
This group works at the interface between the science of air quality and policy. It works closely with all other teams in ERG but particularly the Air Pollution Modelling, Measurement and Air Pollution Epidemiology teams.


Members of the team have extensive experience in advising UK and international policy on air quality, including issues around air quality and health. Recent research in this area has involved the impact of climate policy on air quality and health, the prospects for achieving current WHO air quality guidelines for PM2.5, personalised health impact statements and a range of health impact analyses.

Members of the team are active in advising government, MW is a member of Defra’s Air Quality Expert Group, HW is a member of the Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP), chair of the COMEAP sub-group on quantification of air pollution risk and an adviser to WHO. MW also advises Defra and the Welsh Government on their respective air quality Bills and chairs the Defra/DfT/JAQU Technical Panel on Local Authority air quality action plans. He also co-chairs the WHO air quality Guideline Development Group. MW is one of the three Strategic Priority Fund Clean Air Programme air quality ‘Champions’.

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