
How can business leaders prepare to lead in a post-pandemic world, as well as responsibly lead through an ongoing crisis?   

COVID-19 blurred the boundary between work and home life and exposed systemic global issues not only in healthcare, but across society. As people look to authority for reassurance, guidance and action, business leaders must embrace a different normal and commit to making ethical choices, even if it means a slower return to profitability for their businesses.

At Imperial College Business School’s annual conference 2021, business leaders and policy makers, alongside our world-class academics, will discuss responsible leadership in the age of COVID-19 as we shift towards a new era of business.

Conference topics include:

  • Being a nimble and principled leader in a time of crisis
  • The role of business in dismantling systemic racism and social inequality
  • Leading in a digitally transformed organisation
  • Navigating the ethical conundrums of new digital technologies

This exclusive, invite-only event has been designed specifically for senior executives interested in sharing ideas about new and innovative ways to lead. Delegates will have the chance to add their voice to the debate and network with key players from business and academia.

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