The latest HPRU MM Away Day was held on 27th November 2018 at ZSL London Zoo.  Attended by 38 delegates from Public Health England and Imperial College, including theme leads and researchers, PhD students and members of the advisory board.  Delegates enjoyed a series of short presentations from across the research themes, lots of opportunities to catch up with colleagues from across the Unit, and an interactive discussion reflecting on key achievements and challenges since the inception of the HPRU, and looking towards the future. 

Unfortunately the heavens opened right on cue in time for lunch, but it didn't stop us getting out (with umbrellas) to explore the zoo and pose for a group photo!

HPRU Away Day 2018

Department of Infectious Disease EpidemiologyMRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis

General enquiries

For enquiries related to the NIHR HPRU in Modelling and Health Economics, please contact:

HPRU Manager
Deborah Farmer

+44 (0)207 59 43339