
Stratospheric ozone is an important component of the climate system. It plays a crucial role in the (vertical) temperature structure of the atmosphere and protects life on Earth from harmful UV radiation. Here, I will start with a general introduction how stratospheric ozone “works” in the stratosphere, pointing out anthropogenic ozone destruction and how dealing with it became important for climate policy. This will be followed by a brief statement regarding stratospheric ozone and climate sensitivity, highlighting the importance of properly representing stratospheric ozone in state-of-the-art climate models when assessing future climate change.  Thereafter, I will be focusing on the ozone hole and its impact on regional climate change in Antarctica, introducing also the ICON-ART model and explaining some background regarding the use of so-called time-slice integrations. A perspective on seamless modelling – including the two-way nesting approach implemented in ICON-ART (for the dynamical core and the composition module) – and conclusions will complete my presentation.