Thanks to the great response this event has already reached capacity and we are no longer taking registrations. If you have registered then you will receive details of how to attend via email.
This event is aimed at starting the conversations about making spaces safe for our staff to discuss and raise concerns in an online format including highly charged matters such as the Black Lives Matter Movement. Some of the topics we aim to cover are the following:
  • Ensure Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff feel safe when attending online events/meetings
  • Empowering BAME staff to report and challenge inappropriate behaviour
  • Potentially create a guide for Imperial staff on how to support BAME staff online
  • The relevance of Black Lives Matters movement have for the voice of BAME staff

Dr Ossie Stuart is a disabled person, from a black and minority ethnic background. He is an equality and diversity consultant with fifteen years’ experience as a trainer and specialist adviser. He employs his own personal assistants and manages his own care. Ossie spent 12 years as an academic at the Universities of Oxford, York and Surrey and has written seminal works on the experience of BME disabled people and social care. As a trainer Ossie has provided disability and equality/diversity training for various bodies. Since 2013 he has also run the annual Calibre Leadership and Management Programme at Imperial College London. Ossie thinks it’s important that disabled people have control over their own destinies; that it’s essential that they are involved in the design and delivery of services relevant. Ossie is in control of the services he receives, seeing co-production as the key driver for excellence.

This event is open to only Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff at Imperial College London. We will open this session to the wider Imperial community at a later date. Following the outcomes of this session, we will work on discussions around safe spaces for other marginalised groups.

Please note this event will not be recorded due to the sensitivity of the topic.