Unloved animal club illustration

Our warming planet threatens life on every continent. Seven scientists present seven vulnerable species that need more appreciation and protection as the world changes.

The Unloved Animals Club is coming to the Great Exhibition Road Festival! Our seven scientists compete for your affection as they show love to their favourite creatures in crisis. Representing animals from each continent, our experts will take us from the cold reaches of Antarctica to the warm beaches of the Chagos islands, sharing their stories and explaining how we, and the rest of the world benefit from these underappreciated animals.

Each speaker will also highlight how these creatures are navigating the perils of climate change and what we can do to help them, whilst the audience submits questions and votes to show which critter has won their affection. To conclude the evening poet extraordinaire Dr Robin Lamboll will recite a piece transporting us around the world to the very places these animals live.

Great Exhibition Road Festival

The Great Exhibition Road Festival is a free annual celebration of science and the arts for all ages in South Kensington with an online events programme throughout the year.

Can art and science help inspire a greener future for the planet we share? Join us on 9-15 October for a celebration of our remarkable world and to explore how together we can protect its future against the imminent threat of climate change.

Discover a week of free events for all ages in South Kensington and online. Featuring creative workshops, talks, tours and exhibitions from museums, research and culture organisations based in and around Exhibition Road, including Imperial College London, Royal Commission of 1851, Discover South Kensington, Royal Albert Hall, the V&A, Science Museum, Royal College of Music, Natural History Museum and many more.

The Great Exhibition Road Festival is supported by Huawei, Lead Technology Sponsor

See all our upcoming events on the Festival website

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