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The panel will discuss and answer questions about practical approaches to the responsible and ethical design and use of AI and product development in industry and government. A mix of expertise in business, engineering and policy, the panel speakers will demonstrate that practicing ethically in the tech industry is neither impossible nor a disadvantage, but provides a rich source of innovative ideas for products that more successfully align with stakeholder motivations and values.

Prof. Rafael A. Calvo (Host) is Chair of Engineering Design at the Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London. He is also co-lead at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (Imperial Spoke), and co-editor of the IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society. His research focuses on on the design of intelligent systems that support wellbeing in areas of mental health, medicine and education. He is author of 3 books and over 200 publications in these topics.

Dr Julian Huppert is an academic and politician. He is Founding Director of the Intellectual Forum at Jesus College, Cambridge, a new interdisciplinary centre looking at a very wide range of important issues. His background is as a scientist, working on unusual structures of DNA and using genomics to identify anti-cancer drug targets. He was the Member of Parliament for Cambridge, during which time he was named 2012 ‘Internet Hero of the Year’ among other awards. He was Chair of the Panel of Independent Reviewers for DeepMind Health. He is now Deputy Chair of the NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG, a Director of the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust, and a member of the Home Office Biometrics and Forensics Ethics Group, looking at big data and facial recognition.

Frankie Garcia is a Policy and Research Manager at Digital Catapult in London. Frankie works closely with machine learning startups and scaleups to understand their technical and business barriers. This feeds into the design of impactful interventions for Digital Catapult, and helps to inform UK Government policy makers on the opportunities and challenges facing the early adoption of advanced digital technologies for the UK economy. Frankie has co-authored different reports, developed Government proposals, and conducted analyses on the landscape of ethics and machine learning challenges in the UK. Frankie’s focus areas are primarily in machine learning and supply chains. Frankie has previous experience working in high-growth unicorn companies and holds a BSc from the London School of Economics.

Maria Axente. In her role as Responsible AI and AI for Good Lead at PwC, Maria advises partners across industry, academia, governments, and internal teams, on how to harness the power of AI and data in an ethical and responsible manner. She has played a crucial part in the development and set-up of PwC’s UK AI Center of Excellence, the firm’s AI strategy and most recently the development of PwC’s Responsible AI toolkit, firms methodology for embedding ethics in AI. Maria is a globally recognised AI ethics expert, a Advisory Board member of the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on AI, member of BSI/ISO & IEEE AI standard groups, a Fellow of the RSA and an advocate for gender diversity, children and youth rights in the age of AI.

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