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  • Journal article
    Kotti M, Duffell LD, Faisal AA, McGregor AHet al., 2014,

    The Complexity of Human Walking: A Knee Osteoarthritis Study

    , PLOS ONE, Vol: 9, ISSN: 1932-6203
  • Conference paper
    Geraldes D, Hansen U, Jeffers J, Amis Aet al., 2014,

    A framework for parametric analysis of glenoid implant design

    , International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty 2014
  • Journal article
    Buckeridge EM, Bull AMJ, McGregor AH, 2014,

    Biomechanical determinants of elite rowing technique and performance

    , Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, Vol: 25, Pages: e176-e183, ISSN: 0905-7188
  • Journal article
    Chiou SY, Shih YF, Chou LW, McGregor AH, Strutton PHet al., 2014,

    Impaired neural drive in patients with low back pain

    , European Journal of Pain, Vol: 18, Pages: 794-802, ISSN: 1090-3801

    BackgroundControl of trunk movement relies on the integration between central neuronal circuits and peripheral skeletomuscular activities and it can be altered by pain. There is increasing evidence that there are deficits within the central nervous system controlling the trunk muscles in people with low back pain (LBP). However, it is unclear how LBP impacts upon neural drive to back muscles at different levels of voluntary contraction. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate if neural drive is impaired in these patients.MethodsSeventeen patients with LBP and 11 healthy controls were recruited. Bilateral electromyographic (EMG) recordings were obtained from the erector spinae (ES) muscles at two vertebral levels (T12 and L4). Participants performed a series of brief isometric back extensions (50–100% maximum voluntary contraction – MVC), during which transcranial magnetic stimulation was delivered. The size of the evoked (superimposed) twitch was measured using dynamometry.ResultsThe size of the superimposed twitch decreased linearly with increasing contraction strength in the controls; however, this linear relationship was not observed in the patients. Additionally, patients had larger superimposed twitches and longer time‐to‐peak amplitudes during MVCs than those observed in controls. Furthermore, patients had lower MVC and root‐mean‐square EMG activity of ES muscles during MVCs.ConclusionsA decline of central neural drive to the back muscles at high level of voluntary contraction was observed in patients with LBP. These results suggest that it might be pertinent to include neuromuscular facilitation programmes and therapeutic exercise utilizing high voluntary contractions for patients with LBP.

  • Journal article
    McGregor AH, Probyn K, Cro S, Dore CJ, Burton AK, Balague F, Pincus T, Fairbank Jet al., 2014,

    Rehabilitation Following Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis <i>A Cochrane Review</i>

    , SPINE, Vol: 39, Pages: 1044-1054, ISSN: 0362-2436
  • Journal article
    Atallah L, Wiik A, Lo B, Cobb JP, Amis AA, Yang G-Zet al., 2014,

    Gait asymmetry detection in older adults using a light ear-worn sensor

    , PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT, Vol: 35, Pages: N29-N40, ISSN: 0967-3334
  • Journal article
    Duffell LD, Southgate DFL, Gulati V, McGregor AHet al., 2014,

    Balance and gait adaptations in patients with early knee osteoarthritis

    , GAIT & POSTURE, Vol: 39, Pages: 1057-1061, ISSN: 0966-6362
  • Journal article
    Newman SD, Lotfibakhshaiesh N, O'Donnell M, Walboomers XF, Horwood N, Jansen JA, Amis AA, Cobb JP, Stevens MMet al., 2014,

    Enhanced Osseous Implant Fixation with Strontium-Substituted Bioactive Glass Coating

    , TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, Vol: 20, Pages: 1850-1857, ISSN: 1937-3341

    The use of endosseous implants is firmly established in skeletal reconstructive surgery, with rapid and permanent fixation of prostheses being a highly desirable feature. Implant coatings composed of hydroxyapatite (HA) have become the standard and have been used with some success in prolonging the time to revision surgery, but aseptic loosening remains a significant issue. The development of a new generation of more biologically active coatings is a promising approach for tackling this problem. Bioactive glasses are an ideal candidate material due to the osteostimulative properties of their dissolution products. However, to date, they have not been formulated with stability to devitrification or thermal expansion coefficients (TECs) that are suitable for stable coating onto metal implants while still retaining their bioactive properties. Here, we present a strontium-substituted bioactive glass (SrBG) implant coating which has been designed to encourage peri-implant bone formation and with a TEC similar to that of HA. The coating can be successfully applied to roughened Ti6Al4V and after implantation into the distal femur and proximal tibia of twenty-seven New Zealand White rabbits for 6, 12, or 24 weeks, it produced no adverse tissue reaction. The glass dissolved over a 6 week period, stimulating enhanced peri-implant bone formation compared with matched HA coated implants in the contralateral limb. Furthermore, superior mechanical fixation was evident in the SrBG group after 24 weeks of implantation. We propose that this coating has the potential to enhance implant fixation in a variety of orthopedic reconstructive surgery applications.

  • Journal article
    Dodds AL, Halewood C, Gupte CM, Williams A, Amis AAet al., 2014,


    , BONE & JOINT JOURNAL, Vol: 96B, Pages: 325-331, ISSN: 2049-4394
  • Journal article
    Duffell LD, Hope N, McGregor AH, 2014,

    Comparison of kinematic and kinetic parameters calculated using a cluster-based model and Vicon's plug-in gait

  • Journal article
    McGregor AH, Probyn K, Cro S, Doré CJ, Burton AK, Balagué F, Pincus T, Fairbank Jet al., 2014,

    Rehabilitation following surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis.

    , J Evid Based Med, Vol: 7, Pages: 62-63
  • Journal article
    Buckeridge EM, Bull AMJ, Mcgregor AH, 2014,

    Foot force production and asymmetries in elite rowers

    , SPORTS BIOMECHANICS, Vol: 13, Pages: 47-61, ISSN: 1476-3141
  • Journal article
    Varma RK, Duffell LD, Nathwani D, McGregor AHet al., 2014,

    Knee moments of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed and control participants during normal and inclined walking

    , BMJ OPEN, Vol: 4, ISSN: 2044-6055
  • Journal article
    Hunt NC, Ghosh KM, Blain AP, Athwal KK, Rushton SP, Amis AA, Longstaff LM, Deehan DJet al., 2014,

    How does laxity after single radius total knee arthroplasty compare with the native knee?

    , J. Orthop. Res., Vol: 32, Pages: 1208-1213, ISSN: 1554-527X
  • Conference paper
    Spulber I, Papi E, Chen Y-M, Anastasova-Ivanova S, Bergmann J, Georgiou P, McGregor AHet al., 2014,

    Development of a wireless multi-functional body sensing platform for smart garment integration

    , IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 157-160, ISSN: 2163-4025
  • Journal article
    McGregor AH, Dore CJ, Morris TP, 2013,

    An exploration of patients' expectation of and satisfaction with surgical outcome

    , European Spine Journal, Vol: 22, Pages: 2836-2844, ISSN: 1432-0932

    Purpose The majority of studies of surgical outcomefocus on measures of function and pain. Increasingly,however, the desire to include domains such as patients’satisfaction and expectations had led to the development ofsimple measures and their inclusion into clinical studies.The purpose of this study was to determine patients’ preoperativeexpectations of and post-operative satisfactionwith the outcome of their spinal surgery.Methods As part of the FASTER randomised controlledtrial, patients were asked pre-operatively to quantify theirexpected improvement in pain and health status at 6 weeks,6 and 12 months following surgery using 100 mm visualanalogue scales (VAS), and to indicate their confidence inachieving this result and also the importance of thisrecovery to them. Patients were then asked to rate theirsatisfaction with the improvement achieved at each postoperativereview using 100 mm VAS.Results Although differences between patients’ expectationand achievement were minimal 6 weeks post-operatively,there was a clear discrepancy at 6 months and1 year, with patient expectations far exceeding achievement.There were significant correlations between failure toachieve expectations and the importance patients attachedto this recovery at each post-operative assessment, but notwith their confidence in achieving this result. Satisfactionlevels remained high despite expectations not being met,with discectomy patients being more satisfied thandecompression patients.Conclusions Patients’ pre-operative expectations of surgicaloutcome exceed their long-term achievement. Themore importance the patient attached to a good outcome,the larger is the discrepancy between expectation andachievement. Despite this, satisfaction levels remainedhigh. The impact of unrealistic expectations on outcomeremains unclear.

  • Journal article
    Abel RL, Prime M, Jin A, Cobb JP, Bhattacharya Ret al., 2013,

    3D Imaging Bone Quality: Bench to Bedside

    , Hard Tissue, Vol: 2, ISSN: 2050-2303

    IntroductionMeasuring the health of bone is important for understanding the pathogenesis, progression, diagnosis and treatment outcomes for fragility. At present the most common method for measuring bone health in a clinical setting is to assess skeletal mass. The current gold standard is dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) which models bones as 2D objects and measures areal bone mineral density (BMD). However, BMD only accounts for 50% of bone strength and the technique ignores other important factors such as cortical geometry and trabecular architecture, which are also significant contributors. Consequently a new concept of ‘bone quality’ has developed the material and structural basis of bone strength and fragility. As yet though, a suitable non-invasive method has not been developed for measuring quality in living patients. The aim of this paper is to discuss how bone quality might be visualised, quantified and applied in a clinical setting.DiscussionThe most useful imaging techniques are likely to be clinical-CT and MRI. Both modalities have been used successfully to characterise bone macro-structure in 3D e.g. volume fraction and orientation. More recently in vivo systems with high resolution (~0.100–0.200 mm) have been developed that can capture some aspects of bone micro-architecture. Alternatively 3D models created using clinical-CT and MRI can be used to virtually simulate loading on a computer and calculate bone mechanical properties. Analysed together these morphological and mechanical data sets might allow clinicians to provide screening programmes for osteoporosis and calculate individual fracture risk. Especially if applied as part of a holistic approach utilising patient meta-data on risk factors for metabolic bone disease (e.g. FRAX). As well as improve primary and secondary care by setting treat to target criteria for pharmacological therapies and planning surgical interventions or following up treatment outcomes.In the short t

  • Journal article
    Jaffry Z, Masjedi M, Clarke S, Harris S, Karia M, Andrews B, Cobb Jet al., 2013,

    Unicompartmental knee arthroplasties: Robot vs. patient specific instrumentation

    , The Knee
  • Journal article
    Athwal KK, Hunt NC, Davies AJ, Deehan DJ, Amis AAet al., 2014,

    Clinical biomechanics of instability related to total knee arthroplasty

    , Clinical Biomechanics, ISSN: 0268-0033
  • Journal article
    Eilander W, Harris SJ, Henkus HE, Cobb JP, Hogervorst Tet al., 2013,

    Functional acetabular component position with supine total hip replacement

    , BONE & JOINT JOURNAL, Vol: 95B, Pages: 1326-1331, ISSN: 2049-4394

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