orbits over a maximal unramified extension of a p-adic field in terms of more natural ‘dual’ Springer parameters and outline an application of this parameterisation to the determination of wavefront sets of depth zero representations.