
Mondays, 10th, 17th, and 24th May 


Cost: From 16 to 33 GBP (details on Eventbrite)


(Limited to 12 people)


Building Balanced Empathy is a course lasting 6 hours (3 x 2-hour sessions) designed to explore empathy, vulnerability and emotional resilience.

We examine what causes you to feel emotionally overwhelmed and conversely what leads you to emotionally disconnect from others.

We explore whether we genuinely feel and understand the experiences and emotions of other people.

You will learn techniques empowering you to relate to others in a healthy, more balanced way.

“I learned I have a lot of misplaced or misguided empathy. I realize how much of a communication issue it is not necessarily an issue with feeling. I realized just how deep my need to fix everything goes, especially with role playing” – Linda Melisano, course participant, Florida, May 2019

With our varied learning materials and fun interactive exercises, you will learn how to empathize from your heart and from your head. We explore how to genuinely feel and understand the experiences and emotions of other people, allowing for more compassion towards oneself and others.

You will be able to integrate these techniques afterwards using a series of audio meditations available as download.

This course will help you to develop:

  • a calmer more focused mind
  • better self-understanding and therefore real empathy for others
  • identifying what pushes us out of balance allowing the space for wiser choices
  • stronger emotional resilience
  • closer, more nurturing relationships with family, friends and co-workers
  • more compassion for ourselves and others

The course is led by Hogetsu Baerndal, Chaplain and Mindfulness teacher at Imperial’s Multi-Faith Centre.

Hogetsu is the chaplaincy Mindfulness/Buddhist chaplain. She runs the Mindfulness 5 weeks courses for health and wellbeing as well as 8 weeks courses ‘Zen for insight’ and ’16 Guidelines for a happier life’.   She is a certified Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) 200 and certified registered Meditation & Mindfulness teacher (RMT) 100.

When signing up for this course, please only do so if you know you can attend all sessions. Each session builds on the previous one. 

The course is open to all students and staff at Imperial College, Royal College of Art, Royal College of Music and London School of Economics. Please sign up with your college email.

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