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Exhibiting work from:

  • DE4 Solo Project
  • DE4 Enterprise Rollout
  • IDE2 Solo Project
  • GID2 Solo Project
  • Exemplar Work from DE1,2,3. (1-2 projects per year selected by module leaders)
  • Graduating PhDs/Postdocs Poster Presentations
  • Research Themes


Date and Times:

29th and 30th June

Event: Design Engineering zone of the Imperial Festival

Time: 10.00 – 17.00


Library space (postgraduate research exhibits and posters)

Level-2 studio (DE, GID, and IDE student exhibits)


1st July

Event: Private show to invitees (parents, future employers, investors, media)

Time 13:00-17:00  


Library space (postgraduate research exhibits and posters)

Level-2 studio (DE, GID, and IDE student exhibits)


Event: Evening Reception

Time: 17:00-19:00  

Venue: Café area


2nd July

Event: Exclusive show to the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) meeting,

Time: 13.00 – 16.00


Library space (postgraduate research exhibits and posters)

Level-2 studio (DE, GID, and IDE student exhibits)


Event: IAB meeting (IAB members, staff members, and DesSoc executive members)

Time: 16.00 – 17.30

Venue: L0 Board Room and Auditorium


Event: Evening reception

Time: 17.30 – 20.00

Venue: Café area


3rd July

Event: GID and IDE graduands and parents

Time: 8.30 – 10.00

Venue: Atrium and library space