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A Grantham Institute event at the UK Pavilion, COP25.

Greenhouse Gas Removal (GGR) technologies such as Afforestation and Direct Air Capture are likely to play a critical role in achieving net-zero emissions.  The scaling of these technologies in line with climate model requirements has the potential to be a multi-trillion pound industry. This session explores how to create a commercial market for GGR. 


Mark Workman, Visiting Lecturer at Imperial College London

Jolene Cooke, Head of Climate Science, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

Jonathon Counsell, Group Head of Sustainability, International Airlines Group (IAG) 

Julio FriedmannSenior Research Scholar, Center on Global Energy Policy (CGEP) Columbia University | @CarbonWrangler

Nicholas Harrison, Director of Knowledge Management, C2G | @C2G2net