CRUK Convergence Science Centre

The Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre brings you:

Converging on cancer – engineering and physical sciences and multidisciplinary approaches to advance cancer research seminar series

16th May 15.00-16.00

Please join us for an online seminar on Thursday 16th May, from 15.00-16.00 where you will hear a talk from:


Mr Myles Smith– Division of Radiotherapy and Imaging, The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Tumour specific imaging and mixed reality in Melanoma Surgery

This presentation will explore the application of PSMA-PET imaging for melanoma detection, outlining the scientific basis and our plan for clinical translation. Subsequently, we will showcase our ongoing work in mixed reality (MR). This section will detail how advancements in 3D image generation, augmented reality (AR) headsets, and nuclear medicine are being leveraged, in collaboration with the Convergence Science Centre, to develop an innovative MR platform for melanoma surgery.

Mr. Smith is a surgical oncologist at the Royal Marsden Hospital specializing in melanoma and soft tissue sarcoma. After completing his surgical training in Ireland and a fellowship in Canada, he joined the Royal Marsden in 2014. In addition to his clinical practice, Mr. Smith is actively involved in research, focusing on developing new surgical techniques and improving treatment guidelines for rare cancers, becoming a Reader at the ICR.




Professor Ben Glocker – Department of Computing, Imperial College London

“Safe deployment of medical imaging AI”

Artificial intelligence could fundamentally transform clinical workflows in image-based diagnostics and population screening, promising more objective, accurate and effective analysis of medical images. A major hurdle for using medical imaging AI in clinical practice, however, is the assurance whether it is safe for patients and continues to be safe after deployment. Differences in patient populations and changes in the data acquisition pose challenges to today’s AI algorithms. In this talk we will discuss AI safeguards from the perspective of robustness, reliability, and fairness. We will explore approaches for automatic failure detection, monitoring of performance, and analysis of bias, aiming to ensure the safe and ethical use of medical imaging AI.

Ben Glocker is Professor in Machine Learning for Imaging and Kheiron Medical Technologies / Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Safe Deployment of Medical Imaging AI. He co-leads the Biomedical Image Analysis Group, leads the HeartFlow-Imperial Research Team, and is Head of ML Research at Kheiron. His research is at the intersection of medical imaging and artificial intelligence aiming to build safe and ethical computational tools for improving image-based detection and diagnosis of disease.



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Please note: This webinar is exclusively available only to colleagues across the Institute of Cancer Research, Imperial College London, the Royal Marsden Hospital and Imperial College Healthcare.