Structure of resonance eigenfunctions for chaotic systems with escape

Many physical systems are neither completely closed nor completely open,
but instead they are best described by dynamical systems with partial
escape or absorption. For chaotic quantum systems with partial escape we
(i) introduce classical measures depending on the decay rate that
explain the main properties of resonance states [1],
(ii) conjecture that the intensity statistics for resonance states
universally follows an exponential distribution relative to the
multifractal mean intensity [2], and
(iii) based on a local random wave model derive exact semiclassical
measures for a baker map with randomization on finite phase-space regions.

[1] K. Clauß, E. G. Altmann, A. Bäcker, and R. Ketzmerick,
Phys. Rev. E 100, 052205 (2019).
[2] K. Clauß, F. Kunzmann, A. Bäcker, and R. Ketzmerick,
Phys. Rev. E 103, 042204 (2021).