Dear all,

Please join us for our next CPE Sustainable Energy Materials (SustEM) seminar on Thursday the 10th of June at 3 pm:

Material and Device Designs for Highly Efficient Blue and White Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes

Dr Ziming Chen

Research associate, Ultrafast Optoelectronics group, Department of Chemistry

Abstract: Metal-halide perovskite LEDs (PeLEDs) show great potential to be the next-generation lighting technology, with external quantum efficiencies improved from less than 1% to more than 20% for near-infrared, red and green LEDs in the recent years. However, the development of PeLEDs with blue and white emissions still remains a great challenge. For blue PeLEDs, how to develop perovskite materials for sky-blue and even deep-blue emissions with excellent CIE stability is important to achieve high-quality PeLEDs. While for white PeLEDs, how to combine photons with different emission colours to achieve white light and how to assist photons to escape the device are two critical issues white PeLEDs still facing. This talk will introduce the material (e.g. dimensional and compositional engineering) and device (e.g. the utilisation of near-field optics) designs to address the aforementioned issues, which contribute to highly efficient blue and white PeLEDs.

Bio: Ziming Chen received his bachelor and doctor degree in Materials Science and Engineering in 2013 and 2018, respectively, from South China University of Technology (SCUT), Guangzhou, China. In 2018, he started his postdoctoral career in the State Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices in SCUT, working with Prof Hin-Lap Yip. In 2021, he has moved to Imperial College London as a newly appointed Research Associate in Soft Optoelectronic, working with Dr Artem Bakulin. His research focuses on device engineering, device physics and photophysics studies of metal halide perovskite optoelectronic devices (e.g. light-emitting diodes and solar cells). He had published 21 scientific papers including JouleNat. Commun.Rep. Prog. Phys.Adv. Mater.etc. with citations of over 1400 and H-index of 15.

Best regards,

SustEM organising committee

Yifan, Michael and Ludmilla