Speaker photo and event date & time

About the event

More than 50% of professionals experience career derailment at some point: being fired, demoted, or told we are unpromotable.  In this webinar Carter Cast (Professor of Entrepreneurship at Kellogg School of Management) will share his research on why derailment happens, how to avoid it, and how to recover if it does.

A standard tenet of career advice is to “know your strengths”.  Much less focus is put on helping us diagnose our weaknesses.

Very often it is these lingering blind spots and skill gaps that trip us up when we are confronted by a new work environment or a new challenge to surmount.

In this webinar we will examine how to spot dangerous scenarios early and how to appreciate when problems are brewing.  We will discuss:

  • The most frequent derailment scenarios – and how to spot if we are at risk
  • Five steps we can all take to protect ourselves
  • Why increasing our self-awareness is so beneficial
  • The critical role played by seeking and acting on feedback
  • The single behaviour that most often triggers career destruction

We will also discuss the positive changes we can all make to our work – in particular taking ownership of our own learning – that will allow us to realise our full professional potential.

About the speaker

Carter Cast is the author of The Right (and Wrong) Stuff: How Brilliant Careers are Made – and Unmade. Carter is an award-winning professor at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management where he teaches entrepreneurship, leadership and marketing. Starting his career as a marketing manager at PepsiCo, he moved on to Electronic Arts before becoming founding chief marketing officer of Blue Nile, the leading online diamond seller. Carter later went to Walmart, where he became the CEO of Walmart.com, leading the division to become the third highest volume retailer behind Amazon and eBay. http://cartercast.com

How to book

We have 250 free tickets for alumni which can be booked online (use code “IMPalum” if the free ticket is not shown).

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