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The Athena SWAN Charter was established in 2005  to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in STEMM and AHSSBL. Since 2015, the charter has recognised work undertaken to address gender equality more broadly, and not just barriers to progression that affect women.

 CEP is preparing to apply for an Athena SWAN award in the next round at the end of November 2018. In preparation for the application, the Athena SWAN Committee will host this lunchtime seminar, when:

Mark Burgman will talk about under-representation of women in environmental science (e.g. in universities, in permanent positions, as journal editors, and as first authors), with a special focus on ecology. He will also explore the reasons behind under-representation and talk about what MEN can do about it.

Caroline Howe will give an overview of the Athena SWAN process and provide some data on CEP specifically – where we are and what we plan to do.

The committee aims to get some input from CEP members as well. Therefore, it is important that all CEP members attend this seminar to make this an integrative process as possible.