
As part of its mission to facilitate collaboration between traditionally separate and distinct disciplines to innovate new ways to address challenges in cancer – the Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre will be bringing you a series of webinars over the coming months showcasing the expertise and technology of Imperial chemists, bioengineers, physicists and mathematicians. Please join us to inspire consideration of how these novel technologies could be used to shed light on unresolved problems in cancer biology and bring innovative treatment to cancer patients faster.

Professor Paul French – Department of Physics, Imperial College London

Multidimensional fluorescence imaging of cancer


Dr Chris Dunsby – Department of Physics, Imperial College London

High-speed 3D and high-content light-sheet fluorescence microscopy




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Please note: This webinar is exclusively available only to colleagues across the Institute of Cancer Research, Imperial College London, the Royal Marsden Hospital and Imperial College Healthcare. 


About the speakers and presentations: 


Professor Paul French 

In this talk Professor French will talk about the development of instrumentation including microscopy, high content analysis, endoscopy and tomography applied to label-free imaging of cancer and to the probing of underlying molecular processes. This will include super-resolved microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging and FRET.

Paul French is a Professor in the Physics Department at Imperial and is currently Vice Dean (Research) for the Faculty of Natural Sciences. His research group is based in the Physics Department at Imperial and also has a satellite laboratory at the Francis Crick Institute. The research has evolved from ultrafast dye and solid-state laser physics to biomedical optics for applications in molecular cell biology, drug discovery and clinical diagnosis. His current portfolio includes the development and application of multidimensional fluorescence imaging technology for super-resolved microscopy, automated high content analysis, endoscopy and tomography, with open source approaches to instrumentation, including hardware, data acquisition and analysis.

Dr Chris Dunsby

Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) provides low out-of-plane photobleaching and phototoxicity, but usually requires two microscope objective lenses orientated at 90° to one another – one for fluorescence excitation and one for fluorescence detection – making it harder to image samples prepared using conventional mounting methods. In this talk Dr Dunsby will talk about Oblique plane microscopy (OPM), which is a type of LSFM that has been developed in his laboratory and uses a single high numerical aperture microscope objective to provide both fluorescence excitation and detection whilst maintaining the advantages of LSFM – enabling it to provide high-speed 3D imaging for a range of applications on a conventional fluorescence microscope frame. The speed of OPM imaging can be applied to image a single sample at video volumetric imaging rates. It can also be used to enable time-lapse 3D imaging of arrays of samples arrayed in multi-well plates. This talk will present examples of the application of OPM for high-speed 3D imaging of isolated cardiomyocytes and also examples where the system is being applied to study arrays of multicellular spheroids and organoids in 3D over multiple conditions and over time. 

Chris Dunsby works on the development of quantitative fluorescence imaging techniques for applications in biomedicine, including Förster resonant energy transfer microscopy, automated multiwell plate imaging and fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM). He has also worked on super-resolution fluorescence imaging techniques and collaborates with colleagues in Bioengineering to translate optical methods to achieve super-resolved ultrasound imaging. He invented and patented oblique plane microscopy, which is a form of light sheet fluorescence microscopy that can be implemented on a conventional microscope frame to provide high speed 2-D and 3-D imaging. He has also led projects to develop and apply multiphoton imaging and FLIM for clinical applications and developed novel multiphoton endoscopes.